"You Can't Fix STUPID"
(too old to reply)
2006-08-20 22:00:27 UTC
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-21 00:04:20 UTC
Eldon Warman wrote:

You sure can't. Particularly when it is you that is the stupid one.
2006-08-21 02:26:50 UTC
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-21 03:07:06 UTC
Eldon Warman wrote:

Nothing important as usual.
Vicegerent aka Eldon Warman
2006-08-21 13:44:39 UTC
Post by Nobody
You sure can't. Particularly when it is you that is the stupid one.
Abbot) Yes, it is a comic irony that Eldon berates folks for buying
into Bush's keep 'em scared ruse at the same time he pushes his
detax snake oil.

One wonders if the live-his-the-live-in-his-momma's-basement Eldon is
really p*ssed at Bush because he is doing a better job of selling his
2006-08-21 13:46:43 UTC
Post by Nobody
You sure can't. Particularly when it is you that is the stupid one.
Abbot) Yes, it is a comic irony that Eldon berates folks for buying
into Bush's keep 'em scared ruse at the same time he pushes his detax
snake oil.

One wonders if living-in-his-momma's-basement Eldon is really p*ssed at
Bush because he is doing a better job of selling his gambit.
2006-08-21 14:33:39 UTC
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-21 14:42:33 UTC
Abbot) Rather than posting over things you don't like, Denialboy, why
don't you address the observation that you and George Bush similarly
use the bald faced lie as a propaganda weapon.
Post by Vicegerent
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'
In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally
"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."
Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
"You can't fix stupid!"
There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.
What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"
2006-08-21 17:38:41 UTC
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Rather than posting over things you don't like, Denialboy,
why don't you address the observation that you and George Bush
similarly use the bald faced lie as a propaganda weapon.
I always think it is funny that Eldon always has to quote the words of
others to argue his point. He never uses his words when speaking of
his useless method unless he is calling someone, that thinks his system
is garbage, a name. Does that mean he is too stupid to think for
2006-08-21 17:44:13 UTC
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-21 22:15:59 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Post by Nobody
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Rather than posting over things you don't like, Denialboy,
why don't you address the observation that you and George Bush
similarly use the bald faced lie as a propaganda weapon.
I always think it is funny that Eldon always has to quote the
words of others to argue his point. He never uses his words when
speaking of his useless method unless he is calling someone, that
thinks his system is garbage, a name. Does that mean he is too
stupid to think for himself?
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'
<Snipped the rest of the usual garbage>

It certainly appears so. LOL.
2006-08-21 18:06:07 UTC
Post by Nobody
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Rather than posting over things you don't like, Denialboy,
why don't you address the observation that you and George Bush
similarly use the bald faced lie as a propaganda weapon.
I always think it is funny that Eldon always has to quote the words of
others to argue his point. He never uses his words when speaking of
his useless method unless he is calling someone, that thinks his system
is garbage, a name. Does that mean he is too stupid to think for
Abbot) It's Eldon words that have gotten him in trouble. Just like he
bit his lip and tried to act sane during his TV interview a couple of
years ago Eldon has to cut and paste to keep the beast under raps lest
he get another corn holing from the Human Rights Commission.
2006-08-21 22:17:40 UTC
Post by Abbot
Post by Nobody
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Rather than posting over things you don't like,
Denialboy, why don't you address the observation that you and
George Bush similarly use the bald faced lie as a propaganda
I always think it is funny that Eldon always has to quote the
words of others to argue his point. He never uses his words when
speaking of his useless method unless he is calling someone, that
thinks his system is garbage, a name. Does that mean he is too
stupid to think for himself?
Abbot) It's Eldon words that have gotten him in trouble. Just like
he bit his lip and tried to act sane during his TV interview a
couple of years ago Eldon has to cut and paste to keep the beast
under raps lest he get another corn holing from the Human Rights
Yes, it must be kind of hard for him to keep track of all his BS. It
is easier to say nothing and use a 'paste' than stick his foot in his
mouth again.
2006-08-22 03:35:31 UTC
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-22 13:36:59 UTC
Abbot) Eldon, your thought process is painfully transparent. You think
if you can portray governments of the U.S. and U.K. as ignorant, dirty
and rotten it will justify your lawlessness.

