Income Tax Is Simply The CRIME of EXTORTION
(too old to reply)
2006-12-24 15:46:15 UTC
You, a real man or woman have never had to
pay a penny of income tax. Here is the reason:

The Crown or State (Corporate bodies politic) fictions
have devised a scam whereby the evil people who
administer these 'fictional entities/make-believe ships'
have made you a 'galley/plantation slave' by attaching
what is known as a 'legal fiction' name to your body
[a name which is owned and copyrighted as intellectual
property by the Crown or State], and which carries
with its use the status of slave owned and controlled
by that body politic. The status of slave is called
'natural person' - meaning a human of slave status.

That 'slave name' is the name you find on the birth
certificate that they deceptively call 'your birth
certificate'. The original 'birth certificate' is kept
by the issuing body politic, and you only get a
copy [when you pay them for it].

It is only that 'slave name' which is subject to
legislation of any body politic, and that includes
any income tax act. The 'slave name is the
'taxpayer' - You, the free will human are NOT
the taxpayer.

You, as a free will adult man or woman have only
one law to obey - The negative Golden Rule -
"Do not unto others as you would not have
others do unto you."

To learn more about how you have been totally
scammed by government, and to learn
how to never again pay income tax, go here:


There are 'Damage Control Goons' programmed
to supposedly 'debunk' the truth you find in
the above website, and you will see this pop
up immediately that this thread is posted. This
has been the norm since Eldon Warman first
posted on the internet in 1998. To accept their
negative propaganda is to imperil your very life
and freedom, both of which you must be willing
to continually defend, or you lose both.

2006-12-28 01:35:07 UTC
Instead of stopping all of a sudden with paying income tax, wouldn't it
be a lot safer to progress in a few steps over a couple election
cycles? HR25 by John Linder (see FairTax.org) will place the
outlandish expense of the federal government on every retail sales
receipt, in front of everyone's face, every day. They won't be able to
forget that amount, when it comes time to vote for new Liberterian
2006-12-28 02:24:17 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Instead of stopping all of a sudden with paying income tax, wouldn't it
be a lot safer to progress in a few steps over a couple election
cycles? HR25 by John Linder (see FairTax.org) will place the
outlandish expense of the federal government on every retail sales
receipt, in front of everyone's face, every day. They won't be able to
forget that amount, when it comes time to vote for new Liberterian
Elections Canada pretty much controls who gets to run for an
MP in Parliament. So, even if the Libertarian Party were to
get a hearing in the mainline media, and show some
popularity, they would be infiltrated with the 'One World' crowd,
and thusly, if elected, would not make any more difference
that the Election of the PCs to replace the Libs.

No, the income tax battle is an individual battle, as it is
extortion from each individual man and woman through
private contract of servitude and use of a legal fiction to
impose a slave status upon each human, and, as such,
cannot be corrected by the voting process, so long as
those who become MPs are totally controlled by
Elections Canada.

Eyes were opened, at least in Calgary area when Dr. Alex
Kindy was kicked out of Caucus by Mulroney because he
voted against the GST. Dr. Kindy spoke at local gatherings
on what it was to be an MP in the Canadian Parliament,
and how they are coerced into being obedient 'rubber stampers'.

2006-12-28 02:44:21 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Post by p***@gmail.com
Instead of stopping all of a sudden with paying income tax, wouldn't it
be a lot safer to progress in a few steps over a couple election
cycles? HR25 by John Linder (see FairTax.org) will place the
outlandish expense of the federal government on every retail sales
receipt, in front of everyone's face, every day. They won't be able to
forget that amount, when it comes time to vote for new Liberterian
Elections Canada pretty much controls who gets to run for an
MP in Parliament. So, even if the Libertarian Party were to
get a hearing in the mainline media, and show some
popularity, they would be infiltrated with the 'One World' crowd,
and thusly, if elected, would not make any more difference
that the Election of the PCs to replace the Libs.
No, the income tax battle is an individual battle, as it is
extortion from each individual man and woman through
private contract of servitude and use of a legal fiction to
impose a slave status upon each human,
Abbot) Eldon, your convictions and those of detaxers gullible enough to
use your "methods" well demonstrate that the authority of government to
tax is not based in contracts or contract law.
Post by Vicegerent
and, as such, cannot be corrected by the voting process, so long as
those who become MPs are totally controlled by Elections Canada.
Abbot) Eldon, the irony is that you prescribe a "method" far more
futile than the ballot. Need I remind the reader that you are zero for
life and have wrecked your family as well as the lives of several
Post by Vicegerent
Eyes were opened, at least in Calgary area when Dr. Alex
Kindy was kicked out of Caucus by Mulroney because he
voted against the GST. Dr. Kindy spoke at local gatherings
on what it was to be an MP in the Canadian Parliament,
and how they are coerced into being obedient 'rubber stampers'.
2006-12-28 19:30:45 UTC
You, a real man or woman have never had to
pay a penny of income tax. Here is the reason:

