9-11 and all that
(too old to reply)
2006-02-25 15:17:51 UTC
Watch this and then try and tell yourself that it was not arranged
and done by the administration with the probable collaboration of
Israeli specialists.
Read this: http://www.snopes.com/rumors/rumors.asp
"And these should give you the grounding you'll need in
thermodynamics, hypermathematics, and of course
Don Howe
2006-02-25 15:33:14 UTC
Watch this and then try and tell yourself that it was not arranged and
done by the administration with the probable collaboration of Israeli

Then see or think where the automatic flak to such an obvious fact
always comes from and you have your confirmation of who and how.
So, Frinkelstein is one. Now do you see who they are? They are
patroling these groups to censor what we say. It is probably their
paid job.
So do we really have to go on suffering these alien-manipulated beasts
taking apart our world that we used to respect as democracy? Some
cynical animals are taking advantage of its virtues to dismantle it
before our eyes and replace it with a culture which already has 800
prison camps waiting on our soil for any who choose to resist this
Just as the news was going off air a couple of days ago the newsreader
glanced at his monitor and said, "Three men have been arrested for
trying (or conspiring) to kill George Bush." - I have heard no mention
of it since.
Whether it was true or not and has been hushed up, what I really want
to know is this: in a country where there are more weapons than
people, and rounds of ammunition must outnumber the population
thousands to one, is there not one individual who respects even their
own freedom enough, let alone that of the rest of the population, to
do something properly?
Apparently we have the biggest and most efficient and most powerfully
equiped military in the world. Can we really not have a single soldier
with gumption enough to do the decent thing? Can it be true that every
member of our military might is as rotten and corrupt as the vermin
who control the administration. Surely, never -
All I ask is this. Don't miss Cheney or Rumsfeld or Wolfowitz or any
of that evil crowd.
Remember this. 'Authority' is a fiction, a mere abstract concept by
which we agree to bow to tyranny, as we see today. It does *not*
prescribe that we automatically have to acquiesce to the dictates of
gangsters, simply because they have been maneuvered into occupation of
this or that particular pile of masonry, does it? And this is the
worst and most cynical gang of organized criminals since year zero.
But are they really making all of us as evil as they are?
Surely . . .
I have seen someone posting the following lately on - I think - a
British ng, and each time the same guileful individuals ease off the
thread so smoothly that it goes no further.
So, Frinkelstein is one. Now do you see who they are? They are
patroling these groups to censor what we say. It is probably their
paid job.
It may not be the greatest sophistication, but what can be so harmful
in it that it has to be smuggled from the sight of the children? Is
there anything in it? Is this the simple answer we are looking for?
Tories, Lib-Dems, or BNP ? Or is there another way ?
Another way. Our own party. The survival party, to survive the
bastards who have taken control of our world and otherwise will see us
all slaves or in the ground.
. . . here is your manifesto for Today and Future (No, it's not a
party. It is just people) -
Suppose I told you that you and everyone else would never have less in
real terms than you have now, but that if you agreed then everyone in
the world would have enough. - Would you agree? Think about it.
You dismantle the conflictive 'party' system by which at present all
oppose others, are governed by traditional party-machinery and vote
according to party lines irrespective of their real inclinations. And
you dismantle the elements of 'the civil service' which so far have
perpetuated the party system in the interest of others.
Instead, the populations have a hundred or a thousand representatives
who can be replaced without notice if they oppose their populations
The representatives vote 'yes or no' on their conscience for the
general good of any proposed project implementation - on their
conscience. Any attempt at corruption? - top all concerned.
We recognise the unreality of money, and money ceases to have effect
and ceases to exist.
For the time being everyone continues working exactly as they are, but
without money.
After a time, the unnecessary work (and most of the crime) will
disappear. It was done only to obtain the money to live - to buy the
food - ("you think it grows in the ground, on trees?"). Now it will
not be necessary.
The necessary work will be shared out, dirty work, too, done on a
basis of annual service, volunteers, or penalty. The rest of the year
is yours, and you can have and do what you want or need. - Without
Children will be able to be educated and brought up as well as
possible rather as badly as possible - Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit -
listen to it, and you will see - rather than 'gangster rap' and
education warped via the Rothschilds' publishing vermin.
The 'asylum seekers' will all be able to go home to nurture countries
as rich as any others. Everybody will be rich in the real sense so
far as their natures prescribe.
The Rothschilds and their aides will have lost their power over feeble
minds. Wars and hoarding mythical zeros will have disappeared. And
you can top anyone who tries to reimpose it - or put them cleaning the
sewers forever.
Cut and dried.
If I can write this in ten minutes and you recognise and approve it
and agree then surely it is not beyond your wit to prevent those who
would oppose it for financial reasons or for perverted lust for
'power' over the rest (for loot).
Then co-operate and do it.
Kind regards -
Unworried - Hartnell Green
Just that. I can only think 'to top' means 'to behead'. Well, that
would make a change from 'topping' so many of innocent populations
just in the interest of oil or expansion, hey?
2006-02-25 15:43:57 UTC
Post by Don Howe
Watch this and then try and tell yourself that it was not arranged
and done by the administration with the probable collaboration of
Israeli specialists.
Then see or think where the automatic flak to such an obvious fact
always comes from and you have your confirmation of who and how.
So, Frinkelstein is one. Now do you see who they are? They are
patroling these groups to censor what we say. It is probably their
paid job.
What the fuck are you on about??? Because I chose not to look at
your link and posted one of my own, leaving your link intact btw,
that is censorship??? Grow up.

