Every American Needs To View Eldon Warman Tax Scam Video !!
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Dave Johnson
2007-02-19 16:52:46 UTC
Every American Needs To see the reality of Eldon Warman !

Eldon Warman lost his American Airlines piloting job (FAA pulled
medical certificate for psycological reasons)
Eldon Warman lost his job driving a tour bus after he assaulted an
Nothing like adding that to one's resume. Eldon is now over 65 years
old and has retired to his mom's basement suite.

Eldon says:
"Joe the JewBoy, Thanks for bringing back this reminder for the People
of Canada and the United States to read and refresh their memory of
what your NAZI-ZIONIST JEWS have done to the People of America. It's
too bad we don't have a greater need for soap and lampshades, but, I
suppose it would be difficult to get the stench of pig shit out of
that slimy fat.

Eldon Warman refers to "George Bush, the Unelected Jewnited States
Fuhrer" as leader of the `jackbooted' NAZI style goon squad."

"Criswell, go back to screwing little goy boys, like the good Zionist
Jew you obviously are.
Another correspondent suggests that Eldon Warman is mentally ill. He
It seems I have the Jew boys really slinging their PIG SHIT, instead
of doing what they do best, declare it kosher and dine on it....And,
may their babies be butchered in their Jew owned abortion clinics.



***@hotmail.com. Eldon Warman
2007-02-20 00:04:55 UTC
I wonder how many Americans will read this
"UGLY AMERICAN", Dave Johnson's posts
and see just what sort of TRAITOR
you have in your midst.

I would suspect that any 'discerning' American
man or woman, who understands who, or what
group or organization is behind the demolition of
the USA, a 'total demolition' as was portrayed by
the heinous demolition of the WTC buildings in
9/11/2001, that they would see this Dave Johnson
for what he is, an arch-TRAITOR of all the REAL
"AMERICA" stands for, or originally stood for
before taken over by the true ENEMY of AMERICA.
[And, that certainly is not Moslems]

George Carlin's view of America's problem
is here:

A more POSITIVE statement of the same facts
can be read here:


Gray Shockley
2007-02-23 05:39:04 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
I wonder how many Americans will read this
"UGLY AMERICAN", Dave Johnson's posts
and see just what sort of TRAITOR
you have in your midst.
[chuckle] You don't know that "The Ugly American" was one of the
heroes of the book, do ya, NotVeryBright?
Post by Vicegerent
I would suspect that any 'discerning'
And, by "discerning" you appear to mean, agrees with Vickie G
Post by Vicegerent
man or woman, who understands who, or what
group or organization is behind the demolition of
the USA, a 'total demolition' as was portrayed by
the heinous demolition of the WTC buildings in
9/11/2001, that they would see this Dave Johnson
for what he is, an arch-TRAITOR of all the REAL
"AMERICA" stands for, or originally stood for
before taken over by the true ENEMY of AMERICA.
Ooohh, you're getting all excited, Missie.
Post by Vicegerent
[And, that certainly is not Moslems]
George Carlin's view of America's problem
A more POSITIVE statement of the same facts
Last para of that webpage:

The power behind us all is the Will of the Creator,
and you will invoke such energies by acting in Love
and Light. Your intent will create an energy that
will grow in intensity, until it must manifest the
result you desire. Do believe that as an individual
your contribution is most important, as it is your
collective intent that will win the day. You are the
carriers of the Light that will bring the truth into
being, and most certainly the truth will set you
free. Remember that you are much more than mere
mortals, and are made in the image of the Creator.
You are Gods that are waking up to the realization of
your enormous potential. Use it now and light up
your path to Ascension.
Post by Vicegerent
Gee, Vickie, I would have joined you in Haight-Ashbury for your
"Summer of Love" but my First Sergeant wouldn't let me go.

Did a lot of those drugs, huh.

Have you ever done anything but whine?

Gray Shockley
A M-79 in the hand is worth
- uh - well - a buncha stuff.
