Birth Certificates are not necessary. Neither are SSN and SIN.
(too old to reply)
2006-01-20 05:25:18 UTC
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FROM email:

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No Need For Birth Certificate

From: vicbeck | ***@trytel.net

No Need For Birth Certificate

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

SSN's and Babies: A Refresher Course ...

I read your post with interest. I have a couple comments.

First a bit of background. I rid myself of their Socialist Slavery
Number nearly 15 years ago. I've not filed fraudulent "Income Tax"
returns since 1984. I've run my own businesses without any "Business
License" since 1982. I've freely traveled this nation without
a"Driver's License" or "Passport" since 1992. In 1994 I married the
love of my life WITHOUT a "Marriage License". In 1997 and 1999 our
children were born without Socialist Slavery Numbers OR Birth
Certificates. Weare home schooling and our eldest is currently reading
at a 3rd gradelevel fully 2 months BEFORE her 6th birthday!

Now, my comments. It is my reasoned belief that the MAJOR problempeople
have when intending to have children sans BC & SSN is they make WAY TOO
big a deal out of it before hand. They put the hospital on
notice and give them a chance to make life miserable for the parents.
The way we handled our first in 1997 and our second in 1999 was as

For WEEKS prior to the birth I made sure my wife practiced what to say
to ANYONE asking that she sign something while in the hospital. She was
well grounded and knew to refer EVERYONE to me for anything that
required a signature or authorization of ANY kind.

My wife went into labor at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns =
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />4am on her due date
after 7 months of relatively nasty complications. We headed to the
hospital around 7:30am. After checking in and getting settled the baby
was born at about 3:30pm. The time in recovery and moving into the room
that evening was uneventful. Since my mother-in-law was there and
willing to spend the night at the hospital with my wife I went home to
care for thepets and get my last GOOD night sleep for a while.

Upon returning the next morning around 9:00am my wife informed me that
someone from H&HS (Health & Human Services) had been there very early
that morning requesting she sign "required forms". Of course, she told
them she was way too tired to deal with it then and asked they leave
the "required forms" with her and pick them up later. An interesting
note, the H&HS lady showed up within 2 minutes of my mother-in-law
leaving for
the hospital cafeteria for breakfast. I took the forms, folded them and
put them in my pocket for closer inspection later. I spent the day with
my wife and new baby. My mother-in-law went home to get some much
needed sleep around 11am. I went to the hospital cafeteria around 4:30
for dinner (having not eaten since breakfast at 8:00am). Within 2
minutes of my leaving the H&HS lady showed up requesting the "required
forms" from my wife. My wife told her that I had them and would be back
from dinner in 30 minutes. The H&HS lady said she had duplicates in her
office and would my wife please sign them before she left for the day
at 4:45. My wife declined and referred the H&HS lady to me, yet once
again. I returned at 5:00pm to hear the story. That night was
uneventful (with the exception of little sleep and LOTS of diaper