The Crown or State (Corporate bodies politic) fictions
have devised a scam whereby the evil people who
administer these 'fictional entities/make-believe ships'
have made you a 'galley/plantation slave' by attaching
what is known as a 'legal fiction' name to your body
[a name which is owned and copyrighted as intellectual
property by the Crown or State], and which carries
with its use the status of slave owned and controlled
by that body politic. The status of slave is called
'natural person' - meaning a human of slave status.

That 'slave name' is the name you find on the birth
certificate that they deceptively call 'your birth
certificate'. The original 'birth certificate' is kept
by the issuing body politic, and you only get a
copy [when you pay them for it].

It is only that 'slave name' which is subject to
legislation of any body politic, and that includes
any income tax act. The 'slave name is the
'taxpayer' - You, the free will human are NOT
the taxpayer.

You, as a free will adult man or woman have only
one law to obey - The negative Golden Rule -
"Do not unto others as you would not have
others do unto you."

To learn more about how you have been totally
scammed by government, and to learn
how to never again pay income tax, go here:


There are 'Damage Control Goons' programmed
to supposedly 'debunk' the truth you find in
the above website, and you will see this pop
up immediately that this thread is posted. This
has been the norm since Eldon Warman first
posted on the internet in 1998. To accept their
negative propaganda is to imperil your very life
and freedom, both of which you must be willing
to continually defend, or you lose both.

2006-12-29 05:23:13 UTC
Abbot) The truth is you don't really want revolutionary societal and
governmental change, Eldon. What you want is a government which allows
you to carry out any criminal act you please while allowing you to suck
at its tit. So far it's not working out well for you. As soon as your
criminality rises above the level of defrauding gullible detaxers you
get nabbed.
Post by Vicegerent
You, a real man or woman have never had to
The Crown or State (Corporate bodies politic) fictions
have devised a scam whereby the evil people who
administer these 'fictional entities/make-believe ships'
have made you a 'galley/plantation slave' by attaching
what is known as a 'legal fiction' name to your body
[a name which is owned and copyrighted as intellectual
property by the Crown or State], and which carries
with its use the status of slave owned and controlled
by that body politic. The status of slave is called
'natural person' - meaning a human of slave status.
That 'slave name' is the name you find on the birth
certificate that they deceptively call 'your birth
certificate'. The original 'birth certificate' is kept
by the issuing body politic, and you only get a
copy [when you pay them for it].
It is only that 'slave name' which is subject to
legislation of any body politic, and that includes
any income tax act. The 'slave name is the
'taxpayer' - You, the free will human are NOT
the taxpayer.
You, as a free will adult man or woman have only
one law to obey - The negative Golden Rule -
"Do not unto others as you would not have
others do unto you."
To learn more about how you have been totally
scammed by government, and to learn
There are 'Damage Control Goons' programmed
to supposedly 'debunk' the truth you find in
the above website, and you will see this pop
up immediately that this thread is posted. This
has been the norm since Eldon Warman first
posted on the internet in 1998. To accept their
negative propaganda is to imperil your very life
and freedom, both of which you must be willing
to continually defend, or you lose both.
Paul Thomas
2006-12-28 03:26:36 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Instead of stopping all of a sudden with paying
income tax, wouldn't it be a lot safer to progress
in a few steps over a couple election cycles?
Ok, you're expecting the future Congresscritters to play your game. Guess
what. They don't have to.

