More Bad Economic News, Census Bureau Reports More Adults Living In Shared Households And More Receiving Food Stamps, Thanks Mr. Obama!
(too old to reply)
Bradley K. Sherman
2012-12-04 22:31:29 UTC
Welcome to Obamaville!
US Manufacturing Declines in November
Census Bureau Reports More Adults Living In Shared Households And More
Receiving Food Stamps
In the District of Columbia and the BLUE STATES of California,
Florida, Hawaii, New York and Nevada, 20 percent or more of the
population 18 and older lived in someone else's household in 2011, the
highest shares among the states and the state equivalents.

Why do Obozo and the DemoCRETINs hate America?
2012-12-06 03:18:02 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Welcome to Obamaville!
US Manufacturing Declines in November Census Bureau Reports More Adults
Living In Shared Households And More Receiving Food Stamps

Well, nothing really wrong with "shared households".
Remember "The Waltons" ? Same idea ... it's cheaper
to put a bunch of people in one big house than have
everybody buy their own house - plus granny can watch
the kiddies and granny won't have to buy a Medic Alert
buzzer. Seems like this 'recession' is resurrecting
the beloved 'nuclear family' - probably a GOOD thing.

Now the food stamps ... NOT such a good thing. It
speaks of a very stagnant economy with very poor
prospects for truely gainful employment. At least
'the Waltons' were farmers and could feed themselves,
but these days most people think food spontaneously
materializes inside the freezer-boxes at the supermarket.
A much more infrastructure-dependent society.