The next morning we were due to leave at 12:00noon. My wife was up
walking with my mother-in-law and I was sitting in the room with my
baby. In walked the H&HS lady. She looked EXACTLY like what I'd imagine
a beaurocratic worker bee would. Short, fat, thick glasses and not much
in the way of personality. Certainly, NO sense of humor. She asked for
"the papers". I reached in my pocket and asked if they were "the
papers" to which she referred. She said yes, reaching for them. I let
her have them. She noticed NOTHING was filled in. I told her I'd not
had the chance to read them, yet. She said, and I quote: "There's
nothing to read. You just need to sign them." I informed her that
neither my wife nor I would ever be so stupid as to sign something the
content of which we were not intimately familiar. She seemed indignant
that I wasn't compliant with her so she told me: "They're just the
Birth Certificate Authorization form and the Application for Social
Security Number form. It's no big deal. Everyone is required to sign
them before they're allowed to leave the hospital." That last one
really got my goat. So, I told her that if that truly was the content
of the forms, that there was nothing on those forms that anyone other
than the child's parents needed to know and I declined to fill them out
or sign them. Upon which she said: "Well, by law, I must get these
forms completely filled out and signed by you AND your wife before I
can let you leave the hospital!" Upon which I replied: "Oh, there's a
law? REALLY? Do you have a lawyer assigned to your office? Well, go
back to your office and have him find BOTH the law AND the enforcing
regulation for that law and fax it over to you. Bring it up here, I'll
take the time to read the law and the regulation which states what the
penalty for breaking the law is and I'll make an informed decision as
whether I'll comply with the law or break the law and suffer the
consequences." She just stood there with her mouth gaping until I told
her to run along quickly as she was wasting my tax dollars. I don't
think she much liked that last one... Regardless, she showed up about
45 minutes later (right after my wife and mother-in-law had left to the
cafeteria for lunch). I said: "That was fast! I've never known a lawyer
that could lay his hands on any law that quickly. May I see it?" To
which she replied: "Well... There is no law. But if you don't sign
those forms your baby won't have a name!" That one REALLY got me going.
I was forced to laugh at her at that point, still holding my baby and
said: "I know there's no law. However, people have been having babies
and naming them for millenia, time immemorial! EVERY SINGLE ONE of them
had a NAME! They did not require a peon such as
yourself to assign a name to them. My child already has a name." She
was visibly getting angry and frustrated but did a pretty good job
containing herself and said: "Well, if you don't sign those papers the
Security Guards for the hospital won't allow you, your wife or your
baby to leave." That one sounded so funny I nearly fell off my chair
laughing and replied through the laughter: "I hope you and the security
guards don't mind getting sued for false imprisonment!" Then, she said
something that actually scared me. She said: "Well, if you won't
cooperate, I'll just have to fill in and sign the forms myself." I
stood up (all 6' 240#) and towered over her with the most ominous look
I could put on and said: "IF YOU, or anyone else, fraudulently obtains
or discloses ANY information regarding myself, my wife or my baby I
WILL find out and I WILL sue you to the fullest extent of the law both
criminally AND civilly! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!?!" I think I scared her
with that more than she scared me with her prior statement because she
started shaking, teared up, dropped the papers and left in enough of a
hurry to knock over the nurse coming in (who was twice her size). That
was the last I heard from her. We left that afternoon without any

About 3 weeks later we got a duplicate birth certificate form and SS-5
in the mail addressed to "New Baby" at our street address. Inside
already filled onto the Application for Birth Certificate it referred