There's nothing to keep a future Congress from keeping the income tax (as in
not letting it expire) as well as keeping the newly instigated national
sales tax. What you'll end up with is an expensive mess.
Post by p***@gmail.com
HR25 by John Linder (see FairTax.org) will place the
outlandish expense of the federal government on every
retail sales receipt, in front of everyone's face, every day.
I dare you to go to the mall or Walmart and ask the first 100 customers you
see leaving the store how much they paid in sales tax on their purchases.
Do this every day for, oh, three years. You'll not find one person who
knows (as in they don't have to look at the receipt) what they *just* paid
in sales tax, let alone what they pay in sales tax over any given period.
And you know what, there's not going to be any place where that number will
appear - ever.

Nope. A national sales tax is a way to hide the cost of government.
Post by p***@gmail.com
They won't be able to forget that amount,
How can they forget what they never knew and will never know under a NRST.

<<<<Snipped *can* newsgroups as this isn't their concern.>>>>
Paul A. Thomas, CPA
Athens, Georgia
Jim Manson
2006-12-28 17:08:01 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Instead of stopping all of a sudden with paying income tax, wouldn't it
be a lot safer to progress in a few steps over a couple election
cycles? HR25 by John Linder (see FairTax.org) will place the
outlandish expense of the federal government on every retail sales
receipt, in front of everyone's face, every day. They won't be able to
forget that amount, when it comes time to vote for new Liberterian
Just what we need, a national sales tax AND an income tax.

Does anyone really believe that Congress is going to drop the income
tax if they impose a national sales tax?

Maybe for their coporate buddies.

" Somewhere over the rainbow....................."
2007-01-01 03:08:00 UTC
You, a real man or woman have never had to
pay a penny of income tax. Here is the reason:

The Crown or State (Corporate bodies politic) fictions
have devised a scam whereby the evil people who
administer these 'fictional entities/make-believe ships'
have made you a 'galley/plantation slave' by attaching
what is known as a 'legal fiction' name to your body
[a name which is owned and copyrighted as intellectual
property by the Crown or State], and which carries
with its use the status of slave owned and controlled
by that body politic. The status of slave is called
'natural person' - meaning a human of slave status.

That 'slave name' is the name you find on the birth
certificate that they deceptively call 'your birth
certificate'. The original 'birth certificate' is kept
by the issuing body politic, and you only get a
copy [when you pay them for it].

It is only that 'slave name' which is subject to
legislation of any body politic, and that includes
any income tax act. The 'slave name is the
'taxpayer' - You, the free will human are NOT
the taxpayer.

You, as a free will adult man or woman have only
one law to obey - The negative Golden Rule -
"Do not unto others as you would not have
others do unto you."

To learn more about how you have been totally
scammed by government, and to learn
how to never again pay income tax, go here:


There are 'Damage Control Goons' programmed
to supposedly 'debunk' the truth you find in
the above website, and you will see this pop
up immediately that this thread is posted. This
has been the norm since Eldon Warman first
posted on the internet in 1998. To accept their
negative propaganda is to imperil your very life
and freedom, both of which you must be willing
to continually defend, or you lose both.

