Gullible Americans have been duped by the 9/11 Hoax
(too old to reply)
2006-08-17 05:27:25 UTC
Key Reagan advisor Hon. Paul Roberts:

"Gullible Americans have been duped by the 9/11 Hoax...
Wise up -- the world is laughing at you."

Who is Paul Craig Roberts?
· Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic
Policy under Ronald Reagan (awarded the Treasury
Department's Meritorious Service Award for "his
outstanding contributions to the formulation of United
States economic policy.")
· Senior Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution,
Stanford University, and Research Fellow at the
Independent Institute.
· Former editor and columnist for The Wall Street
Journal and columnist for Business Week and the
Scripps Howard News Service
· Held the William E. Simon Chair in Political
Economy at the Center for Strategic and International
Studies (1982 -1993)
· Distinguished Fellow at the Cato Institute from
1993 to 1996
· Olin Fellow at the Institute for Political Economy
· Nationally syndicated columnist for Investor's
Business Daily
· Winner of the 1992 Warren Brookes Award for
Excellence in Journalism
· Ranked "One of the top seven journalists" by
the Forbes Media Guide (1993)
· Author of, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, and
Marx's Theory of Exchange, Alienation and Crisis

Dr. Roberts was educated at the Georgia Institute of
Technology (B.S.), the University of Virginia (Ph.D.),
the University of California at Berkeley and Oxford
University where he was a member of Merton College.

He is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who
in the World, The Dictionary of International Biography,
Outstanding People of the Twentieth Century,
and 1000 Leaders of World Influence.

Could anyone in their right mind consider this man a
crackpot "conspiracy theorist"?
By Paul Craig Roberts
Information Clearing House

I was in China when a July Harris Poll reported that
50 percent of Americans still believe that Iraq had
weapons of mass destruction when Bush invaded
that country, and that 64 percent of Americans still
believe that Saddam Hussein had strong links with
Al Qaeda.

The Chinese leaders and intellectuals with whom I
was meeting were incredulous. How could a
majority of the population in an allegedly free
country with an allegedly free press be so totally

The only answer I could give the Chinese is that
Americans would have been the perfect population
for Mao and the Gang of Four, because Americans
believe anything their government tells them.

Americans never check any facts. Who do you
know, for example, who has even read the Report
of the 9/11 Commission, much less checked the
alleged facts reported in that document. I can
answer for you. You don't know anyone who
has read the report or checked the facts.

The two co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission
Report, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, have
just released a new book, "Without Precedent:
The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission." Kean
and Hamilton reveal that the commission
suppressed the fact that Muslim ire toward the
US is due to US support for Israel's persecution
and dispossession of the Palestinians, not to
our "freedom and democracy" as Bush
propagandistically claims.

Kean and Hamilton also reveal that the US
military committed perjury and lied about its
failure to intercept the hijacked airliners. The
commission even debated referring the
military's lies to the Justice Department for
criminal investigation. Why should we assume
that these admissions are the only coverups
and lies in the 9/11 Commission Report?

How do you know that 9/11 was a Muslim
terrorist plot? How do you know that THREE
World Trade Center buildings collapsed because
TWO were hit by airliners? You only "know"
because the government gave you the
explanation of what you saw on TV.
(Did you even know that three WTC
buildings collapsed?)

I still remember the enlightenment I experienced
as a student in Russian Studies when I learned
that the Czarist secret police would set off bombs
and then blame those whom they wanted to arrest.

When Hitler seized dictatorial power in 1933, he
told the Germans that his new powers were made
necessary by a communist terrorist attack on the
Reichstag. When Hitler started World War II by
invading Poland, he told the Germans that Poland
had crossed the frontier and attacked Germany.

Governments lie all the time--especially
governments staffed by neoconservatives whose
intellectual godfather, Leo Strauss, taught them that
it is permissible to deceive the public in order to
achieve their agenda.

