Post by Bradley K. Sherman
The jobs being lost at Orlando Health are overpaid management paper-pushing
positions, not at the lower ranks.
As ObamaCare forces competitiveness in the health care marketplace, those who
basically are riding an unproductive position because of the existence of the
oligopoly of regional monopolies and basically writing their own ticket
without actually earning it are being shown the door.
The story basically says that they can re-apply for a lower-paid position.
As things even out, and as workers organize in the labor pool, the pay of
those atually doing the work will rise. Those "losing" their jobs are in the
position to know that their own bosses are susceptible too, and these workers
can set up a collective bargaining: profit sharing and other mechanisms.
The Enraged Apostate
Formerly Winston Smith, American Patriot. (reset your killfiles)
Made possible by Slackjaw
Right-wing talking points show a popular appeal in
the same way that trainwrecks are morbidly fascinating.
But soon after the desire to be horrified at the spectacle passes,
the realization soon follows that it is all an ugly, bloody mess,
and it will only be cleaned up with leftist methods and a liberal in charge.