NESARA Brings 9-11 Truth; Trading Programs Info;
(too old to reply)
2006-02-04 01:58:10 UTC
[doveofo] NESARA Brings 9-11 Truth; Trading Programs Info; Chronicles
February 3, 2006 12:10 a.m. PST

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

This week's Dove Report discusses the latest propaganda lies by the
Bush government to scare Americans into believing Arabs did the 9-11
attacks; more information on the trading programs; and Part 3 of the
Chronicles of Moving NESARA to Announcement.


In the last week there have been new efforts by the Bush government to
spread their 9-11 lies. This week one of the US cable television
networks broadcast a made-for-television movie which claimed to depict
the 9-11 Flight 93 passengers making telephone calls and trying to
fight with the terrorists. THIS MOVIE IS BASED ON TOTAL FICTION
invented by the CIA. The Bush government convinced people in
Hollywood to make this movie as part of trying to again brainwash
Americans into believing Arab terrorists did the 9-11 attacks. The
movie came out now because Bush wants more Americans backing Bush's
current plans to attack Iran. The entire Flight 93 story is TOTAL

On orders from the Bush government, the CIA planned and coordinated
the 9-11 attacks. Let us remember the CIA has technology which can
IMPERSONATE ANYONE'S VOICE and can make it appear on caller ID
screens that phone calls are coming from any telephone number the CIA
wants to use. Some of the people who said they received cell phone
and other calls were also CIA agents who had been ordered to say these
things and knew that the calls they received were actually CIA
personnel. A few people who said they received calls actually were
tricked by the CIA's voice and computer technology into believing
were talking to a passenger on Flight 93.

The CIA "staged" the phone calls which purportedly came from
passengers on Flight 93. The CIA used voice and computer technology
to make it sound and look like it was coming from Flight 93
passengers. The phone calls actually all originated from a CIA unit
in Virginia which was involved in the 9-11 attacks.

The truth is all the planes which flew into buildings and the ground
on September 11, 2001, were MILITARY REMOTE-CONTROLLED DRONE planes.
After the commercial airline flights took off on September 11, the
military drones took off and were flown remotely by military
personnel. Lies by Federal Aviation Agency and NORAD personnel
covered up the fact the commercial airliners were replaced by military
drone planes.

The US military has been able to fly large planes remotely for a
number of years. A major manufacturer of these remote-controlled
large military planes is Northrop Grumman which successfully flew an
"Unmanned Air Vehicle" known as the Global Hawk from the USA to
Australia in APRIL 2001, FIVE MONTHS BEFORE the 9-11 attacks. You can
read about it on the Northrop Grumman website:


"Australia Demonstration

Global Hawk Air Vehicle 5 made aviation history on April 22-23, 2001
when it set new records for UAV endurance during its first non-stop
7,500 mile flight across the Pacific, flying from Edwards Air Force
Base, California to the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base in
Edinburgh, Australia. Renamed Southern Cross II, it completed this
record-breaking flight in just 22 hours."

All the commercial airline flights which reportedly hit the World
Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania -
these airliners were also partially flown by the use of military
remote control technology. A few minutes after these commercial
flights took off, the planes and cockpit were flooded with a colorless
gas which caused all passengers and pilots to become unconscious. The
CIA had secretly installed remote control technology and the gas
devices in the airliners. Military personnel remotely flew these four
commercial airliners into the Atlantic Ocean; all pilots and
passengers were unconscious when the planes went into the ocean.
Everyone on these planes died. The wrecks of these commercial airline
planes are still on the ocean bottom.

An attorney and a Federal Prosecutor have proof the Bush government
ordered and carried out the 9-11 attacks. San Franscisco Attorney
Stanley Hilton filed a court case on behalf of 400 families whose
family members died in the 9-11 attacks. Hilton filed the case
against George W. Bush, occupant of the oval office. A Federal Judge
disallowed Hilton's case. You can read about this in an unbiased
source - the internet encyclopedia known as Wikipedia:

In a September 2004 interview, Stanley Hilton explained that he had
authentic copies of the Bush government's National Security Council
meetings records from August 2001, a month BEFORE the 9-11 attacks.
In these government records, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, and others
are discussing the fact that the Bush government has ordered attacks
on the World Trade Center, etc., to occur in the near future.

You can read the transcript of this interview with Attorney Stanley
Hilton at the following website:

You can listen to the MP3 interview at this website:

As noted in information leaked from the CIA leak investigations being
conducted by US Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald does
have proof the Bush government ordered and carried out the 9-11
attacks. However, there is tremendous pressure on Fitzgerald and
others to keep this from becoming public. This official proof will be
made public after NESARA's announcement.

The Bush government is using various lies and brainwashing techniques
to manipulate Americans into supporting Bush's future efforts to
attack Iran. Contrary to the Bush government's many lies, the reason
Bush wants to attack Iran is for the OIL. Iran has many productive
oil wells as well as a long coast on the Caspian Sea under which there
are large oil reserves.