Some readers will write to me to say that they
saw a TV documentary or read a magazine article
verifying the government's explanation of 9/11.
But, of course, these Americans did not check
the facts either--and neither did the people who
made the documentary and wrote the magazine

Scientists and engineers, such as Clemson
University Professor of Engineering Dr. Judy
Woods and BYU Professor of Physics
Dr. Steven Jones, have raised compelling
questions about the official account of the
collapse of the three WTC buildings.

The basic problem for the government's account
is that the buildings are known to have fallen at
freefall speed, a fact that is inconsistent with
the government's "pancaking" theory in which
debris from above collapsed the floors below.

If the buildings actually "pancaked," then each
floor below would have offered resistance to the
floors above, and the elapsed time would have
been much longer. These experts have also
calculated that the buildings did not have
sufficient gravitational energy to accommodate
the government's theory of the collapse.

It is certainly a known and non-controversial fact
among physicists and engineers that the only
way buildings can collapse at freefall speed
into their own footprints is by engineered demolition.
Explosives are used to remove the support of
floors below before the debris from above arrives.
Otherwise, resistance is encountered and the
time required for fall increases.

Engineered demolition also explains the
symmetrical collapse of the buildings into their
own foot prints. As it is otherwise improbable
for every point in floors below to weaken
uniformly, "pancaking" would result in
asymmetrical collapse as some elements
of the floor would give sooner than others.

Scientific evidence is a tough thing for the
American public to handle, and the government
knows it. The government can rely on people
dismissing things that they cannot understand
as "conspiracy theory." But if you are inclined
to try to make up your own mind, you can find
Dr. Jones' and Dr. Woods' papers, which have
been formally presented to their peers at
scientific meetings, on line at

Experts have also pointed out that the buildings'
massive steel skeletons comprised a massive
heat sink that wicked away the heat from the
limited, short-lived fires, thus preventing a heat
buildup. Experts also point out that the short-lived,
scattered, low-intensity fires could barely reach
half the melting point of steel even if they burned
all day instead of merely an hour.

Don't ask me to tell you what happened on 9/11.
All I know is that the official account of the
buildings' collapse is improbable.

Now we are being told another improbable tale.
Muslim terrorists in London and Pakistan were
caught plotting to commit mass murder by
smuggling bottles of explosive liquids on board
airliners in hand luggage. Baby formula, shampoo
and water bottles allegedly contained the tools
of suicide bombers.

How do we know about this plot? Well, the
police learned it from an "Islamic militant arrested
near the Afghan-Pakistan border several weeks
ago." And how did someone so far away know
what British-born people in London were plotting?

Do you really believe that Western and Israeli
intelligence services, which were too incompetent
to prevent the 9/11 attack, can uncover a London
plot by capturing a person on the Afghan border
in Pakistan? Why would "an Islamic militant" rat
on such a plot even if he knew of it?

More probable explanations of the "plot" are readily
available. According to the August 11 Wayne
Madsen Report, informed sources in the UK
report that "the Tony Blair government, under
siege by a Labor Party revolt, cleverly cooked
up a new 'terror' scare to avert the public's eyes
away from Blair's increasing political woes.

British law enforcement, neocon and intelligence
operatives in the US, Israel, and Britain, and Rupert
Murdoch's global media empire cooked up the
terrorist plot, liberally borrowing from the failed
1995 'Oplan Bjinka' plot by Pakistan - and
Philippines-based terrorist Ramzi Ahmad Yousef
to crash 11 trans-Pacific airliners bound from
Asia to the US."

There are other plausible explanations.
For example, our puppet in Pakistan decided
to arrest some people who were a threat to him.
With Bush's commitment to "building democracy
in the Middle East," our puppet can't arrest his
political enemies without cause, so he lays
the blame on a plot.

Any testimony against Muslim plotters by
"an Islamic militant" is certain to have been
bought and paid for.

Or consider this explanation. Under the
Nuremberg standard, Bush and Blair are war
criminals. Bush is so worried that he will be
held accountable that he has sent his attorney
general to consult with the Republican Congress
to work out legislation to protect Bush retroactively
from his violations of the Geneva Conventions.