Your flawed logic ignores the fact that your violent, bigoted and
disputable behavior is aimed at Canada and Canadian authorities, not
those of U.S. and U.K.

Frankly, your case is a testament to the gentle and patient nature of
Canadian justice. If it were up to us yanks 30 minutes after you
threatened to kill that process server we'd have been reading you
your rights while you were face down on yo momma's basement floor.

I know you think you are a brave patriot settling a score with the U.S.
but the fact is American authorities had their way with you like you
were a "two dollar hoe".

You are pathetic.
Post by Vicegerent
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'
In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally
"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."
Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
"You can't fix stupid!"
There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.
What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"
2006-08-22 13:39:56 UTC
Abbot) Eldon, your thought process is painfully transparent. You think
if you can portray governments of the U.S. and U.K. as ignorant, dirty
and rotten it will justify your lawlessness.

Your flawed logic ignores the fact that your violent, bigoted and
despicable behavior is aimed at Canada and Canadian authorities, not
those of U.S. and U.K.

Frankly, your case is a testament to the gentle and patient nature of
Canadian justice. If it were up to us yanks 30 minutes after you
threatened to kill that process server we'd have been reading you your
rights while you were face down on yo momma's basement floor. I know
you think you are a brave patriot settling a score with the U.S. but
the fact is American authorities had their way with you like you were a
"two dollar hoe".

You are pathetic.
Post by Vicegerent
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'
In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally
"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."
Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
"You can't fix stupid!"
There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.
What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"
2006-08-22 14:42:50 UTC
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-22 16:06:05 UTC
Abbot) Eldon, your thought process is painfully transparent. You think
if you can portray governments of the U.S. and U.K. as ignorant, dirty
and rotten it will justify your lawlessness.

Your flawed logic ignores the fact that your violent, bigoted and
despicable behavior is aimed at Canada and Canadian authorities, not
those of U.S. and U.K.

Frankly, your case is a testament to the gentle and patient nature of
Canadian justice. If it were up to us yanks 30 minutes after you
threatened to kill that process server we'd have been reading you your
rights while you were face down on yo momma's basement floor.

I know you think you are a brave patriot settling a score with the U.S.
but the fact is American authorities had their way with you like you
were a "two dollar hoe".

You are pathetic. "No" you say? From your Canadian Human Rights
Tribunal Case:

"On March 31, 2005, Eldon Warman was personally served with documents
from the Commission. There was something of an altercation. The
affidavit from the process server states that he served Eldon Warman
with documents and began to walk away.
The said Respondent then picked up a rock about the size of his hand. I
turned and advised him that if he touched me that I would charge him
with assault. He then stated "you couldn't charge me with assault
because I'm going to f**king kill you". I then ran to my car and left
the area."


But you didn't kill him did you Eldon? The fact is didn't do
anything but go back into yo momma's house and hide under your bed.
And when the tribunal told you to stop posting anti-Semitic rants you
did just what your masters told you!
Post by Vicegerent
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'
In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally
"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."
Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
"You can't fix stupid!"
There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.
What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"
2006-08-23 02:15:19 UTC
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-23 12:51:49 UTC
Abbot) What's the matter Eldon? You don't want to talk about the
twenty year old failure of the chief product tester of the Warman detax
method . . .you? Does a discussion of the self-deception you use to
justify your lawlessness hit too close to home? Does your shameless
self-gratifying exploitation of detax wannabes embarrass you?
Post by Vicegerent
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'
In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally
"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."
Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
"You can't fix stupid!"
There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.
What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"
2006-08-23 14:02:16 UTC
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-23 14:51:16 UTC
Vicegerent wrote:

Post by Vicegerent
"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."
Abbot) The irony is that this sounds like you, Eldon! You keep
borrowing/inventing detax methods all of which fail, despite your
claims that they are "100% effective"!
2006-08-23 20:14:10 UTC
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-23 20:36:27 UTC
Abbot) LOL!!! t