Very soon after NESARA's announcement, the truth of the Bush
government ordering and carrying out the 9-11 attacks will be
officially made public.


The "trading programs" are investment processes done by the
top 25 - 50 banks. These top banks issue financial instruments called
"Mid-Term Notes" (MTNs) which enable the banks to generate funds
the bank to use and loan to customers. For example, a bank may issue
$100 Billion in MTNs. Specially licensed traders, who work for these
top 50 banks, do a process of managed buying and selling of the $100
Billion in MTNs for their clients. It is the profit generated by the
traders in these "trading" transactions utilizing the investors'
which provides the large proceeds investors receive.

To continue the example, the trader may buy the $100 Billion in MTNs
by paying only $60 Billion through electronically utilizing the
trader's investors' funds for a few minutes to make the buy. Next
trader sells the $60 Billion of MTNs for $64 Billion to another group
of clients. The first group of clients receives the $4 Billion profit
split proportionately among the clients after the trader and bank take
their fees. The trader then makes another buy of the $64 Billion of
MTNs for $68 Billion and divides the $4 Billion in profits among the
second group of investors. The traders do dozens of these
transactions every day. The trader electronically verifies
each investor's bank account to make sure the funds are in the
account; then the trader is able to utilize the investor's funds in
the trading transactions. The trader continues doing trading
transactions on multiple groups of MTNs every day. The trader may
utilize an investor's funds a few times a week, several times a week,
or multiple times a day each week. An exit buyer is already
contractually lined up to purchase the $100 Billion in MTNs; in our
example, the exit buyer would buy the MTNs for about $94-98 Billion.
Exit buyers are pension funds, insurance companies, and others who
want a longer term, stable investment. The trader always has an "exit
buyer" lined up before doing any trading transactions.

The trading programs are not well understood due to the strict
confidentiality of the five-year Non Disclosure all investors must
sign, so here are some of the basics I have learned from my contacts
with many trading organizations' personnel:
A. There are Federal Reserve "Fed Programs"; there are "Fed
programs"; and there are "private placement programs" available
at the
top 25 banks of the world.
B. The "Fed programs" require that 70-80% of the investor's net
proceeds must be used in humanitarian projects. There is close
oversight within a few months after the trading program begins of how
the investor is using the proceeds for humanitarian projects. The
oversight includes audits and submission of proof of how the investor
is using the proceeds; even onsite visits to the investor's location
for verification purposes. If oversight review is not acceptable, the
trading proceeds to the investor will be stopped and the investor has
no way to appeal this decision. I did NOT choose any of these programs
because the interference with the investor is too great.
C. The "Fed approved programs" require that 40-70% of the
net proceeds must be used in humanitarian projects. The same CLOSE
oversight and interference with the investor occurs. I did NOT choose
any of these programs because the interference with the investor is
too great.
D. The Private Placement Programs are by far the best choice in terms
of the investor's net percentage of returns and the investor's
to utilize the investor's net proceeds. In the Private Placement
Programs there is an "expectation" that the investor will use up to
20% of the net proceeds for humanitarian projects. The oversight is
generally a telephone call a few months after the investor begins
receiving trading proceeds. There is easy compliance for the investor
because many things can qualify as "humanitarian projects" -
starting/buying a company/employing more people, building hospitals,
providing medical help, providing educational options, providing
housing, cleaning pollution from the environment, -- many things -
qualify. Private Placement Programs provide the best net percentage
returns to the investor and have the easiest entry and compliance
E. Some traders are arrogant, difficult, and disrespectful to
investors. I personally screened personnel of trading organizations
to make certain they treat the investor with respect and
F. International banking laws PROHIBIT the trading organizations from
"soliciting" investors. I am not part of a trading organization so
the law does not apply to me. To protect the trading organization,
they require the investor send a "Request for Services" email. The
trading organization will respond.
G. The investor cannot be told the "actual" percentage of return
to seeing the contract as this would constitute "solicitation" by
trading organization. The investor will be asked by the trader and/or
banker "how much" the investor expects to get from the trading
program. The best answer is "I don't know." If the investor
he/she was told a specific percentage or amount, the trader and/or
banker will REFUSE to do the trading program. This again is dictated
by the international banking laws governing these programs.
H. Investors are not told the name of the trading bank until they have
provided their client information (standard client info required since
patriot act) which includes a copy of their passport, proof of funds
signed by two bank officers (bank statement or tear sheet). Once
approved the investor speaks with the trader and then receives the
trading contract to review and sign. The trading contract spells out
the ROI the investor will receive and all details.

