The Vatican's New World Order
(too old to reply)
2006-10-25 19:57:17 UTC
For those of you who have doubted my frequent
pointing out that the primary source of the evil
New World Order is the Red Robed Priests of
Babylon now situated in the Vatican - not as
the Roman Catholic Church, but as the Mythraic
'Holy Roman Empire'.

The Vatican was established by these Red Robed
Priests of Babylon (Cardinals) arounf 300 BC as
the Cult of Mythraism. When ordered to convert
to Christianity arounf 350 AD by Emperor Constantine,
they put a very thin coat of Christian paint on their
Mythraic Cult, and proceeded to continue the evil
eliteism that is typical of the ancient Persian cults
of plunder and control.


Former High Level Italian Illuminati Comes Clean
BY: Greg Szymanski
Date Published: 2006-10-25

Leo Zagami, successor to high-level Italian Illuminati figure
and former Reagan unofficial Vatican advisor, Licio Gelli,
switches sides from evil to good and is warning Americans
about coming fascism.

Very rarely does a high-level Illuminati 33 degree Freemason
come forward with inside information, damaging to the
Vatican-controlled and Jesuit-led New World Order.

But Leo Zagami, a Sicilian aristocrat and former high-member
of the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge, is doing just that, coming forward
for the simple reason he could no longer work under the forces
of evil who are killing millions around the world.

The following message from Zagami, who just left the clutches
of the evil Illuminati in June, is printed to show just how high-up
in the Illuminati pecking order his black star had risen.

It is also printed to protect Zagami's life as he was already arrested,

beaten and tortured twice since going public with a web site geared
at enlightening America to the threat the Vatican-led Illuminati
poses to the American people.

[ Continued on the above linked webpage ]

2006-10-25 22:36:03 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
For those of you who have doubted my frequent
pointing out that the primary source of the evil
My heavy investments in tinfoil continues to pay great dividends

2006-10-25 23:24:40 UTC
It might, if you had a brain to protect.

Post by PV
Post by Vicegerent
For those of you who have doubted my frequent
pointing out that the primary source of the evil
My heavy investments in tinfoil continues to pay great dividends
His Divine Shadow
2006-10-26 00:23:57 UTC
On 10/25/06 5:24 PM, Vicegerent's useable flesh will be contributed to the
Protein Bank, where it will be recycled for purposes that serve His Shadow.
Post by Vicegerent
It might, if you had a brain to protect.
Someone who rambles on about the Illuminati shouldn't be throwing stones.

His Shadow

"Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full
house and four people died."

Steven Wright (1955-) U.S. Comedian & Actor
2006-10-26 03:38:35 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
It might, if you had a brain to protect.
Thats pretty funny coming from a one post pony such as yourself. Suprised
you didn't just simply repost again. Conspiracy nuts are really quite

Remember to double layer your foil so it's more effective.

Post by Vicegerent
Post by PV
Post by Vicegerent
For those of you who have doubted my frequent
pointing out that the primary source of the evil
My heavy investments in tinfoil continues to pay great dividends