The great Eldon Warman, who once fantasized that he'd detax Canada, is
reduced to posting his Rainman message from the semi-finished basement
of his momma's house.
Post by Vicegerent
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'
In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally
"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."
Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
"You can't fix stupid!"
There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.
What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"
2006-08-23 21:07:01 UTC
Post by Abbot
Abbot) LOL!!! t
The great Eldon Warman, who once fantasized that he'd detax
Canada, is reduced to posting his Rainman message from the
semi-finished basement of his momma's house.
You notice that it has been a long time since Eldon has said anything
for himself? I wonder if his momma does all of his talking for him in
real life.
2006-08-24 03:03:41 UTC
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-24 15:14:51 UTC
Post by Nobody
Post by Abbot
Abbot) LOL!!!
The great Eldon Warman, who once fantasized that he'd detax
Canada, is reduced to posting his Rainman message from the
semi-finished basement of his momma's house.
You notice that it has been a long time since Eldon has said anything
for himself? I wonder if his momma does all of his talking for him in
real life.
Abbot 2) Eldon's aged momma used to screen his phone calls so as to
shield the poor old boy. In 2004 and 2005 Eldon was getting visits from
process servers and never mentioned his momma being mixed up in that
mess. I suspect she has passed away since Eldon would not have been
unable to resist whining that the bad old government had scared his

This hypothesis is strengthened by Eldon's deteriorating mental
health, which is clearly worsening, quite possibly due to the absence
of the moderating influence of his mother. Eldon's momma was the only
remaining family member who provided the old crazy with support.
Despite his claims of independence one suspects that without his momma
around to scold him for hiding in the basement and threatening process
servers with rocks Eldon is finally adrift in the world.

Seeing Eldon endlessly repeat the same post, one wonders if his mental
disorder hasn't been exacerbated by self-medication and social
2006-08-24 15:17:49 UTC
Post by Nobody
Post by Abbot
Abbot) LOL!!!
The great Eldon Warman, who once fantasized that he'd detax
Canada, is reduced to posting his Rainman message from the
semi-finished basement of his momma's house.
You notice that it has been a long time since Eldon has said anything
for himself? I wonder if his momma does all of his talking for him in
real life.
Abbot 2) Eldon's aged momma used to screen his phone calls so as to
shield the poor old boy. In 2004 and 2005 Eldon was getting visits from
process servers and never mentioned his momma being mixed up in that
mess. I suspect she has passed away since Eldon would not have been
able to resist whining that the bad old government had scared his

This hypothesis is strengthened by Eldon's deteriorating mental health,
which is clearly worsening, quite possibly due to the absence of the
moderating influence of his mother. Eldon's momma was the only
remaining family member who provided the old crazy with support.
Despite his claims of independence one suspects that without his momma
around to scold him for hiding in the basement and threatening process
servers with rocks Eldon is finally adrift in the world.

Seeing Eldon endlessly repeat the same post, one wonders if his mental
disorder hasn't been exacerbated by self-medication and social
2006-08-24 16:26:37 UTC
Post by Abbot
Abbot) LOL!!!
The great Eldon Warman, who once fantasized that he'd detax
Canada, is reduced to posting his Rainman message from the
semi-finished basement of his momma's house.
since nobody, not even a prison cell, can reform eldon
why bother trying?

Killfile & save the bandwidth.
2006-08-24 18:10:15 UTC
Post by l***@rogers.com
Post by Abbot
Abbot) LOL!!!
The great Eldon Warman, who once fantasized that he'd detax
Canada, is reduced to posting his Rainman message from the
semi-finished basement of his momma's house.
since nobody, not even a prison cell, can reform eldon
why bother trying?
Killfile & save the bandwidth.
Abbot) Eldon, (and you are Eldon), like so many schizophrenics you have
lost touch with reality. Your delusions are so strong you have become
convinced of things, like your "make believe ship", that simply
aren't true.

That you can't change your behavior no matter how many lifes you ruin
speaks volumes about your mental health.
2006-08-24 18:23:56 UTC
Post by Abbot
Post by l***@rogers.com
Post by Abbot
Abbot) LOL!!!
The great Eldon Warman, who once fantasized that he'd detax
Canada, is reduced to posting his Rainman message from the
semi-finished basement of his momma's house.
since nobody, not even a prison cell, can reform eldon
why bother trying?
Killfile & save the bandwidth.
Abbot) Eldon, (and you are Eldon), like so many schizophrenics you have
lost touch with reality. Your delusions are so strong you have become
convinced of things, like your "make believe ship", that simply
aren't true.
That you can't change your behavior no matter how many lifes you ruin
speaks volumes about your mental health.
You, sir, appear to be as batty as your nemesis.