Tony Blair is in more danger of finding himself
in the dock. Britain is signatory to a treaty that,
if justice is done, will place Blair before the
International Criminal Court in the Hague.

What better justification for the two war criminals'
illegal actions than the need to foil dastardly plots
by Muslims recruited in sting operations by
Western intelligence services? The more Bush
and Blair can convince their publics that terrorist
danger abounds, the less likely Bush and Blair
are ever to be held accountable for their crimes.

But surely, some readers might object, our
great moral leaders wouldn't do something
political like that!

They most certainly would. As Joshua Micah
Marshall wrote in the July 7 issue of Time magazine,
the suspicion is "quite reasonable" that "the Bush
Administration orchestrates its terror alerts
and arrests to goose the GOP's poll numbers."

Joshua Micah Marshall proves his conclusion
by examining the barrage of color-coded terror
alerts, none of which were real, and, yes,
it all fits with political needs.

And don't forget the plot unearthed in Miami
to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago. Described
by Vice President Cheney as a "very real threat,"
the plot turned out to be nothing more than a
few harmless whackos recruited by an FBI agent
sent out to organize a sting.

There was also the "foiled plot" to blow up the
Holland Tunnel and flood downtown New York
City with sea water. Thinking New Orleans,
the FBI invented this plot without realizing
that New York City is above sea level.
Of course, most Americans didn't realize it either.

For six years the Bush regime has been able
to count on the ignorant and naive American
public to believe whatever tale that is told them.
American gullibility has yet to fail the Bush regime.

The government has an endless number of
conspiracy theories, but only people who
question the government's conspiracies
are derided for "having a conspiracy theory."

The implication is even worse if we assume
that the explosive bottle plot is genuine.
It means that America and Britain by their
own aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan,
and by enabling Israel's war crimes in
Palestine and Lebanon, have created
such hatred that Muslims, who identify
with Bush's, Blair's, and Israel's victims,
are plotting retaliation.

But Bush is prepared. He has taught his
untutored public that "they hate us for our
freedom and democracy."

Gentle reader, wise up.
The entire world is laughing at you.
2006-08-17 10:23:08 UTC
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?