to "Name: BABY GIRL" and "DATE OF BIRTH: xx/xx/97" (date intentionally
left out by me, note capitalization) with no information inserted for
"Father's Name:" or "Mother's Name:".A form letter was attached to the
Application for Birth Certificate which stated that they knew of a baby
girl being born on the specified date but had no further information
and could we please submit the requested information for "better census
and record keeping purposes". Of course, it wanted to make sure we
signed "under penalty of perjury" the information on the form. Also,
attached to the SS-5 was a statement that "without a Social Security
Number one may have trouble obtaining and keeping a job, attending
school, or participating in our political system". Of course, the whole
thing went in the same file as the forms the H&HS lady dropped on our
last meeting. I know exactly where they all are: the Miramar Landfill
in little shreds.

A year and a half later, our second was born at the same hospital, on
the same floor, with the same doctors and nurses. The major difference
was that I did not leave my wife (except to relieve myself) for the 36
hours she was there. The H&HS lady (yes, the EXACT SAME LADY!) showed
her face exactly once. She stepped into the room, took one look at me,
turned around and left without saying a word. I never saw her again and
never got the follow-up letter for our second child. I know MANY people
whose kids DO NOT have a SSN. I know many fewer whose kids DO NOT have
a BC. I STRONGLY SUGGEST that any "parent to be" seriously consider NOT
filing forms for EITHER. You can always, with two witness affidavits,
obtain a birth certificate later. With that birth certificate later
obtained, you can always apply for a Socialist Slavery Number via the
REASON (other than obtaining SSA benefits).
Bit7in San Diego.
2006-01-20 05:40:04 UTC
Post by Jimmy_for_freedom
I know MANY people
whose kids DO NOT have a SSN. I know many fewer whose kids DO NOT have
a BC. I STRONGLY SUGGEST that any "parent to be" seriously consider NOT
filing forms for EITHER.
But why?
2006-01-20 14:15:18 UTC
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_for_freedom
I know MANY people
whose kids DO NOT have a SSN. I know many fewer whose kids DO NOT have
a BC. I STRONGLY SUGGEST that any "parent to be" seriously consider NOT
filing forms for EITHER.
But why?
If you've beening following anything in this group, you'd know that the
fewer contracts you enter into with any government at any level, then
you'd know there's less obligation you have to the government. By not
obtaining birth certificates or SSN/SIN for your kids, you are NOT
selling them into slavery which is what these contracts are all about.
Barky Bark
2006-01-20 18:23:26 UTC
I love this kind of stuff, being a lawyer myself. Personally I didn't have
a SSN until I was 18 and had to get one. I do agree that there is far too
much governmental regulation of pretty much every aspect of our lives, but I
disagree with these peoples' concept that you are entering into a "contract"
with the government and only then can the government enforce its will
against you. Let's face it, the government has power over you whether you
like it or not, and really no matter what you do. It doesn't need the
justification of "contracts" or any other nonsense -- that you are living in
this culture at all is enough for it to do what it wants. I'm not saying
this is a good thing, but to think otherwise is delusional.
Paul Thomas, CPA
2006-01-20 18:52:58 UTC
Post by Barky Bark
I love this kind of stuff, being a lawyer myself. Personally I didn't have
a SSN until I was 18 and had to get one. I do agree that there is far too
much governmental regulation of pretty much every aspect of our lives, but I
disagree with these peoples' concept that you are entering into a "contract"
with the government and only then can the government enforce its will
against you. Let's face it, the government has power over you whether you
like it or not, and really no matter what you do.
Or where you go.....as in the government of another country has dominion
over you while you are in their country- - like it or not.