Peter White
2007-01-01 06:16:52 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
You, a real man or woman have never had to
The Crown or State (Corporate bodies politic) fictions
have devised a scam whereby the evil people who
administer these 'fictional entities/make-believe ships'
have made you a 'galley/plantation slave' by attaching
what is known as a 'legal fiction' name to your body
[a name which is owned and copyrighted as intellectual
property by the Crown or State], and which carries
with its use the status of slave owned and controlled
by that body politic. The status of slave is called
'natural person' - meaning a human of slave status.
That 'slave name' is the name you find on the birth
certificate that they deceptively call 'your birth
certificate'. The original 'birth certificate' is kept
by the issuing body politic, and you only get a
copy [when you pay them for it].
It is only that 'slave name' which is subject to
legislation of any body politic, and that includes
any income tax act. The 'slave name is the
'taxpayer' - You, the free will human are NOT
the taxpayer.
You, as a free will adult man or woman have only
one law to obey - The negative Golden Rule -
"Do not unto others as you would not have
others do unto you."
To learn more about how you have been totally
scammed by government, and to learn
There are 'Damage Control Goons' programmed
to supposedly 'debunk' the truth you find in
the above website, and you will see this pop
up immediately that this thread is posted. This
has been the norm since Eldon Warman first
posted on the internet in 1998. To accept their
negative propaganda is to imperil your very life
and freedom, both of which you must be willing
to continually defend, or you lose both.
NUTBAR territory
2007-01-02 01:07:46 UTC
Post by Peter White
NUTBAR territory
There is a strong suspicion that the NUTBAR
is the likes of you, Peter, for subjecting yourself
willingly, arrogantly and ignorantly to the income
tax extortion racket.

And, it is so simple to overcome the loss of
at least a third of the fruits of your labor in
this extortion scam by using the simple method
of filing a T1 (CRA) or 1040 (IRS) the
Warman way.

Check it out - it is free:

Paul Morgan
2007-01-02 01:43:40 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Post by Peter White
NUTBAR territory
There is a strong suspicion that the NUTBAR
is the likes of you, Peter, for subjecting yourself
willingly, arrogantly and ignorantly to the income
tax extortion racket.
I'm curious then. Where would the monies for roads, defense, health
care, etc come for then?
2007-01-02 02:46:16 UTC
Post by Paul Morgan
I'm curious then. Where would the monies for roads, defense, health
care, etc come for then?
Gee,who knows?

Where did the money come from for roads,defence(WWll),health care
etc,over 50 years ago when the tax rates were less than half of what
they are today?

All the best

Tyreen Blaque
Jim Manson
2007-01-02 04:33:42 UTC
Post by t***@hotmail.com
Post by Paul Morgan
I'm curious then. Where would the monies for roads, defense, health
care, etc come for then?
Gee,who knows?
Where did the money come from for roads,defence(WWll),health care
etc,over 50 years ago when the tax rates were less than half of what
they are today?
Must be talking about Canada. The federal income tax rates in the US
50 years ago were 20% to 91%. Right now they're 10% to 35%.

Must be that new math stuff.
2007-01-02 16:10:31 UTC
Post by Jim Manson
Post by t***@hotmail.com
Post by Paul Morgan
I'm curious then. Where would the monies for roads, defense, health
care, etc come for then?
Gee,who knows?
Where did the money come from for roads,defence(WWll),health care
etc,over 50 years ago when the tax rates were less than half of what
they are today?
Must be talking about Canada. The federal income tax rates in the US
50 years ago were 20% to 91%. Right now they're 10% to 35%.
Must be that new math stuff.
Your right, I was talking about tax rates in Canada.

I should of read the article a little closer since I meant the overall
rate of taxes,not just income taxes.
An example would be,Capital Gains Taxes,which were non existent in
Canada until the late 1970's and are now taxed,I believe at a rate of
50%,starting on the first dollar earned.

All the best

Tyreen Blaque
Paul Morgan
2007-01-02 12:10:39 UTC
Post by t***@hotmail.com
Post by Paul Morgan
I'm curious then. Where would the monies for roads, defense, health
care, etc come for then?
Gee,who knows?
Where did the money come from for roads,defence(WWll),health care
etc,over 50 years ago when the tax rates were less than half of what
they are today?
All the best
Tyreen Blaque
The money came from taxation too.
What was the average wage then compared to now paid to road workers,
doctors, etc?
Paul Thomas, CPA
2007-01-02 12:56:59 UTC
Post by t***@hotmail.com
Where did the money come from for roads,defence(WWll),health care
etc,over 50 years ago when the tax rates were less than half of what
they are today?
Interestingly enough, there's not one fact in your statement.

50 years ago, would have been what, 1956, when the top tax rates were 91% -
yes - Ninety One Percent. This on taxable income over $400,000. In fact it
was that way from 1951 through 1963.

