Have The People Of The USA Gone Totally Mad?
(too old to reply)
2006-08-31 02:20:40 UTC
Exerpt from:
Nuclear Storm Gathers As United States
Heartland Plunges Into 'Dust Bowl' Condition
BY: Sorcha Faal

Today these once great American people have
come to resemble goats and sheep being led
into the slaughterhouse, rather than those of
their historic ancestors who created the
mightiest Nation our World has ever known.

As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.

With a catastrophic drought turning their
agricultural heartland into a Dust Bowl;
with their Leaders claiming their wars are
understood by God; with their economy
built on nothing more than what they can
consume; with their industrial heartland
(and the jobs the once employed) all sold
to Nations around the world; to the collapse
of the value of their most prized possession
(and security) their very homes; with their
having become the most obese people of
any country that the world has ever seen;
to their Leaders selling the very American
infrastructure of their people to foreign
powers; with over 60 percent of them on
anti-depressant medicines; with over 70
percent of their food being genetically
modified; with their human rights and
liberties being taken from them on a
daily basis; with their no longer having
the rights to raise their own children;
with their access to justice denied by
their courts; with all these, and so
much more, one can only wonder if
indeed the entire peoples of the
United States have gone completely
insane. Unquote

Posted by:
2006-08-31 02:50:19 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.
This guy either needs more or less alcohol, I'm not sure which.
When was the last time you heard a white politician
condemn overpopulation in a white country?
2006-08-31 15:00:55 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by Vicegerent
As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.
This guy either needs more or less alcohol, I'm not sure which.
Sounds to me as though you are one of the people for whom his message is
specifically targeted. Wake up fool!
/s/ Timothy I. McCrory


"Tyranny has no enemy so formidable as the pen."
William Cobbett

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely
believe they are free."

"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose
its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or
money that it values more, it will lose that too."
Somerset Maugham

"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression.
In both instances there is a twilight when everything remains
seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all
must be most aware of change in the air - however slight -
lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
No one
2006-09-15 04:33:55 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by Vicegerent
As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.
This guy either needs more or less alcohol, I'm not sure which.
No, WE need more.

2006-08-31 02:51:56 UTC
Abbot) The usual Warman insanity.

When confronted with the reality that he has sent to ruin gullible
dupes like Hardy, Hanna, Porteau, Lockheart, Kyburz, his own family and
countless others we don't know about Eldon won't take responsibility
for his role in these tragedies.

He decides instead to pretend that the government abuses he perceives
excuse his deceitful, family wrecking behavior.
Post by Vicegerent
Nuclear Storm Gathers As United States
Heartland Plunges Into 'Dust Bowl' Condition
BY: Sorcha Faal
Today these once great American people have
come to resemble goats and sheep being led
into the slaughterhouse, rather than those of
their historic ancestors who created the
mightiest Nation our World has ever known.
As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.
With a catastrophic drought turning their
agricultural heartland into a Dust Bowl;
with their Leaders claiming their wars are
understood by God; with their economy
built on nothing more than what they can
consume; with their industrial heartland
(and the jobs the once employed) all sold
to Nations around the world; to the collapse
of the value of their most prized possession
(and security) their very homes; with their
having become the most obese people of
any country that the world has ever seen;
to their Leaders selling the very American
infrastructure of their people to foreign
powers; with over 60 percent of them on
anti-depressant medicines; with over 70
percent of their food being genetically
modified; with their human rights and
liberties being taken from them on a
daily basis; with their no longer having
the rights to raise their own children;
with their access to justice denied by
their courts; with all these, and so
much more, one can only wonder if
indeed the entire peoples of the
United States have gone completely
insane. Unquote
2006-08-31 11:00:05 UTC
Exerpt from:
Nuclear Storm Gathers As United States
Heartland Plunges Into 'Dust Bowl' Condition
BY: Sorcha Faal

Today these once great American people have
come to resemble goats and sheep being led
into the slaughterhouse, rather than those of
their historic ancestors who created the
mightiest Nation our World has ever known.

