Where's Kaminski?
(too old to reply)
Percival Baines
2006-01-20 19:43:43 UTC
Where is John Kaminski?

This is - or was - a brave honest writer asking the right questions
and telling such truth as he knows - or knew - about the despicable
gang who have seized power in America and about those who via greed
and corruption have laid waste 'democracy' in the name of loot.

Problem is that he was publishing an article more or less each week,
but he has not sent out a letter in over a month. He was living in the
Florida area.

Has he been picked up? If so, by whom? on what pretext? and does he
have legal representation? Is anything known of his wellbeing?

These days people like you or me or Kaminski can just 'disappear' as
in any other corrupt banana republic in the past, just for telling the
truth. It comes of letting Papa-Doc-type thugs take power when you're
not looking.

It comes to something when such other so-called banana republics are
now - just for being truly democratic - criticized and threatened by
our own nation which is now frankly run solely for the benefit of the
rich gangsters - mostly of alien origin - who have seized power here.

Time to clean out and fumigate the house, don't you think, folks? But
democratically or undemocratically, let's just do it.
Percival Baines
2006-01-20 19:44:03 UTC
Where is John Kaminski?

This is - or was - a brave honest writer asking the right questions
and telling such truth as he knows - or knew - about the despicable
gang who have seized power in America and about those who via greed
and corruption have laid waste 'democracy' in the name of loot.

Problem is that he was publishing an article more or less each week,
but he has not sent out a letter in over a month. He was living in the
Florida area.

Has he been picked up? If so, by whom? on what pretext? and does he
have legal representation? Is anything known of his wellbeing?

These days people like you or me or Kaminski can just 'disappear' as
in any other corrupt banana republic in the past, just for telling the
truth. It comes of letting Papa-Doc-type thugs take power when you're
not looking.

It comes to something when such other so-called banana republics are
now - just for being truly democratic - criticized and threatened by
our own nation which is now frankly run solely for the benefit of the
rich gangsters - mostly of alien origin - who have seized power here.

Time to clean out and fumigate the house, don't you think, folks? But
democratically or undemocratically, let's just do it.
