Wake up, America!
(too old to reply)
2006-02-19 20:43:12 UTC
Why don't you all wake up? Our 'representatives' are not representing
us, who elected them specifically to do just that. Instead they are
representing solely the interests of the crooked gangsters who pay
them, and that includes the crew of criminals who have seized ultimate
power here and are using our representatives to rubber-stamp their
worst wishes. This is the end of democracy as we have known it, and a
monstrous exercise in injustice which will be reviled throughout the
future that we could allow it. Are we going to just sit here and take
Yep. Clearly yes.

Besides, there's not much choice. What you did was describe
the universe of POLITICS. Doesn't matter when or where, the
rules are pretty much the same. They're the same because
politics is an emergent quality of human nature. Replace
all the 'bad' politicians and the new ones will be acting
just the same in no time. It's the nature of the game.
Stop them, and stop them now, by whatever it takes. If necessary, take
them down, physically.
Advocating a violent overthrow of the US government ?
Naughty. Illegal too ...
2006-02-19 22:33:38 UTC
Post by B1ackwater
Why don't you all wake up? Our 'representatives' are not representing
us, who elected them specifically to do just that. Instead they are
representing solely the interests of the crooked gangsters who pay
them, and that includes the crew of criminals who have seized ultimate
power here and are using our representatives to rubber-stamp their
worst wishes. This is the end of democracy as we have known it, and a
monstrous exercise in injustice which will be reviled throughout the
future that we could allow it. Are we going to just sit here and take
Yep. Clearly yes.
Besides, there's not much choice. What you did was describe
the universe of POLITICS. Doesn't matter when or where, the
rules are pretty much the same. They're the same because
politics is an emergent quality of human nature. Replace
all the 'bad' politicians and the new ones will be acting
just the same in no time. It's the nature of the game.
Stop them, and stop them now, by whatever it takes. If necessary, take
them down, physically.
Advocating a violent overthrow of the US government ?
Naughty. Illegal too ...
The US GOVERNMENT is not the people's government. It is the TRUSTEE
that zionist Joo bankers set up over the bankrupt united States.

The banruptcy was brought about by fraud so the overthrow of the US
GOVERNMENT would have no legal ramifications against the
people.........only immense and immeasurable benefits.
Don Howe
2006-02-21 10:18:25 UTC
Post by B1ackwater
Why don't you all wake up? Our 'representatives' are not representing
us, who elected them specifically to do just that. Instead they are
representing solely the interests of the crooked gangsters who pay
them, and that includes the crew of criminals who have seized ultimate
power here and are using our representatives to rubber-stamp their
worst wishes. This is the end of democracy as we have known it, and a
monstrous exercise in injustice which will be reviled throughout the
future that we could allow it. Are we going to just sit here and take
Yep. Clearly yes.
Besides, there's not much choice. What you did was describe
the universe of POLITICS. Doesn't matter when or where, the
rules are pretty much the same. They're the same because
politics is an emergent quality of human nature. Replace
all the 'bad' politicians and the new ones will be acting
just the same in no time. It's the nature of the game.
Stop them, and stop them now, by whatever it takes. If necessary, take
them down, physically.
Advocating a violent overthrow of the US government ?
Naughty. Illegal too ...
Since when was it illegal to take down a gang of criminals under
whatever pious pretense they claim to act? These are the worst of the
worst who intend to take apart our world, and we all know it and they
have to be stopped. Then let's stop them. Where is Justice now?
Where is the spirit of America?
