On Sat, 24 Nov 2012 15:44:08 -0500, Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
Post by Y***@Jurgis.netOn Sat, 24 Nov 2012 10:59:16 -0800 (PST), "Bradley K. Sherman"
Post by Bradley K. ShermanLos Angeles Times: "White women had the lowest abortion rate, at about
8.5 per 1,000 women of child-bearing age, while the rate for African
American women was four times larger"
Thanks, RATs!
No kidding.
Could it be that white women have more access to birth control because
they have health insurance?
Guess you didn't think about that -- but, then, no one ever accused
you rightwingnutjobs of being capable of rational thought.
-- quote
About 18% of all pregnancies in the United States end in abortion, the
CDC noted. Factors from the availability of abortion providers, state
laws, the general economy and access to health services including
contraception, can all influence the abortion rate, according to the
CDC. An important way to reduce abortions is to eliminate unwanted
That would involve a level of personal responsibility that wouldn't be
tolerated from a collective whose goal it 'is' to prohibit judgments
such as 'unwanted pregnancies'. They prefer less judgmental words such
as boo boo or, accident or invading zygote.
Chicago: The citys murder rate is up about 35 percent compared to the
same time last year. There were nine homicides last weekend and
about 50 shootings.
"Compared to the previous two weekends, were doing okay"
--Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy
The stench of Progressive Liberalism grows accustomed to violent
death. The result of the Democrat Party's Eugenics program that took
the shame out of having bastard children and two generations later
enjoys the fruit of its breeding program as the perfect on call voter.
Chicago, ground zero on unwanted chilren