and a **PLONK ** to you too!!
2006-08-24 18:27:38 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Abbot
Post by l***@rogers.com
Post by Abbot
Abbot) LOL!!!
The great Eldon Warman, who once fantasized that he'd detax
Canada, is reduced to posting his Rainman message from the
semi-finished basement of his momma's house.
since nobody, not even a prison cell, can reform eldon
why bother trying?
Killfile & save the bandwidth.
Abbot) Eldon, (and you are Eldon), like so many schizophrenics you have
lost touch with reality. Your delusions are so strong you have become
convinced of things, like your "make believe ship", that simply
aren't true.
That you can't change your behavior no matter how many lifes you ruin
speaks volumes about your mental health.
You, sir, appear to be as batty as your nemesis.
Abbot 2) Maybe. But at least I don't have to check my house for
extension cords.
Post by l***@gmail.com
and a **PLONK ** to you too!!
2006-08-25 04:48:16 UTC
Well.. If ever proof were required to prove
that there is no fixing 'stupid', then this
Jackass Foster of Kentucky - posting
as Abbot is it.

Now, back to the topic of this thread:

This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-25 16:45:23 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Well.. If ever proof were required to prove
that there is no fixing 'stupid'
You certainly have shown that is true, Eldon. Thanks.
2006-08-28 00:37:48 UTC
Well.. If ever proof were required to prove
that there is no fixing 'stupid', then this
Jackass Foster of Kentucky - posting
as Abbot is it.

Now, back to the topic of this thread:

This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-08-28 13:10:52 UTC
Abbot) Hocking, as does Warman, a string of failed detax methods for
20 plus years, never once checking their effectiveness through the
simple method of reading case law, meets just about anybody's
standard of stupid.
Post by Vicegerent
Well.. If ever proof were required to prove
that there is no fixing 'stupid', then this
Jackass Foster of Kentucky - posting
as Abbot is it.
This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'
In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally
"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."
Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
"You can't fix stupid!"
There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.
What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"
2006-08-31 14:42:16 UTC
Well.. If ever proof were required to prove
that there is no fixing 'stupid', then this
Jackass Foster of Kentucky - posting
as Abbot is it.

Now, back to the topic of this thread:

This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-09-01 01:44:13 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Well.. If ever proof were required to prove
that there is no fixing 'stupid', then this
post by me proves it.
One of the few true things you have ever said Eldon.
2006-09-02 03:24:08 UTC
Well.. If ever proof were required to prove
that there is no fixing 'stupid', then this
Jackass Foster of Kentucky - posting
as Abbot is it.

Now, back to the topic of this thread:

This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-09-02 03:33:06 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Well.. If ever proof were required to prove
that there is no fixing 'stupid', then I am
proof of it.
No truer words have ever been spoken, Eldon. About time you owned up.
2006-09-02 17:25:13 UTC
Well.. If ever proof were required to prove
that there is no fixing 'stupid', then this
Jackass Foster of Kentucky - posting
as Abbot is it.

Now, back to the topic of this thread:

This exerpt from an article by Edgar Steele.
Liquid Bombers Prove:
'They Hate Our Freedoms!'

Read the whole article here:

In the article, Steele makes the point that it
is ludicrous to believe that 'terrorists' could
make a liquid bomb on an aircraft, especially
the kind blathered about by Bush and Blair.
Chemical scientists state that it is totally

"Bush has run out of the sort of lies that
"fool all of the people some of the time."
Now he is left only with fooling "some of
the people all of the time."

Regrettably, those people, who believe
anything told them by CNN and Fox
News, are beyond our reach because,
as comedian Ron White likes to say:
"You can't fix stupid!"

There is a segment of both America
and Britain that quite simply will roll
along, believing anything that Bush,
Blair and their controlled media have
to say. However, now you and I know
better, don't we? In fact, most of us
no longer believe anything that Bush
and Blair tell us.

What's more, we now know better
than to believe anything Bush and
Blair ever did tell us!"

Posted by:
2006-09-03 02:31:00 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Well.. If ever proof were required to prove
that there is no fixing 'stupid', then this
Jackass Foster of Kentucky - posting
as Abbot is it.
You mean the part where you are shown to be stupid and not worth
saving? No wonder your wife did what she did. You embarrased her to
