More Bad Economic News, New Home Sales Fall And Cast Shadow On Recovery, Thanks Mr. Obama!
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Bradley K. Sherman
2012-11-28 18:48:46 UTC
Welcome to Obamaville!
New Home Sales Fall And Cast Shadow On Recovery
CNBC: New U.S. single-family home sales fell slightly in October and
the government revised sharply lower its estimate for the prior
month's sales…

Why do Obozo and the DemoCRETINs hate America?
Just Waiting For My Game To Download
2012-11-30 19:01:33 UTC
"Bradley K. Sherman" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:f8e8b60b-f61a-490a-9bd5-***@v9g2000pbi.googlegroups.com...
Welcome to Obamaville!
New Home Sales Fall And Cast Shadow On Recovery
CNBC: New U.S. single-family home sales fell slightly in October and
the government revised sharply lower its estimate for the prior
month's sales…

Why do Obozo and the DemoCRETINs hate America?

Richard Nixon committed an act of treason when he sabatoged the Paris peace
talks during his campaign for President.

Reagan committted an act of treason when he sold weapons to the Ayatollah
Khomeni to thank him for holding the U.S. Iranian embassy hostages until
after the election.

Dick Cheney committed an act of treason when he disclosed the name of a
covert CIA agent just to get even with her husband.

Pending home sales rise in October
November 29, 2012|Ruth Mantell

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Pending home sales rose 5.2% in October in the
most recent data signaling a recovering housing market, the National
Association of Realtors reported Thursday. The pending-home-sales index rose
to 104.8 in October from 99.6 in September, the trade association said.
Pending sales were up 13.2% from October 2011, for the 18th month of annual
gains. "We've had very good housing affordability conditions for quite some
time, but we're seeing more impact now from steady job creation, and rising
consumer confidence about home buying now that home prices have clearly
turned positive," said Lawrence Yun, NAR's chief economist, in a statement.
By region, October saw gains in the Midwest and South, which more than
offset declines in the hurricane-hit Northeast and West. A sale is listed as
pending when the contract has been signed but the transaction has not
closed, and an index of 100 is equal to the average level of contract
activity during 2001.


news.google.com search term home sales

October new-home sales swept lower by storm
Economic Report
November 28, 2012|Ruth Mantell, MarketWatch

Why do Republicans hate hard-working Americans?

Why do Republicans spit on those trying to clean-up the mess THEY made?

Why do Republicans want to force the Defense Department to cut its budget to
save tax cuts for corporations?

It's not like corporations pay for trade agreements and enforcement out of
their own pockets. Who do they go running to when the Chinese or Dutch start
dumping goods in the U.S. market?

Not the U.N.

Someone has to pay Embassy employees to be on call to bail-out drunk
executives from the local foreign jail.

Now that I think about it, why don't these companies who want to keep their
foreign profits tax-free just move to those countries and quit whining about

They need to call the Italian or Chinese navy for help next time their
tanker gets boarded by pirates.

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