More Bad Economic News, Student-Loan Delinquencies Now Surpass Credit Cards, Thanks Mr. Obama!
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Bradley K. Sherman
2012-11-28 14:18:22 UTC
Welcome to Obamaville!
Student-Loan Delinquencies Now Surpass Credit Cards
CNBC: The proportion of U.S. student loan balances that are in
delinquency — that is, unpaid for 90 days or more — surpassed that of
credit-card balances in the third quarter for the first time,
according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Moreover, the actual rate of student loan delinquency is far higher
than the official tally suggests. According to the New York Fed,
“these delinquency rates for student loans are likely to understate
actual delinquency rates because almost half of these loans are
currently in deferment, in grace periods or in forbearance and
therefore temporarily not in the repayment cycle.”

Why do Obozo and the DemoCRETINs hate America?
2012-11-28 16:05:17 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Welcome to Obamaville!
Student-Loan Delinquencies Now Surpass Credit Cards CNBC: The proportion
of U.S. student loan balances that are in delinquency — that is, unpaid
for 90 days or more — surpassed that of credit-card balances in the
third quarter for the first time, according to the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York. Moreover, the actual rate of student loan delinquency is
far higher than the official tally suggests. According to the New York
Fed, “these delinquency rates for student loans are likely to understate
actual delinquency rates because almost half of these loans are
currently in deferment, in grace periods or in forbearance and therefore
temporarily not in the repayment cycle.” http://www.cnbc.com/id/49983471
Why do Obozo and the DemoCRETINs hate America?
I think we're looking at two groups here.

The first WOULD pay up IF they could find
jobs that paid enough - a continuing issue
that I can't see politicians of any ilk
having much effect upon.

However I get the feeling there's a second
group that's getting larger ... people who
figure everybody OWES them six or eight
years worth of college just because, well,
just because. Their plan is to pay nothing
and drive the whole college loan scheme
into crisis - assuming the govt will soon
surrender, forgive all such debts and bail
out the lenders. Based on the recent political
approach to such things, they have every
reason to believe this will happen.

That it likely means pretty much NOBODY
will ever be able to get an education loan
ever again ... well ... they got theirs, so
FUCK everyone else dontchaknow.
Liberal Here
2012-11-28 20:03:06 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Welcome to Obamaville!
Student-Loan Delinquencies Now Surpass Credit Cards CNBC: The proportion
of U.S. student loan balances that are in delinquency — that is, unpaid
for 90 days or more — surpassed that of credit-card balances in the
third quarter for the first time, according to the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York. Moreover, the actual rate of student loan delinquency is
far higher than the official tally suggests. According to the New York
Fed, “these delinquency rates for student loans are likely to understate
actual delinquency rates because almost half of these loans are
currently in deferment, in grace periods or in forbearance and therefore
temporarily not in the repayment cycle.”http://www.cnbc.com/id/49983471
Why do Obozo and the DemoCRETINs hate America?
   I think we're looking at two groups here.
   The first WOULD pay up IF they could find
   jobs that paid enough - a continuing issue
   that I can't see politicians of any ilk
   having much effect upon.
   However I get the feeling there's a second
   group that's getting larger ... people who
   figure everybody OWES them six or eight
   years worth of college just because, well,
Ummmm, you mean conservatives...who think liberal programs (like
college loans) are tricks used to steal their money. So they think
their fraud is tit-for-tat.
   just because. Their plan is to pay nothing
   and drive the whole college loan scheme
   into crisis -
Which is the Grover Norquist plan to drown the federal government. Be
an interesting test of my argument if party registration to defaulter
names was compared.

I didn't have a rich daddy. I had a college loan to supplement my GI
benefits. I'm a liberal. I paid off my loan. Oh, and obviously I
served my two years of active service. How about you?
assuming the govt will soon
   surrender, forgive all such debts and bail
   out the lenders. Based on the recent political
   approach to such things, they have every
   reason to believe this will happen.
   That it likely means pretty much NOBODY
   will ever be able to get an education loan
   ever again ... well ... they got theirs, so
   FUCK everyone else dontchaknow.
Which is the conservative philosophy. After all, were college loans a
conservative or liberal idea? Heck, was the GI Bill a conservative or
liberal idea?

In fact....the economic benefit of college educations is so great
there is no way to justify forcing people to pay for a post-high
school education. The post-WW2 economic boom has long been regarded as
the consequence of the millions of men who served in WW2 and were
given a college education in gratitude. Of course, you, as a moronic
reichtard, may demand another world war before another full GI Bill.