Today, 2006 taxable income of $400,000 would be taxed at the rate of 35%.
Paul Thomas, CPA
2007-01-02 02:08:29 UTC
By ranting against the Income tax collection laws one is admitting that he
does not understand the operation nor importance of income tax within the
Capital System. Money only produces value by circulating. When it is
returned to the government in the form of taxes that means that it has
completed its circum-rotation and may now be renewed and begin another
Post by Vicegerent
Post by Peter White
NUTBAR territory
There is a strong suspicion that the NUTBAR
is the likes of you, Peter, for subjecting yourself
willingly, arrogantly and ignorantly to the income
tax extortion racket.
And, it is so simple to overcome the loss of
at least a third of the fruits of your labor in
this extortion scam by using the simple method
of filing a T1 (CRA) or 1040 (IRS) the
Warman way.
2007-01-02 04:27:59 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Post by Peter White
NUTBAR territory
There is a strong suspicion that the NUTBAR
is the likes of you, Peter, for subjecting yourself
willingly, arrogantly and ignorantly to the income
tax extortion racket.
And, it is so simple to overcome the loss of
at least a third of the fruits of your labor in
this extortion scam by using the simple method
of filing a T1 (CRA) or 1040 (IRS) the
Warman way.
Abbot) You're helping him out, Eldon? Like you helped Clifford Hanna
and Cameron Hardy?
Post by Vicegerent
Distant Early Warning
2007-01-02 16:15:24 UTC
what a complete load of hooey.
Post by Vicegerent
You, a real man or woman have never had to
The Crown or State (Corporate bodies politic) fictions
have devised a scam whereby the evil people who
administer these 'fictional entities/make-believe ships'
have made you a 'galley/plantation slave' by attaching
what is known as a 'legal fiction' name to your body
[a name which is owned and copyrighted as intellectual
property by the Crown or State], and which carries
with its use the status of slave owned and controlled
by that body politic. The status of slave is called
'natural person' - meaning a human of slave status.
That 'slave name' is the name you find on the birth
certificate that they deceptively call 'your birth
certificate'. The original 'birth certificate' is kept
by the issuing body politic, and you only get a
copy [when you pay them for it].
It is only that 'slave name' which is subject to
legislation of any body politic, and that includes
any income tax act. The 'slave name is the
'taxpayer' - You, the free will human are NOT
the taxpayer.
You, as a free will adult man or woman have only
one law to obey - The negative Golden Rule -
"Do not unto others as you would not have
others do unto you."
To learn more about how you have been totally
scammed by government, and to learn
There are 'Damage Control Goons' programmed
to supposedly 'debunk' the truth you find in
the above website, and you will see this pop
up immediately that this thread is posted. This
has been the norm since Eldon Warman first
posted on the internet in 1998. To accept their
negative propaganda is to imperil your very life
and freedom, both of which you must be willing
to continually defend, or you lose both.
An OverTaxedCanuck
2007-01-02 16:23:18 UTC
Has anyone ever challenged these claims in Tax, Federal or Supreme

All of this sounds interesting, but has anyone ever put it to the
ultimate acid test? The Courts?

An OverTaxedCanuck
Post by Vicegerent
You, a real man or woman have never had to
The Crown or State (Corporate bodies politic) fictions
have devised a scam whereby the evil people who
administer these 'fictional entities/make-believe ships'
have made you a 'galley/plantation slave' by attaching
what is known as a 'legal fiction' name to your body
[a name which is owned and copyrighted as intellectual
property by the Crown or State], and which carries
with its use the status of slave owned and controlled
by that body politic. The status of slave is called
'natural person' - meaning a human of slave status.
That 'slave name' is the name you find on the birth
certificate that they deceptively call 'your birth
certificate'. The original 'birth certificate' is kept
by the issuing body politic, and you only get a
copy [when you pay them for it].
It is only that 'slave name' which is subject to
legislation of any body politic, and that includes
any income tax act. The 'slave name is the
'taxpayer' - You, the free will human are NOT
the taxpayer.
You, as a free will adult man or woman have only
one law to obey - The negative Golden Rule -
"Do not unto others as you would not have
others do unto you."
To learn more about how you have been totally
scammed by government, and to learn
There are 'Damage Control Goons' programmed
to supposedly 'debunk' the truth you find in
the above website, and you will see this pop
up immediately that this thread is posted. This
has been the norm since Eldon Warman first
posted on the internet in 1998. To accept their
negative propaganda is to imperil your very life
and freedom, both of which you must be willing
to continually defend, or you lose both.
2007-01-02 17:10:56 UTC
Post by An OverTaxedCanuck
Has anyone ever challenged these claims in Tax, Federal or Supreme
All of this sounds interesting, but has anyone ever put it to the
ultimate acid test? The Courts?
An OverTaxedCanuck
Yes they have and yes they lost, google Abbot for relevant links to their
court cases.

