More Bad Economic News, December 1, 2012: The Real Unemployment Rate Is Now 17.1%, Thanks Mr. Obama!
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Bradley K. Sherman
2012-12-01 21:53:10 UTC
Welcome to Obamaville!
December 1, 2012: The Real Unemployment Rate, The Unemployment Rate
That Reflects The Actual State Of Unemployment In The United States,
Is Currently 17.1%

Why do Obozo and the DemoCRETINs hate America?
2012-12-01 22:04:47 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Welcome to Obamaville!
December 1, 2012: The Real Unemployment Rate, The Unemployment Rate
That Reflects The Actual State Of Unemployment In The United States,
Is Currently 17.1%http://www.gallup.com/poll/125639/Gallup-Daily-Workforce.aspx
Why do Obozo and the DemoCRETINs hate America?
Read your own chart correctly. The 17.1% represents the
UNDERemployed. The 7.1% is the UNemployed.
Liberals are VERMIN
2012-12-02 02:23:43 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Welcome to Obamaville!
December 1, 2012: The Real Unemployment Rate, The Unemployment Rate
That Reflects The Actual State Of Unemployment In The United States,
Is Currently 17.1%http://www.gallup.com/poll/125639/Gallup-Daily-Workforce.aspx
Why do Obozo and the DemoCRETINs hate America?
Read your own chart correctly.  The 17.1% represents the
UNDERemployed.  The 7.1% is the UNemployed.
B.S. Official unemployment does NOT included those out of work for
more than 8 weeks AND people who have been out of work so long they've
quit looking. REAL unemployment of people WHO WOULD work if they
could find it is 17%. Some areas, it's up to 30%!!!
2012-12-02 04:48:58 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Welcome to Obamaville!
December 1, 2012: The Real Unemployment Rate, The Unemployment Rate
That Reflects The Actual State Of Unemployment In The United States,
Is Currently 17.1%http://www.gallup.com/poll/125639/Gallup-Daily-Workforce.aspx
Why do Obozo and the DemoCRETINs hate America?
Read your own chart correctly.  The 17.1% represents the
UNDERemployed.  The 7.1% is the UNemployed.
B.S.  Official unemployment does NOT included those out of work for
more than 8 weeks AND people who have been out of work so long they've
quit looking.  REAL unemployment of people WHO WOULD work if they
could find it is 17%.  Some areas, it's up to 30%!!!
You didn't read the chart either, did you?

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