Interim Committee Update #2
(too old to reply)
Henrietta K Thomas
2006-04-02 18:03:41 UTC
Note: For background information on the Interim Committee, please visit

The voting members of the Interim Committee have submitted the following
documents to the Hierarchy Maintainer for review:

~ us.* Committee Charter

~ Newsgroup Creation and Removal, and Charter Amendment in the us.*

~ Second Level Namespace In The us.* Hierarchy

~ Committee Authority To Change Procedure

~ us.* Posting Rules.

Of these, the most important is the US Committee Charter, which is to be
submitted for a vote to all users of us.* hierarchy newsgroups.

I have already conducted a preliminary review of that document and made
a number of changes. But before I finalize it, I'd like to get some
feedback from the us.* users themselves.

I have posted an article titled: DRAFT: US Committee Charter to give you
an idea of my thinking at this point in time as to what the charter
should include. I would appreciate it very much if you would take a
look and let me know what you think.

There are two ways to respond: publicly by followup to us.config, or
privately by email to ***@usenetnews.us. Either way, I will get the
message and consider any comments you make.

If all goes well, we should be able to take a vote by the end of this

Thank you for your time.

Henrietta K. Thomas
us.* hierarchy coordinator
Henrietta K Thomas
2006-04-03 23:11:07 UTC
Post by Henrietta K Thomas
Note: For background information on the Interim Committee, please visit
The voting members of the Interim Committee have submitted the following
~ us.* Committee Charter
~ Newsgroup Creation and Removal, and Charter Amendment in the us.*
~ Second Level Namespace In The us.* Hierarchy
~ Committee Authority To Change Procedure
~ us.* Posting Rules.
Of these, the most important is the US Committee Charter, which is to be
submitted for a vote to all users of us.* hierarchy newsgroups.
I have already conducted a preliminary review of that document and made
a number of changes. But before I finalize it, I'd like to get some
feedback from the us.* users themselves.
I have posted an article titled: DRAFT: US Committee Charter to give you
an idea of my thinking at this point in time as to what the charter
should include.
I would appreciate it very much if you would take a look and let me know what you think.
There are two ways to respond: publicly by followup to us.config, or
message and consider any comments you make.
If all goes well, we should be able to take a vote by the end of this
Thank you for your time.
Henrietta K. Thomas
us.* hierarchy coordinator
Daryl Hunt
2006-04-04 23:26:18 UTC
USdotSplat is Rogue at this time. The fix? You may just wish to let it die
or turn the reins over to someone else later on down the road. Just let it
die down completely. And make us.config a moderated NG, RMgroup all but the
ones that actually do something. I am not exactly kidding on this one.

But you have to do something.

One thing you should have learned. You can't negotiate with Terrorists.

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