As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.

With a catastrophic drought turning their
agricultural heartland into a Dust Bowl;
with their Leaders claiming their wars are
understood by God; with their economy
built on nothing more than what they can
consume; with their industrial heartland
(and the jobs the once employed) all sold
to Nations around the world; to the collapse
of the value of their most prized possession
(and security) their very homes; with their
having become the most obese people of
any country that the world has ever seen;
to their Leaders selling the very American
infrastructure of their people to foreign
powers; with over 60 percent of them on
anti-depressant medicines; with over 70
percent of their food being genetically
modified; with their human rights and
liberties being taken from them on a
daily basis; with their no longer having
the rights to raise their own children;
with their access to justice denied by
their courts; with all these, and so
much more, one can only wonder if
indeed the entire peoples of the
United States have gone completely
insane. Unquote

Posted by:
2006-08-31 13:08:56 UTC
Abbot) You do know madness Eldon. You have driven your wife to suicide,
wrecked your family, purposefully duped several wannabe detaxers for
the sake of your ego and generally turned everything you have touched
to sh*t.

Got an extension cord?
Post by Vicegerent
Nuclear Storm Gathers As United States
Heartland Plunges Into 'Dust Bowl' Condition
BY: Sorcha Faal
Today these once great American people have
come to resemble goats and sheep being led
into the slaughterhouse, rather than those of
their historic ancestors who created the
mightiest Nation our World has ever known.
As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.
With a catastrophic drought turning their
agricultural heartland into a Dust Bowl;
with their Leaders claiming their wars are
understood by God; with their economy
built on nothing more than what they can
consume; with their industrial heartland
(and the jobs the once employed) all sold
to Nations around the world; to the collapse
of the value of their most prized possession
(and security) their very homes; with their
having become the most obese people of
any country that the world has ever seen;
to their Leaders selling the very American
infrastructure of their people to foreign
powers; with over 60 percent of them on
anti-depressant medicines; with over 70
percent of their food being genetically
modified; with their human rights and
liberties being taken from them on a
daily basis; with their no longer having
the rights to raise their own children;
with their access to justice denied by
their courts; with all these, and so
much more, one can only wonder if
indeed the entire peoples of the
United States have gone completely
insane. Unquote
2006-08-31 14:37:44 UTC
Exerpt from:
Nuclear Storm Gathers As United States
Heartland Plunges Into 'Dust Bowl' Condition
BY: Sorcha Faal

Today these once great American people have
come to resemble goats and sheep being led
into the slaughterhouse, rather than those of
their historic ancestors who created the
mightiest Nation our World has ever known.

As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.

With a catastrophic drought turning their
agricultural heartland into a Dust Bowl;
with their Leaders claiming their wars are
understood by God; with their economy
built on nothing more than what they can
consume; with their industrial heartland
(and the jobs the once employed) all sold
to Nations around the world; to the collapse
of the value of their most prized possession
(and security) their very homes; with their
having become the most obese people of
any country that the world has ever seen;
to their Leaders selling the very American
infrastructure of their people to foreign
powers; with over 60 percent of them on
anti-depressant medicines; with over 70
percent of their food being genetically
modified; with their human rights and
liberties being taken from them on a
daily basis; with their no longer having
the rights to raise their own children;
with their access to justice denied by
their courts; with all these, and so
much more, one can only wonder if
indeed the entire peoples of the
United States have gone completely
insane. Unquote

Posted by:
2006-09-01 19:56:28 UTC
Post by Abbot
Abbot) The usual Warman insanity.
When confronted with the reality that he has sent to ruin gullible
dupes like Hardy, Hanna, Porteau, Lockheart, Kyburz, his own family and
countless others we don't know about Eldon won't take responsibility
for his role in these tragedies.
He decides instead to pretend that the government abuses he perceives
excuse his deceitful, family wrecking behavior.
YOU are responsible for the wreckage of more lives through the
destitution created by INCOME TAX which you defend than any of the rest
of us could ever conceive of doing.