Nope, you don't have a British version of a SSN, but break some of their
laws and you'll find out that not having that number doesn't protect you
form their legal system.
Post by Barky Bark
It doesn't need the
justification of "contracts" or any other nonsense -- that you are living in
this culture at all is enough for it to do what it wants. I'm not saying
this is a good thing, but to think otherwise is delusional.
Paul Thomas, CPA
Christopher Browne
2006-01-20 14:11:15 UTC
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_for_freedom
I know MANY people
whose kids DO NOT have a SSN. I know many fewer whose kids DO NOT have
a BC. I STRONGLY SUGGEST that any "parent to be" seriously consider NOT
filing forms for EITHER.
But why?
It allows you to live outside society, as a bit of a renegade/outlaw.

With that, plus motorcycle leathers, and long Lorenzo Lamas hair,
you'll find that chicks dig you... (Of course, which is actually the
cause of the "digging" is debatable :-))
Rules of the Evil Overlord #63. "Bulk trash will be disposed of in
incinerators, not compactors. And they will be kept hot, with none of
that nonsense about flames going through accessible tunnels at
predictable intervals." <http://www.eviloverlord.com/>
2006-01-20 15:29:44 UTC
Post by Christopher Browne
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_for_freedom
I know MANY people
whose kids DO NOT have a SSN. I know many fewer whose kids DO NOT have
a BC. I STRONGLY SUGGEST that any "parent to be" seriously consider NOT
filing forms for EITHER.
But why?
It allows you to live outside society, as a bit of a renegade/outlaw.
With that, plus motorcycle leathers, and long Lorenzo Lamas hair,
you'll find that chicks dig you... (Of course, which is actually the
cause of the "digging" is debatable :-))
Rules of the Evil Overlord #63. "Bulk trash will be disposed of in
incinerators, not compactors. And they will be kept hot, with none of
that nonsense about flames going through accessible tunnels at
predictable intervals." <http://www.eviloverlord.com/>
Hey Chris! How've you been? Did Jack'O send for you to cover for him
today? Obviously from your side of the tracks, it's difficult to see
clearly due to all the government licensed smoke stacks surrounding
you. lol
Michael Eaton
2006-01-25 13:28:09 UTC
Post by Christopher Browne
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_for_freedom
I know MANY people
whose kids DO NOT have a SSN. I know many fewer whose kids DO NOT have
a BC. I STRONGLY SUGGEST that any "parent to be" seriously consider NOT
filing forms for EITHER.
But why?
It allows you to live outside society, as a bit of a renegade/outlaw.
I'm confi=used why is no one saying the real fact of the matter.
You need to have a SSN and BC for life.
You cannot hold down a legitimate job anywhere in the 50 states without
those two documents.
Yes I did say legitimate. If you don't want to have one then hey whatever.
When you go for a job interview their are certain documents you must have to
gain employment.
SSN and the card with it. I'm sorry maybe I'm just not getting this but it
is also illegal to hire someone without those documents.
2006-01-26 06:17:48 UTC
Post by Michael Eaton
Post by Christopher Browne
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_for_freedom
I know MANY people
whose kids DO NOT have a SSN. I know many fewer whose kids DO NOT have
a BC. I STRONGLY SUGGEST that any "parent to be" seriously consider NOT
filing forms for EITHER.
But why?
It allows you to live outside society, as a bit of a renegade/outlaw.
I'm confi=used why is no one saying the real fact of the matter.
You need to have a SSN and BC for life.
You cannot hold down a legitimate job anywhere in the 50 states without
those two documents.
Yes I did say legitimate. If you don't want to have one then hey whatever.
When you go for a job interview their are certain documents you must have to
gain employment.
SSN and the card with it. I'm sorry maybe I'm just not getting this but it
is also illegal to hire someone without those documents.
Really?!? How is it illegal to hire someone without a SSN and/or a
Birth Certificate? Show me the law please.
2006-01-26 06:58:38 UTC
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Michael Eaton
Post by Christopher Browne
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_for_freedom
I know MANY people
whose kids DO NOT have a SSN. I know many fewer whose kids DO NOT have
a BC. I STRONGLY SUGGEST that any "parent to be" seriously consider NOT
filing forms for EITHER.
But why?
It allows you to live outside society, as a bit of a renegade/outlaw.
I'm confi=used why is no one saying the real fact of the matter.
You need to have a SSN and BC for life.
You cannot hold down a legitimate job anywhere in the 50 states without
those two documents.
Yes I did say legitimate. If you don't want to have one then hey whatever.
When you go for a job interview their are certain documents you must have to
gain employment.
SSN and the card with it. I'm sorry maybe I'm just not getting this but it
is also illegal to hire someone without those documents.
Really?!? How is it illegal to hire someone without a SSN and/or a
Birth Certificate? Show me the law please.