For example:


Two examples of total failure

Ask Eldon for hard proof of success stories and be prepared for a reposting
of his wild ass theories in return but no proof

Eldon aka ViceRegent loves to suck people into his bullspit and then runs
away when they land in court. Go ahead and swallow his line of thinking if
you wish to put a new spin on your love life while in jail.

2007-01-02 22:09:50 UTC
Post by An OverTaxedCanuck
Has anyone ever challenged these claims in Tax, Federal or Supreme
Yes. Many times. None of Eldon's crap has ever been upheld at any level.

See http://members.iphouse.com/fredg/detax_unmasked/consequences.html .
"Just because you're smart doesn't mean you're wise."
2007-01-03 23:02:21 UTC
Nice try, Fred and PV, but your examples have NOTHING
to do with Eldon's detax method. Total 'Red Herring' BULLSHIT.

And, OverTaxedCanuck,
The ultimate test is NOT the administrative commercial court system.
The ultimate test is whether or not CRA is accepting the T1 returns
as filed by the Eldon method. And, so far, if those filing can follow
simple directions provided by Eldon, they are doing just fine.

Not sure why there is always this question of 'Going To Court',
when one files exactly as the Income Tax Act and Regulations
demand. It would only be those whom have problems because
CRA arbitrarily refused their returns who would instigate a court
case - to prove that it is CRA who is doing an illegal deed.
And, so far, nobody has gone that far.

Post by Fred
Post by An OverTaxedCanuck
Has anyone ever challenged these claims in Tax, Federal or Supreme
Yes. Many times. None of Eldon's crap has ever been upheld at any level.
See http://members.iphouse.com/fredg/detax_unmasked/consequences.html .
"Just because you're smart doesn't mean you're wise."
2007-01-03 23:14:02 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Nice try, Fred and PV, but your examples have NOTHING
to do with Eldon's detax method. Total 'Red Herring' BULLSHIT.
And, OverTaxedCanuck,
The ultimate test is NOT the administrative commercial court system.
The ultimate test is whether or not CRA is accepting the T1 returns
as filed by the Eldon method. And, so far, if those filing can follow
simple directions provided by Eldon, they are doing just fine.
Not sure why there is always this question of 'Going To Court',
when one files exactly as the Income Tax Act and Regulations
demand. It would only be those whom have problems because
CRA arbitrarily refused their returns who would instigate a court
case - to prove that it is CRA who is doing an illegal deed.
And, so far, nobody has gone that far.
Then post the case that the CRA have taken to court and the defendant has
won, not paid dime in taxes or penalties and walked away! (Note the NOT
PAID A DIME criteria).

This would prove your system works.

(Won't be holding my breath)

Post by Vicegerent
Post by Fred
Post by An OverTaxedCanuck
Has anyone ever challenged these claims in Tax, Federal or Supreme
Yes. Many times. None of Eldon's crap has ever been upheld at any level.
See http://members.iphouse.com/fredg/detax_unmasked/consequences.html .
"Just because you're smart doesn't mean you're wise."
Paul Thomas, CPA
2007-01-03 23:24:01 UTC
your examples have NOTHING to do with Eldon's detax method.
Isn't that the method where you go to jail - earn no income - and therefore
are "detaxed" by default.

Or is being "detaxed" what happens to you in the prison shower.