You are a fuckin' zionazi asshole and someday the people of Kentucky (
or whereever you live at the time) will hang you or shoot you.
Post by Abbot
Post by Vicegerent
Nuclear Storm Gathers As United States
Heartland Plunges Into 'Dust Bowl' Condition
BY: Sorcha Faal
Today these once great American people have
come to resemble goats and sheep being led
into the slaughterhouse, rather than those of
their historic ancestors who created the
mightiest Nation our World has ever known.
As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.
With a catastrophic drought turning their
agricultural heartland into a Dust Bowl;
with their Leaders claiming their wars are
understood by God; with their economy
built on nothing more than what they can
consume; with their industrial heartland
(and the jobs the once employed) all sold
to Nations around the world; to the collapse
of the value of their most prized possession
(and security) their very homes; with their
having become the most obese people of
any country that the world has ever seen;
to their Leaders selling the very American
infrastructure of their people to foreign
powers; with over 60 percent of them on
anti-depressant medicines; with over 70
percent of their food being genetically
modified; with their human rights and
liberties being taken from them on a
daily basis; with their no longer having
the rights to raise their own children;
with their access to justice denied by
their courts; with all these, and so
much more, one can only wonder if
indeed the entire peoples of the
United States have gone completely
insane. Unquote
2006-09-01 20:03:59 UTC
Post by b***@canada.com
You are a fuckin' zionazi asshole and someday the people of Kentucky (
or whereever you live at the time) will hang you or shoot you.
Abbot) This is what I get for kicking you arse around this NG. I should
have been more gentle.

BTW, if anybody comes to get me, MoRon, it won't be you. You can't get
out of your own way.
2006-09-02 01:53:47 UTC
Post by b***@canada.com
Post by Abbot
Abbot) The usual Warman insanity.
When confronted with the reality that he has sent to ruin
gullible dupes like Hardy, Hanna, Porteau, Lockheart, Kyburz, his
own family and countless others we don't know about Eldon won't
take responsibility for his role in these tragedies.
He decides instead to pretend that the government abuses he
perceives excuse his deceitful, family wrecking behavior.
YOU are responsible for the wreckage of more lives through the
destitution created by INCOME TAX which you defend than any of the
rest of us could ever conceive of doing.
Yes, absolutely. Maybe you should go and suck up to your budde Brian
Daily some more. He doesn't seem to think that you are as big an idiot
as many others do. Of course, he is considered to be a kook in his own
Post by b***@canada.com
You are a fuckin' zionazi asshole and someday the people of
Kentucky ( or whereever you live at the time) will hang you or
shoot you.
Look MoRon, if people killed stupid people, you would have been dead
long ago. It is because society takes care of dumbasses like yourself
that you are able to live. Perhaps you shouldn't push your luck.
2006-09-02 03:04:14 UTC
Exerpt from:
Nuclear Storm Gathers As United States
Heartland Plunges Into 'Dust Bowl' Condition
BY: Sorcha Faal

Today these once great American people have
come to resemble goats and sheep being led
into the slaughterhouse, rather than those of
their historic ancestors who created the
mightiest Nation our World has ever known.

As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.

With a catastrophic drought turning their
agricultural heartland into a Dust Bowl;
with their Leaders claiming their wars are
understood by God; with their economy
built on nothing more than what they can
consume; with their industrial heartland
(and the jobs the once employed) all sold
to Nations around the world; to the collapse
of the value of their most prized possession
(and security) their very homes; with their
having become the most obese people of
any country that the world has ever seen;
to their Leaders selling the very American
infrastructure of their people to foreign
powers; with over 60 percent of them on
anti-depressant medicines; with over 70
percent of their food being genetically
modified; with their human rights and
liberties being taken from them on a
daily basis; with their no longer having
the rights to raise their own children;
with their access to justice denied by
their courts; with all these, and so
much more, one can only wonder if
indeed the entire peoples of the
United States have gone completely
insane. Unquote

Posted by: