---- Welcome To Obamaville! Increasing Demand for Food Stamps Echoes The Great Depression "Thanks Mr. Obama!"
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Sid Sucks 9 Dicks
2012-11-18 13:34:49 UTC
More Bad News For America
Obozo's Four Years Of Failure
Increasing Demand for Food Stamps Echoes The Great Depression
Increasing numbers of citizens are relying on government handouts to
feed their families. Lines for food stamps are eerily reminiscent of
the bread lines of the early 1930s. Are we in the midst of another
Food Stamps: Surges in Demand
Recent reports from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program show
that the number of families claiming food stamps in the U.S. is rising
How's That Hopey-Changey Thing Working Out For You?
2012-11-18 14:49:26 UTC
Post by Sid Sucks 9 Dicks
More Bad News For America
Obozo's Four Years Of Failure
Increasing Demand for Food Stamps Echoes The Great Depression
Increasing numbers of citizens are relying on government handouts to
feed their families. Lines for food stamps are eerily reminiscent of
the bread lines of the early 1930s. Are we in the midst of another
Food Stamps: Surges in Demand
Recent reports from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program show
that the number of families claiming food stamps in the U.S. is rising
How's That Hopey-Changey Thing Working Out For You?
More proof that Obama led us into StagFlation, and didn't lead us into
the promised land.
*Welcome to Socialism*

-Kum bay ya-
2012-11-18 15:07:20 UTC
Post by Sid Sucks 9 Dicks
More Bad News For America
Obozo's Four Years Of Failure
Increasing Demand for Food Stamps Echoes The Great Depression
Increasing numbers of citizens are relying on government handouts to
feed their families.
Soon enough there will be shortages of food due to Social rather than
technical and scientific barriers. The Socialist UNIONS are causing
Twinkies to stop being made and Michelle Obama is happy I'm sure.

But it also closed one of the two largest bread making corporations in
the Nation. The Wonder Bread they made won't be on shelves, thanks to a
"Social" distraction and NOT a mechanical or scientific problem, it's
all about Obama.

Obama wants Unions to thrive and the unions are closing the bakery and
if you have fewer choices in bread then it was all about Obama and the
unions and their socialist ideology and has nothing to do with making
bread but rather everything about greedy unions and a greedy President.
Post by Sid Sucks 9 Dicks
Lines for food stamps are eerily reminiscent of
the bread lines of the early 1930s. Are we in the midst of another
Bread lines will be here again as Socialists attack commerce with more
regulations, people can't give sandwiches to the homeless, so the
homeless get to go hungry, but it's NOT a scientific reason or a
logistics reason, it's a Socialist reason, they need regulations in
place to make sure that only what the Socialists want produced is
produced and that will be less and less food until we are like the third
world Socialists and the government controls the food and through that
they control people. It is SOFT SLAVERY
Post by Sid Sucks 9 Dicks
Food Stamps: Surges in Demand
Recent reports from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program show
that the number of families claiming food stamps in the U.S. is rising
How's That Hopey-Changey Thing Working Out For You?
More proof that Obama led us into StagFlation, and didn't lead us into
the promised land.

Obama can't get to the mountain top and he will never see over to the
other side or see his children be judged by the content of their
character because Democrat-Socialists always see the color of the skin

Democrats have always been and still are the premier RACISTS in America.
*Welcome to Socialism*

-Kum bay ya-