What ever happened to your buddy Lavigne.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Paul A. Thomas, CPA
Athens, Georgia
2007-01-03 23:54:58 UTC
Pure 'Bush type 'SCARE TACTICS' PV and Paul,
Are you really so happy with your slave status,
and your being ripped off by the income tax extortion
racket that you are so willing to defend it and prostitute
yourself for these thugs and their 'fiction' system of
extorting your fellow man's lives?

Why would there be a court case when there is no reason
(violation committed) to be summoned to court?

Cameron Hardy was a situation where he had not filed for several
years. He was not following Eldon's detax program. Eldon has
to 'magic wand' to have the 'Black Robed Thugs' do what is right
and just. All he can do is recommend some procedures that
have worked for others in the past. The Hardy case is still
under appeal. The case in Whitehorse was resolved as planned,
with the fellow filing as per Eldon's program - no penalty, no
tax paid. If Cameron had not 'poked the gornet's nest', he
too would have long since resolved his encounter with CRA
and their court system. Those are the only cases Eldon with
which Eldon has had any input since the 'filing for the
strawman' program began in 2003.

The ultimate test is whether or not CRA is accepting the T1 returns
as filed by the Eldon method. And, so far, if those filing can follow
simple directions provided by Eldon, they are doing just fine.

Not sure why there is always this question of 'Going To Court',
when one files exactly as the Income Tax Act and Regulations
demand. It would only be those whom have problems because
CRA arbitrarily refused their returns who would instigate a court
case - to prove that it is CRA who is doing an illegal deed.
And, so far, nobody has gone that far.

Post by Paul Thomas, CPA
your examples have NOTHING to do with Eldon's detax method.
Isn't that the method where you go to jail - earn no income - and therefore
are "detaxed" by default.
Or is being "detaxed" what happens to you in the prison shower.
What ever happened to your buddy Lavigne.
Lavigne has never followed Eldon's detax program.
Post by Paul Thomas, CPA
Paul A. Thomas, CPA
Athens, Georgia
Lord Haney
2007-01-04 00:12:12 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Pure 'Bush type 'SCARE TACTICS' PV and Paul,
Are you really so happy with your slave status,
and your being ripped off by the income tax extortion
racket that you are so willing to defend it and prostitute
yourself for these thugs and their 'fiction' system of
extorting your fellow man's lives?
Ever since July 1, 1867, Canada was supposed to have been operated in
accordance with Canada's constitution.

Queen Victoria died on January 22, 1901.

The next day, on January 23, 1901, Section 9 of the British North
America Act, 1867, now called the Constitution Act, 1867, still stated:
"The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby
declared to continue and be vested in the *Queen*".

On January 23, 1901, Section 17 still stated: "There shall be One
Parliament for Canada, consisting of the *Queen*, an Upper House styled
the Senate, and the House of Commons".

