---- Welcome To Obamaville! More Americans Will Use Food Stamps For Thanksgiving This Year Than Ever Before "Thanks Mr. Obama!"
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Sid Sucks 9 Dicks
2012-11-20 22:54:50 UTC
More Bad News For America
Obozo's Four Years Of Failure
More Americans Will Use Food Stamps For Thanksgiving This Year Than
Ever Before
More Americans will use food stamps to buy their Thanksgiving dinner
this year than ever before, according to a new report from the
nonprofit government watchdog group The Sunlight Foundation.
This Thanksgiving, 42.2 million Americans will be on food stamps
according to the Economic Policy Institute. This is roughly the size
of the populations of California and Connecticut combined.
How's That Hopey-Changey Thing Working Out For You?
2012-11-21 03:09:09 UTC
Post by Sid Sucks 9 Dicks
More Bad News For America
Obozo's Four Years Of Failure
More Americans Will Use Food Stamps For Thanksgiving This Year Than
Ever Before
More Americans will use food stamps to buy their Thanksgiving dinner
this year than ever before, according to a new report from the
nonprofit government watchdog group The Sunlight Foundation.
This Thanksgiving, 42.2 million Americans will be on food stamps
according to the Economic Policy Institute. This is roughly the size
of the populations of California and Connecticut combined.
How's That Hopey-Changey Thing Working Out For You?
Isn't using food stamps for Thanksgiving like the opposite of giving
thanks for the bounty.... it's the poor giving thanks to those that
earned enough to keep them from going hungry?

Maybe the food stamp President and his minions should call it Thanks
humbling.... and be a little less hateful of those that are actually
responsible for feeding the poor.
#24 - Business is the art of making painful choices and getting it right
often enough to stay in business.