There were a number of important points I considered in choosing the
'best trading programs':
1. Investor is sole signature on bank account(s) and is in total
control of investor's funds and trading proceeds at all times.
2. The trading programs provide MORE than 100% per week and pays
3. The trading programs provide at least 100% return NET in the FIRST
week to the investor, even after the funds for NESARA are deducted
from the first week's trading proceeds.
4. The trading programs have "easy" entry for the investor.
5. The trading programs have a low percentage humanitarian project
requirement so the investor has maximum flexibility in using the
trading proceeds.
6. The trading programs pay weekly so the investor receives the
proceeds very quickly.
7. The funds for NESARA be a ONE-TIME only amount of funds from the
investor's proceeds.
8. That the amount for NESARA be the least amount possible and still
give NESARA enough funds to begin NESARA's own trading program.
9. That the trading programs and trading organizations personnel are
authentic and provide professional, respectful service to the

I have also arranged for VERY SPECIAL HELP on every aspect of the
trading programs which help NESARA. The investors and trading
programs helping NESARA will be totally successful in every way!

In response to my requests for investors, I did receive emails from
people interested in doing the trading programs I described in last
week's Dove Report. See last week's Dove Report for more details
the best trading programs:
http://www.nesara.us/doverpts06/January_27_2006.htm . All these
trading programs provide profits of 100% PER WEEK or higher and most
pay weekly.

Obtaining the funds to do NESARA's trading program is crucial.
Therefore, I will continue calling for investors until we have what
NESARA needs.

I'm offering a $10 Million gift to an introducer who brings an
investor who actually does a trading program and provides the one-time
funds grant to NESARA. We must begin NESARA's trading program to
generate funds for NESARA's gold before a date for NESARA's
announcement can be set. If you are an investor or know an investor
able to do a trading program with a minimum of investment amount of
$65M USD or higher, please send an email to me at
***@myway.com with Subject of "Investor".

Be sure you read about the Best Trading Programs in last week's Dove
Report at http://www.nesara.us/doverpts06/January_27_2006.htm to
understand the trading programs I have investigated and had verified
as authentic by intelligence contacts.


In July 2004, I began my extensive investigations, travels, and
meetings with people who had personal knowledge of NESARA or might be
able to provide assistance regarding NESARA. Initially, my strategy
was to find people who were known to support NESARA and ask for their
help in obtaining proof of sabotaging NESARA by the US Supreme Court
Judges who had put strict gag orders on government, military, banking,
and media personnel regarding the Farmers' Cases, the Farm Claims
Processes, and NESARA. I knew from White Knight contacts that the
Judges had "jurisdiction" over NESARA and were using their control
block NESARA's announcement.

When I went to Washington, D.C. in September 2004, I was still
pursuing other actions that I had begun in August. In August 2004, I
had met a gentleman, P.G., who was associated with a famous sports
figure and who offered to help NESARA. P.G. initially offered to help
me reach a US Senator who in 2004 frequently pointed out
Constitutional Law was being trampled by the Bush government. We
believed because this Senator was such a strong supporter of the
Constitution, that if I could speak privately with the Senator, he
might be willing to help with quiet actions to remove the blockages of
NESARA by the Judges.

For several weeks, P.G. made telephone calls and sent faxes to the
"gate keepers" (appointment scheduler and Chief of Staff) for the
Senator offering to provide certain unique information to the Senator.
Although P.G. made some progress, ultimately, the "gate keepers"
continued to block our efforts to meet with the Senator.

While we were attempting to reach the Senator, I was reviewing past
notes about influential people who supported NESARA. I remembered
that a very well-known rock and roll composer and singer had mentioned
NESARA at one of his big concerts. P.G. offered to use his Hollywood
connections to find a way to reach the singer. I also mentioned in a
Dove Report that I wanted to reach this singer.

A strong lady NESARA supporter in New York State spent several days
making calls to find a way to reach the rock and roll singer. She
called me with the name, email address, phone number, and postal
address of the singer's publicist. I sent an email to the publicist
asking her to forward it to the singer. I then followed up with a
telephone call to the publicist whose voice mail message said she was
off work for a brief time. I kept following up with more emails and
telephone calls.

Then P.G. was finally able to talk by telephone with the singer's
"managers". The managers stated they had received the emails from
Dove and had forwarded the emails on to the singer. The singer never
chose to reply.

Shortly thereafter I learned that the singer was actually an investor
in very lucrative trading programs which are arranged by the Pentagon.
I was informed that certain high ranking Pentagon officers were
feeding FALSE information to the singer regarding NESARA.
Unfortunately, the singer did not know the Pentagon officers are
actually "enemies" of NESARA. The singer was kept from helping
to lies from the Pentagon officers.

This happens often. Those opposing NESARA purposely target
influential people who support NESARA and feed them lies to keep them
from helping NESARA. You would think, after all these years, people
would stop listening to the lies.