On January 23, 1901, Section 91 still stated: "It shall be lawful for
the *Queen*, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate and House
of Commons, to make Laws for the Peace, Order, and good Government of
Canada, in relation to all Matters not coming within the Classes of
Subjects by this Act assigned exclusively to the Legislatures of the
Provinces; ...".
2007-01-04 11:44:44 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Pure 'Bush type 'SCARE TACTICS' PV and Paul,
Are you really so happy with your slave status,
and your being ripped off by the income tax extortion
racket that you are so willing to defend it and prostitute
yourself for these thugs and their 'fiction' system of
extorting your fellow man's lives?
Why would there be a court case when there is no reason
(violation committed) to be summoned to court?
Cameron Hardy was a situation where he had not filed for several
years. He was not following Eldon's detax program.
Abbot) Here we go again. Warman claims that any detaxer who uses his
argument, as did Hardy, is a brave patriot proving the master's wisdom.
. .until the case proves a loser and then Eldon drops the poor dupe
like a hot rock.
Post by Vicegerent
Eldon has to 'magic wand' to have the 'Black Robed Thugs' do what is right
and just. All he can do is recommend some procedures that
have worked for others in the past. The Hardy case is still
under appeal. The case in Whitehorse was resolved as planned,
with the fellow filing as per Eldon's program - no penalty, no
tax paid.
Abbot) provide the court name, thePcase name and number
Post by Vicegerent
If Cameron had not 'poked the gornet's nest', he
too would have long since resolved his encounter with CRA
and their court system.
Abbot) You mean he should have hid in his momma's semi-finished
basement, like you?
Post by Vicegerent
Those are the only cases Eldon with which Eldon has had any input since the 'filing for the
strawman' program began in 2003.
Abbot) Not so you lying dog. You used your own method and got yourself
convicted of a hate speech crime in 2005!
Post by Vicegerent
The ultimate test is whether or not CRA is accepting the T1 returns
as filed by the Eldon method. And, so far, if those filing can follow
simple directions provided by Eldon, they are doing just fine.
Abbot) Document this claim!
Post by Vicegerent
Not sure why there is always this question of 'Going To Court',
when one files exactly as the Income Tax Act and Regulations
demand. It would only be those whom have problems because
CRA arbitrarily refused their returns who would instigate a court
case - to prove that it is CRA who is doing an illegal deed.
And, so far, nobody has gone that far.
Abbot) That's an insane assumption based on a delusional belief.
Post by Vicegerent
Post by Paul Thomas, CPA
your examples have NOTHING to do with Eldon's detax method.
Isn't that the method where you go to jail - earn no income - and therefore
are "detaxed" by default.
Or is being "detaxed" what happens to you in the prison shower.
What ever happened to your buddy Lavigne.
Lavigne has never followed Eldon's detax program.
Post by Paul Thomas, CPA
Paul A. Thomas, CPA
Athens, Georgia
Viejo Vizcacha
2007-01-05 00:16:05 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Pure 'Bush type 'SCARE TACTICS' PV and Paul,
Are you really so happy with your slave status,
and your being ripped off by the income tax extortion
racket that you are so willing to defend it and prostitute
yourself for these thugs and their 'fiction' system of
extorting your fellow man's lives?
The only one scared is you.

If you hate taxes so much, go and move to one of those countries where
government does not exist, and therefore nobody collects any taxes.

Mind you, there are lots of local gangs armed to the teeth, but hey, you
do not have to register any guns.

2007-01-14 03:18:30 UTC
Post by Viejo Vizcacha
Post by Vicegerent
Pure 'Bush type 'SCARE TACTICS' PV and Paul,
Are you really so happy with your slave status,
and your being ripped off by the income tax extortion
racket that you are so willing to defend it and prostitute
yourself for these thugs and their 'fiction' system of
extorting your fellow man's lives?
The only one scared is you.
If you hate taxes so much, go and move to one of those countries where
government does not exist, and therefore nobody collects any taxes.
Why not stay and fight stupidty? You are a coward.
Post by Viejo Vizcacha
Mind you, there are lots of local gangs armed to the teeth, but hey, you
do not have to register any guns.
Politicans are gangs and income tax was instituted for war purposes - a
canadian DOES NOT HAVE TO PAY TAXES if they feel that their government is
paying for something they do not agree with - WAR AND ITS WEAPONS.
Post by Viejo Vizcacha
Roedy Green
2007-01-14 04:17:27 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
ripped off by the income tax extortion
come now. Extortion is taking money and giving you nothing in return.

Look at some of the things you get in return for your tax dollars
1. medical care
2. roads
3. air traffic control
4. search and rescue
5. police
6. sewers, water
7. inspection of meat, drugs and food for safety
8. defence
9. protecting the environment
Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green, http://mindprod.com
Priorities: Prevent global climate destabilisation. End both wars. Prepare for oil shortages.
2007-01-04 00:16:49 UTC
Post by Paul Thomas, CPA
your examples have NOTHING to do with Eldon's detax method.
Isn't that the method where you go to jail - earn no income - and therefore
are "detaxed" by default.
It's the method whereby you commit assault, go to jail, get fired from
your job, earn no income, then turn 65 and suck off the government tit.

Or was it the method whereby your wife commits suicide, you flee tax
evasion charges in the US, your property is seized by the IRS, you
commit assault, go to jail, get fired from your job, earn no income,
then turn 65 and suck off the government tit.

Something like that ...
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