You have to take care of the employer's portion of the taxes for the
employee. This can't be done without a SSN or TIN, AFAIK.
2006-01-26 13:48:56 UTC
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Michael Eaton
Post by Christopher Browne
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_for_freedom
I know MANY people
whose kids DO NOT have a SSN. I know many fewer whose kids DO NOT have
a BC. I STRONGLY SUGGEST that any "parent to be" seriously consider NOT
filing forms for EITHER.
But why?
It allows you to live outside society, as a bit of a renegade/outlaw.
I'm confi=used why is no one saying the real fact of the matter.
You need to have a SSN and BC for life.
You cannot hold down a legitimate job anywhere in the 50 states without
those two documents.
Yes I did say legitimate. If you don't want to have one then hey whatever.
When you go for a job interview their are certain documents you must have to
gain employment.
SSN and the card with it. I'm sorry maybe I'm just not getting this but it
is also illegal to hire someone without those documents.
Really?!? How is it illegal to hire someone without a SSN and/or a
Birth Certificate? Show me the law please.
You have to take care of the employer's portion of the taxes for the
employee. This can't be done without a SSN or TIN, AFAIK.
That wasn't the question. Does anyone have the law that clearly states
it is illegal to hire someone without a SSN or BC?
2006-01-26 13:54:37 UTC
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Michael Eaton
Post by Christopher Browne
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_for_freedom
I know MANY people
whose kids DO NOT have a SSN. I know many fewer whose kids DO NOT have
a BC. I STRONGLY SUGGEST that any "parent to be" seriously consider NOT
filing forms for EITHER.
But why?
It allows you to live outside society, as a bit of a renegade/outlaw.
I'm confi=used why is no one saying the real fact of the matter.
You need to have a SSN and BC for life.
You cannot hold down a legitimate job anywhere in the 50 states without
those two documents.
Yes I did say legitimate. If you don't want to have one then hey whatever.
When you go for a job interview their are certain documents you must have to
gain employment.
SSN and the card with it. I'm sorry maybe I'm just not getting this but it
is also illegal to hire someone without those documents.
Really?!? How is it illegal to hire someone without a SSN and/or a
Birth Certificate? Show me the law please.
You have to take care of the employer's portion of the taxes for the
employee. This can't be done without a SSN or TIN, AFAIK.
That wasn't the question. Does anyone have the law that clearly states
it is illegal to hire someone without a SSN or BC?
Abbot) Question answered, in part, nearly two hours ago:
2006-01-26 14:01:50 UTC
Post by Abbot
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Michael Eaton
Post by Christopher Browne
Post by Larry
Post by Jimmy_for_freedom
I know MANY people
whose kids DO NOT have a SSN. I know many fewer whose kids DO NOT have
a BC. I STRONGLY SUGGEST that any "parent to be" seriously consider NOT
filing forms for EITHER.
But why?
It allows you to live outside society, as a bit of a renegade/outlaw.
I'm confi=used why is no one saying the real fact of the matter.
You need to have a SSN and BC for life.
You cannot hold down a legitimate job anywhere in the 50 states without
those two documents.
Yes I did say legitimate. If you don't want to have one then hey whatever.
When you go for a job interview their are certain documents you must have to
gain employment.
SSN and the card with it. I'm sorry maybe I'm just not getting this but it
is also illegal to hire someone without those documents.
Really?!? How is it illegal to hire someone without a SSN and/or a
Birth Certificate? Show me the law please.
You have to take care of the employer's portion of the taxes for the
employee. This can't be done without a SSN or TIN, AFAIK.
That wasn't the question. Does anyone have the law that clearly states
it is illegal to hire someone without a SSN or BC?
In an employer/employee relationship. But that does not mean one cannot
be contracted outside those parameters without a SSN or BC.
Michael Eaton
2006-01-26 07:16:12 UTC
It is not a law however how can paperwork be filled out and filled out to a
legal standard where the information is not falsified if you do not have
this information.
Not to mention what about applying for credit or a cell phone license to
drive or State id
Same thing no docs no paperwork
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Really?!? How is it illegal to hire someone without a SSN and/or a
Birth Certificate? Show me the law please.
Richard Macdonald
2006-01-26 12:00:58 UTC
Post by Michael Eaton
It is not a law however how can paperwork be filled out and filled out to a
legal standard where the information is not falsified if you do not have
this information.
Not to mention what about applying for credit or a cell phone license to
drive or State id
Same thing no docs no paperwork
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Really?!? How is it illegal to hire someone without a SSN and/or a
Birth Certificate? Show me the law please.
There is no requirement for you to obtain a Social Security Number.