You're more than welcome to wallow in your insane fantasies. It
provides us normal people with lots of entertainment.
"And these should give you the grounding you'll need in
thermodynamics, hypermathematics, and of course
Don Howe
2006-02-25 15:55:15 UTC
Post by Don Howe
Watch this and then try and tell yourself that it was not arranged and
done by the administration with the probable collaboration of Israeli
Then see or think where the automatic flak to such an obvious fact
always comes from and you have your confirmation of who and how.
So, Frinkelstein is one. Now do you see who they are? They are
patroling these groups to censor what we say. It is probably their
paid job.
So do we really have to go on suffering these alien-manipulated beasts
taking apart our world that we used to respect as democracy? Some
cynical animals are taking advantage of its virtues to dismantle it
before our eyes and replace it with a culture which already has 800
prison camps waiting on our soil for any who choose to resist this
Just as the news was going off air a couple of days ago the newsreader
glanced at his monitor and said, "Three men have been arrested for
trying (or conspiring) to kill George Bush." - I have heard no mention
of it since.
Whether it was true or not and has been hushed up, what I really want
to know is this: in a country where there are more weapons than
people, and rounds of ammunition must outnumber the population
thousands to one, is there not one individual who respects even their
own freedom enough, let alone that of the rest of the population, to
do something properly?
Apparently we have the biggest and most efficient and most powerfully
equiped military in the world. Can we really not have a single soldier
with gumption enough to do the decent thing? Can it be true that every
member of our military might is as rotten and corrupt as the vermin
who control the administration. Surely, never -
All I ask is this. Don't miss Cheney or Rumsfeld or Wolfowitz or any
of that evil crowd.
Remember this. 'Authority' is a fiction, a mere abstract concept by
which we agree to bow to tyranny, as we see today. It does *not*
prescribe that we automatically have to acquiesce to the dictates of
gangsters, simply because they have been maneuvered into occupation of
this or that particular pile of masonry, does it? And this is the
worst and most cynical gang of organized criminals since year zero.
But are they really making all of us as evil as they are?
Surely . . .
I have seen someone posting the following lately on - I think - a
British ng, and each time the same guileful individuals ease off the
thread so smoothly that it goes no further.
So, Frinkelstein is one. Now do you see who they are? They are
patroling these groups to censor what we say. It is probably their
paid job.
See? - It's automatic. Don't look at what they say - with them it's
all just flim flam and snow - look at what they do. They automatically
curtail and hide what their crowd don't want you to see.
Post by Don Howe
It may not be the greatest sophistication, but what can be so harmful
in it that it has to be smuggled from the sight of the children? Is
there anything in it? Is this the simple answer we are looking for?
Tories, Lib-Dems, or BNP ? Or is there another way ?
Another way. Our own party. The survival party, to survive the
bastards who have taken control of our world and otherwise will see us
all slaves or in the ground.
. . . here is your manifesto for Today and Future (No, it's not a
party. It is just people) -
Suppose I told you that you and everyone else would never have less in
real terms than you have now, but that if you agreed then everyone in
the world would have enough. - Would you agree? Think about it.
You dismantle the conflictive 'party' system by which at present all
oppose others, are governed by traditional party-machinery and vote
according to party lines irrespective of their real inclinations. And
you dismantle the elements of 'the civil service' which so far have
perpetuated the party system in the interest of others.
Instead, the populations have a hundred or a thousand representatives
who can be replaced without notice if they oppose their populations
The representatives vote 'yes or no' on their conscience for the
general good of any proposed project implementation - on their
conscience. Any attempt at corruption? - top all concerned.
We recognise the unreality of money, and money ceases to have effect
and ceases to exist.
For the time being everyone continues working exactly as they are, but
without money.
After a time, the unnecessary work (and most of the crime) will
disappear. It was done only to obtain the money to live - to buy the
food - ("you think it grows in the ground, on trees?"). Now it will
not be necessary.
The necessary work will be shared out, dirty work, too, done on a
basis of annual service, volunteers, or penalty. The rest of the year
is yours, and you can have and do what you want or need. - Without
Children will be able to be educated and brought up as well as
possible rather as badly as possible - Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit -
listen to it, and you will see - rather than 'gangster rap' and
education warped via the Rothschilds' publishing vermin.
The 'asylum seekers' will all be able to go home to nurture countries
as rich as any others. Everybody will be rich in the real sense so
far as their natures prescribe.
The Rothschilds and their aides will have lost their power over feeble
minds. Wars and hoarding mythical zeros will have disappeared. And
you can top anyone who tries to reimpose it - or put them cleaning the
sewers forever.
Cut and dried.
If I can write this in ten minutes and you recognise and approve it
and agree then surely it is not beyond your wit to prevent those who
would oppose it for financial reasons or for perverted lust for
'power' over the rest (for loot).
Then co-operate and do it.
Kind regards -
Unworried - Hartnell Green
Just that. I can only think 'to top' means 'to behead'. Well, that
would make a change from 'topping' so many of innocent populations
just in the interest of oil or expansion, hey?
2006-02-25 16:28:52 UTC

quit crossposting this shit all over the place
Boy Toy
2006-03-04 00:32:41 UTC
Post by Don Howe
Watch this and then try and tell yourself that it was not arranged and
done by the administration with the probable collaboration of Israeli
Then see or think where the automatic flak to such an obvious fact
always comes from and you have your confirmation of who and how.
So, Frinkelstein is one. Now do you see who they are? They are
patroling these groups to censor what we say. It is probably their
paid job.
Perhaps he just doesn't like massively cross-posted redundant spam.