Over the years, I had learned from people who had been involved in the
Farm Claims process that there were certain "good US military
officers", active and retired, who supported NESARA. In addition to
the efforts to reach the Senator and the rock and roll singer, I was
making many other contacts looking for some of these NESARA

I reviewed thousands of NTAT members' applications to join my NESARA
Take Action Teams to find people whose background indicated they
likely knew and networked with many people. Some of these also had
military background. Through emails and telephone calls, I contacted
dozens of people looking for connections to people who might support

Sifting through the information I gathered, it seemed obvious there
were more people in Washington, DC, who knew about NESARA than in any
other city. Even though most of these people were under the US
Supreme Court gag order, it was possible that some of them would be
willing to help if their involvement were kept confidential.

After hours of searching the internet attorney websites and scores of
telephone calls, I had finally found two attorneys who specialized in
government whistleblowers and seemed willing to talk with us about our
project. In mid-September 2004 I flew to Washington, DC to meet with
the investigator and the two attorneys. At the hotel in D.C., for the
first time I also met a very strong NESARA supporter, a lady from
Virginia. We planned to go to the attorneys' office the next day.

Unfortunately, the morning after we both arrived, the investigator
called to say he had changed his mind about finding the witnesses we
needed. Both the lady from Virginia and I were stunned at this

I decided because the US Congress, the US Supreme Court, the Pentagon,
and intelligence agencies were all headquartered in Washington, DC, I
would stay in Washington, DC for the next few weeks in search of
NESARA supporters who could help. I moved to a nice residential hotel
in DC and started developing new strategies to find people who knew
about and supported NESARA.

Once again I reviewed all the notes and information I had regarding
people who had US military contacts and supported NESARA. I searched
through the Dove mailing list to find email addresses indicating a
connection to the US military or federal government. I wrote each
person a private email asking for their help. A few of them replied
with their telephone numbers; I called them to discuss the information
and contacts I was seeking.

Still not finding the right contacts, I wrote a special email message
which was sent to all subscribers of the Dove Report. I requested
emails from those who had past or present connections with US military
personnel. I received over 180 responses. For the next two weeks, I
made hundreds of telephone calls to those who responded and to others
they recommended I contact.

During these telephone conversations, I spoke with two people who had
personal knowledge of the little-known fact that the Bush government
was secretly preparing to declare martial law. One contact was a man
who had been called back to active duty from retirement and who
confirmed that his National Guard unit in the Midwest was being
specifically trained to go to Americans' homes in the dead of night,
arrest Americans, and haul them off to the concentration camps! He
was very upset with what was happening and tried to put me in touch
with personnel in military intelligence who might be able to help find
US military personnel supporting NESARA. For several weeks, I
corresponded with this gentleman. Initially, two military
intelligence people said they wanted to meet with me; later they
decided they could not.

The other contact was a person whose parents were active US military
officers who had been briefed about the possibility of martial law
being declared by Bush.

About this same time, a contact with direct knowledge of Bush's plans
to declare martial law came to me through another strong NESARA
supporter. Next week in Part 4 of the Chronicles of NESARA, I will
cover the comments made by this person whom some of you know from his
writings on the Internet and his part in the 9-11 expose video
"Confronting the Evidence".


This week I received a second telephone call informing me there is
considerable interest and discussion among certain groups who control
caches of the gold we intend to contract to buy for NESARA. From
recent contacts, we expect good cooperation in negotiating the
contract for NESARA's gold. Obtaining the contract for NESARA's
million metric tons of gold will move NESARA to announcement soon
after the contract is signed. We can estimate when we can start
negotiating the gold contract and the approximate date for NESARA's
Announcement once we have NESARA's trading program going. NESARA

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams

Dove uses a pen-name for security and privacy reasons. The term "White
Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big
business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from
a hostile takeover by a White Knight" corporation or wealthy person.
Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world the
benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and
banking fraud deserve to be called "White Knights". Our
website has had 28,810,752 visits since October 2003; email
subscribers = 16,442.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

For more information on NESARA, go to WWW.NESARA.US .

To SUBSCRIBE to the Dove Reports, please send an email with Subject of
"Subscribe" to ***@nesara.us. Please allow 72 HOURS for
processing your request.

To UNSUBSCRIBE from the Dove Reports, send an email with Subject of
"Unsubscribe" to ***@nesara.us . Please allow 72 HOURS for
processing your request.
2006-02-06 05:13:24 UTC

How dumb are you to actually think that there is anything credible in
what the "Dove of Oneness" says?




That's a rhetorical question ... no need to answer.

2006-02-06 13:44:47 UTC
Post by b***@hotmail.com
How dumb are you to actually think that there is anything credible in
what the "Dove of Oneness" says?
That's a rhetorical question ... no need to answer.
Here's another rhetorical question that Jack'O can't seem to answer. Do
you or Jack'O deny the fat that Jack'O's hands are legally and morally