However, there IS a requirement for you to provide a SSN to your
employer on form W-4 in order to complete the form. If the form is
not complete, it is invalid and your employer is required to withhold
income tax at the single, no dependants, rate; your choice.
Don Priebe
2006-01-26 13:03:35 UTC
Post by Richard Macdonald
There is no requirement for you to obtain a Social Security Number.
However, there IS a requirement for you to provide a SSN to your
employer on form W-4 in order to complete the form. If the form is
not complete, it is invalid and your employer is required to withhold
income tax at the single, no dependants, rate; your choice.
And knowing that scenario in advance, your potential employer may choose to
hire someone else who will not cause paperwork problems or upset the
bookkeeper. If he finds out after you are hired ... most employment is "at
will" and he is not obligated to keep you on as an employee.
Don in Upstate NY
2006-01-26 13:53:36 UTC
Post by Don Priebe
Post by Richard Macdonald
There is no requirement for you to obtain a Social Security Number.
However, there IS a requirement for you to provide a SSN to your
employer on form W-4 in order to complete the form. If the form is
not complete, it is invalid and your employer is required to withhold
income tax at the single, no dependants, rate; your choice.
And knowing that scenario in advance, your potential employer may choose to
hire someone else who will not cause paperwork problems or upset the
bookkeeper. If he finds out after you are hired ... most employment is "at
will" and he is not obligated to keep you on as an employee.
Don in Upstate NY
That's always his choice. The point was that there is no law against
hiring someone who doesn't have a SSN or BC. I imagine that if person
not being hired for lack of those docs, the hiring party may have a
decrimination suit against him if the hireling is savvy enough to know
his rights as a free man.
2006-01-26 14:06:29 UTC
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Don Priebe
Post by Richard Macdonald
There is no requirement for you to obtain a Social Security Number.
However, there IS a requirement for you to provide a SSN to your
employer on form W-4 in order to complete the form. If the form is
not complete, it is invalid and your employer is required to withhold
income tax at the single, no dependants, rate; your choice.
And knowing that scenario in advance, your potential employer may choose to
hire someone else who will not cause paperwork problems or upset the
bookkeeper. If he finds out after you are hired ... most employment is "at
will" and he is not obligated to keep you on as an employee.
Don in Upstate NY
That's always his choice. The point was that there is no law against
hiring someone who doesn't have a SSN or BC. I imagine that if person
not being hired for lack of those docs, the hiring party may have a
decrimination suit against him if the hireling is savvy enough to know
his rights as a free man.
Abbot) The question aside of whether refusing to hire a person who
won't produce identifying information needed to complete his/her
withholding forms, the civil suit strategy would require the hireling
to go into a government court and use his name. . .a thing Warman style
detaxers says gets one put on the "slave ship".
2006-01-26 14:23:07 UTC
Post by Abbot
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Don Priebe
Post by Richard Macdonald
There is no requirement for you to obtain a Social Security Number.
However, there IS a requirement for you to provide a SSN to your
employer on form W-4 in order to complete the form. If the form is
not complete, it is invalid and your employer is required to withhold
income tax at the single, no dependants, rate; your choice.
And knowing that scenario in advance, your potential employer may choose to
hire someone else who will not cause paperwork problems or upset the
bookkeeper. If he finds out after you are hired ... most employment is "at
will" and he is not obligated to keep you on as an employee.
Don in Upstate NY
That's always his choice. The point was that there is no law against
hiring someone who doesn't have a SSN or BC. I imagine that if person
not being hired for lack of those docs, the hiring party may have a
decrimination suit against him if the hireling is savvy enough to know
his rights as a free man.
Abbot) The question aside of whether refusing to hire a person who
won't produce identifying information needed to complete his/her
withholding forms, the civil suit strategy would require the hireling
to go into a government court and use his name. . .a thing Warman style
detaxers says gets one put on the "slave ship".
The strategy, in priniciple isn't exclusive to one party. While nobody
said it would an easy struggle to live as a free man, the right to do
so is still yours.
2006-01-26 14:29:15 UTC
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Abbot
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Don Priebe
Post by Richard Macdonald
There is no requirement for you to obtain a Social Security Number.
However, there IS a requirement for you to provide a SSN to your
employer on form W-4 in order to complete the form. If the form is
not complete, it is invalid and your employer is required to withhold
income tax at the single, no dependants, rate; your choice.
And knowing that scenario in advance, your potential employer may choose to
hire someone else who will not cause paperwork problems or upset the
bookkeeper. If he finds out after you are hired ... most employment is "at
will" and he is not obligated to keep you on as an employee.
Don in Upstate NY
That's always his choice. The point was that there is no law against
hiring someone who doesn't have a SSN or BC. I imagine that if person
not being hired for lack of those docs, the hiring party may have a
decrimination suit against him if the hireling is savvy enough to know
his rights as a free man.
Abbot) The question aside of whether refusing to hire a person who
won't produce identifying information needed to complete his/her
withholding forms, the civil suit strategy would require the hireling
to go into a government court and use his name. . .a thing Warman style
detaxers says gets one put on the "slave ship".
The strategy, in priniciple isn't exclusive to one party. While nobody
said it would an easy struggle to live as a free man, the right to do
so is still yours.
Abbot 2) It wouldn't be Jimmy if it weren't for his hopelessly
contradictory claims and lame explanations. . .LOL!!!!
Michael Eaton
2006-01-27 00:17:45 UTC
You wonder if the question was asked for the sake of the question?
This type is one of those well if they do blah blah then I don't have to do
it and I can bring them to court and do Blah Blah Blah
but the reality is the question is a moot point.
No there is no law but you still have to pay a tax on earned wages. Ask Al
In order to do that you must have a SSN and to get that you must have a BC.
To apply for a job you must supply those documents of identification.
One job I applied for demanded to see even more than any other place. That
job was on the skip to another list.
The point is the are needed to comply with regulations on the whole.
Yes you can get through life without them. It's just easier with them.

