2006-08-31 02:20:40 UTC
Exerpt from:
Nuclear Storm Gathers As United States
Heartland Plunges Into 'Dust Bowl' Condition
BY: Sorcha Faal
Today these once great American people have
come to resemble goats and sheep being led
into the slaughterhouse, rather than those of
their historic ancestors who created the
mightiest Nation our World has ever known.
As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.
With a catastrophic drought turning their
agricultural heartland into a Dust Bowl;
with their Leaders claiming their wars are
understood by God; with their economy
built on nothing more than what they can
consume; with their industrial heartland
(and the jobs the once employed) all sold
to Nations around the world; to the collapse
of the value of their most prized possession
(and security) their very homes; with their
having become the most obese people of
any country that the world has ever seen;
to their Leaders selling the very American
infrastructure of their people to foreign
powers; with over 60 percent of them on
anti-depressant medicines; with over 70
percent of their food being genetically
modified; with their human rights and
liberties being taken from them on a
daily basis; with their no longer having
the rights to raise their own children;
with their access to justice denied by
their courts; with all these, and so
much more, one can only wonder if
indeed the entire peoples of the
United States have gone completely
insane. Unquote
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Nuclear Storm Gathers As United States
Heartland Plunges Into 'Dust Bowl' Condition
BY: Sorcha Faal
Today these once great American people have
come to resemble goats and sheep being led
into the slaughterhouse, rather than those of
their historic ancestors who created the
mightiest Nation our World has ever known.
As more of their resistance leaders are
imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking
to hear reports from America that echo those
of the German peoples caught under the
brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and
until the devastating end of their Nation
during World War II, lived in total denial
of what they had become and the true
character of the evil monsters who
ruled them.
With a catastrophic drought turning their
agricultural heartland into a Dust Bowl;
with their Leaders claiming their wars are
understood by God; with their economy
built on nothing more than what they can
consume; with their industrial heartland
(and the jobs the once employed) all sold
to Nations around the world; to the collapse
of the value of their most prized possession
(and security) their very homes; with their
having become the most obese people of
any country that the world has ever seen;
to their Leaders selling the very American
infrastructure of their people to foreign
powers; with over 60 percent of them on
anti-depressant medicines; with over 70
percent of their food being genetically
modified; with their human rights and
liberties being taken from them on a
daily basis; with their no longer having
the rights to raise their own children;
with their access to justice denied by
their courts; with all these, and so
much more, one can only wonder if
indeed the entire peoples of the
United States have gone completely
insane. Unquote
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