Mike Eaton
2006-01-31 03:43:38 UTC
I once did the books for a company where an employee did not give a SIN. I
just filled out the annual payroll records at the end of the year, filled
out everything as normal but just put "SIN not given" in his SIN area on the
TD4 summary. Never a problem with the government. Why should there be,
they got his payroll deductions and the employers share. Now was he able to
file for his tax return? I don't know? But it was his problem.

Post by Michael Eaton
You wonder if the question was asked for the sake of the question?
This type is one of those well if they do blah blah then I don't have to do
it and I can bring them to court and do Blah Blah Blah
but the reality is the question is a moot point.
No there is no law but you still have to pay a tax on earned wages. Ask Al
In order to do that you must have a SSN and to get that you must have a BC.
To apply for a job you must supply those documents of identification.
One job I applied for demanded to see even more than any other place. That
job was on the skip to another list.
The point is the are needed to comply with regulations on the whole.
Yes you can get through life without them. It's just easier with them.
Mike Eaton
2006-01-26 19:29:20 UTC
Post by Abbot
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Don Priebe
Post by Richard Macdonald
There is no requirement for you to obtain a Social Security Number.
However, there IS a requirement for you to provide a SSN to your
employer on form W-4 in order to complete the form. If the form is
not complete, it is invalid and your employer is required to withhold
income tax at the single, no dependants, rate; your choice.
And knowing that scenario in advance, your potential employer may choose to
hire someone else who will not cause paperwork problems or upset the
bookkeeper. If he finds out after you are hired ... most employment is "at
will" and he is not obligated to keep you on as an employee.
Don in Upstate NY
That's always his choice. The point was that there is no law against
hiring someone who doesn't have a SSN or BC. I imagine that if person
not being hired for lack of those docs, the hiring party may have a
decrimination suit against him if the hireling is savvy enough to know
his rights as a free man.
Abbot) The question aside of whether refusing to hire a person who
won't produce identifying information needed to complete his/her
withholding forms, the civil suit strategy would require the hireling
to go into a government court and use his name. . .a thing Warman style
detaxers says gets one put on the "slave ship".
Without the "question aside", there is no law against contracting
someone for hire who doesn't have a SSN or BC as everyone has the right
to contract if he chooses.
2006-01-26 19:36:32 UTC
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Abbot
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Don Priebe
Post by Richard Macdonald
There is no requirement for you to obtain a Social Security Number.
However, there IS a requirement for you to provide a SSN to your
employer on form W-4 in order to complete the form. If the form is
not complete, it is invalid and your employer is required to withhold
income tax at the single, no dependants, rate; your choice.
And knowing that scenario in advance, your potential employer may choose to
hire someone else who will not cause paperwork problems or upset the
bookkeeper. If he finds out after you are hired ... most employment is "at
will" and he is not obligated to keep you on as an employee.
Don in Upstate NY
That's always his choice. The point was that there is no law against
hiring someone who doesn't have a SSN or BC. I imagine that if person
not being hired for lack of those docs, the hiring party may have a
decrimination suit against him if the hireling is savvy enough to know
his rights as a free man.
Abbot) The question aside of whether refusing to hire a person who
won't produce identifying information needed to complete his/her
withholding forms, the civil suit strategy would require the hireling
to go into a government court and use his name. . .a thing Warman style
detaxers says gets one put on the "slave ship".
Without the "question aside", there is no law against contracting
someone for hire who doesn't have a SSN or BC as everyone has the right
to contract if he chooses.
Abbot 2) I don't know about Canada, but in the U.S. the government is
sensitive to folks who don't want to have either, citing "mark of the
beast" reasoning or some such thing.

But, in the U.S., none of that means your employer can ignore his
obligation to "withhold taxes.
2006-01-27 02:31:15 UTC
Post by Jimmy_For_Freedom
Post by Don Priebe
Post by Richard Macdonald
There is no requirement for you to obtain a Social Security Number.
However, there IS a requirement for you to provide a SSN to your
employer on form W-4 in order to complete the form. If the form is
not complete, it is invalid and your employer is required to withhold
income tax at the single, no dependants, rate; your choice.
And knowing that scenario in advance, your potential employer may choose to
hire someone else who will not cause paperwork problems or upset the
bookkeeper. If he finds out after you are hired ... most employment is "at
will" and he is not obligated to keep you on as an employee.
Don in Upstate NY
That's always his choice. The point was that there is no law against
hiring someone who doesn't have a SSN or BC. I imagine that if person
not being hired for lack of those docs, the hiring party may have a
decrimination suit against him if the hireling is savvy enough to know
his rights as a free man.
You wouldn't have a discrimination suit. "Not having a SSN" is not a
protected class.
Alan Crochet
2006-01-31 08:24:09 UTC
<You cannot hold down a legitimate job anywhere in the 50 states without
<those two documents.

why hold down a legitimate job when you can just use a Louisville Slugger on
someone and take their wallet?