Is there any pile of BS you won't buy in an attempt to justify the U.S.
and Canadian governments as the object of your small time lawlessness?
Post by Vicegerent
"Gullible Americans have been duped by the 9/11 Hoax...
Wise up -- the world is laughing at you."
Who is Paul Craig Roberts?
· Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic
Policy under Ronald Reagan (awarded the Treasury
Department's Meritorious Service Award for "his
outstanding contributions to the formulation of United
States economic policy.")
· Senior Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution,
Stanford University, and Research Fellow at the
Independent Institute.
· Former editor and columnist for The Wall Street
Journal and columnist for Business Week and the
Scripps Howard News Service
· Held the William E. Simon Chair in Political
Economy at the Center for Strategic and International
Studies (1982 -1993)
· Distinguished Fellow at the Cato Institute from
1993 to 1996
· Olin Fellow at the Institute for Political Economy
· Nationally syndicated columnist for Investor's
Business Daily
· Winner of the 1992 Warren Brookes Award for
Excellence in Journalism
· Ranked "One of the top seven journalists" by
the Forbes Media Guide (1993)
· Author of, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, and
Marx's Theory of Exchange, Alienation and Crisis
Dr. Roberts was educated at the Georgia Institute of
Technology (B.S.), the University of Virginia (Ph.D.),
the University of California at Berkeley and Oxford
University where he was a member of Merton College.
He is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who
in the World, The Dictionary of International Biography,
Outstanding People of the Twentieth Century,
and 1000 Leaders of World Influence.
Could anyone in their right mind consider this man a
crackpot "conspiracy theorist"?
By Paul Craig Roberts
Information Clearing House
I was in China when a July Harris Poll reported that
50 percent of Americans still believe that Iraq had
weapons of mass destruction when Bush invaded
that country, and that 64 percent of Americans still
believe that Saddam Hussein had strong links with
Al Qaeda.
The Chinese leaders and intellectuals with whom I
was meeting were incredulous. How could a
majority of the population in an allegedly free
country with an allegedly free press be so totally
The only answer I could give the Chinese is that
Americans would have been the perfect population
for Mao and the Gang of Four, because Americans
believe anything their government tells them.
Americans never check any facts. Who do you
know, for example, who has even read the Report
of the 9/11 Commission, much less checked the
alleged facts reported in that document. I can
answer for you. You don't know anyone who
has read the report or checked the facts.
The two co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission
Report, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, have
The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission." Kean
and Hamilton reveal that the commission
suppressed the fact that Muslim ire toward the
US is due to US support for Israel's persecution
and dispossession of the Palestinians, not to
our "freedom and democracy" as Bush
propagandistically claims.
Kean and Hamilton also reveal that the US
military committed perjury and lied about its
failure to intercept the hijacked airliners. The
commission even debated referring the
military's lies to the Justice Department for
criminal investigation. Why should we assume
that these admissions are the only coverups
and lies in the 9/11 Commission Report?
How do you know that 9/11 was a Muslim
terrorist plot? How do you know that THREE
World Trade Center buildings collapsed because
TWO were hit by airliners? You only "know"
because the government gave you the
explanation of what you saw on TV.
(Did you even know that three WTC
buildings collapsed?)
I still remember the enlightenment I experienced
as a student in Russian Studies when I learned
that the Czarist secret police would set off bombs
and then blame those whom they wanted to arrest.
When Hitler seized dictatorial power in 1933, he
told the Germans that his new powers were made
necessary by a communist terrorist attack on the
Reichstag. When Hitler started World War II by
invading Poland, he told the Germans that Poland
had crossed the frontier and attacked Germany.
Governments lie all the time--especially
governments staffed by neoconservatives whose
intellectual godfather, Leo Strauss, taught them that
it is permissible to deceive the public in order to
achieve their agenda.
Some readers will write to me to say that they
saw a TV documentary or read a magazine article
verifying the government's explanation of 9/11.
But, of course, these Americans did not check
the facts either--and neither did the people who
made the documentary and wrote the magazine
Scientists and engineers, such as Clemson
University Professor of Engineering Dr. Judy
Woods and BYU Professor of Physics
Dr. Steven Jones, have raised compelling
questions about the official account of the
collapse of the three WTC buildings.
The basic problem for the government's account
is that the buildings are known to have fallen at
freefall speed, a fact that is inconsistent with
the government's "pancaking" theory in which
debris from above collapsed the floors below.
If the buildings actually "pancaked," then each
floor below would have offered resistance to the
floors above, and the elapsed time would have
been much longer. These experts have also
calculated that the buildings did not have
sufficient gravitational energy to accommodate
the government's theory of the collapse.
It is certainly a known and non-controversial fact
among physicists and engineers that the only
way buildings can collapse at freefall speed
into their own footprints is by engineered demolition.
Explosives are used to remove the support of
floors below before the debris from above arrives.
Otherwise, resistance is encountered and the
time required for fall increases.
Engineered demolition also explains the
symmetrical collapse of the buildings into their
own foot prints. As it is otherwise improbable
for every point in floors below to weaken
uniformly, "pancaking" would result in
asymmetrical collapse as some elements
of the floor would give sooner than others.
Scientific evidence is a tough thing for the
American public to handle, and the government
knows it. The government can rely on people
dismissing things that they cannot understand
as "conspiracy theory." But if you are inclined
to try to make up your own mind, you can find
Dr. Jones' and Dr. Woods' papers, which have
been formally presented to their peers at
scientific meetings, on line at
Experts have also pointed out that the buildings'
massive steel skeletons comprised a massive
heat sink that wicked away the heat from the
limited, short-lived fires, thus preventing a heat
buildup. Experts also point out that the short-lived,
scattered, low-intensity fires could barely reach
half the melting point of steel even if they burned
all day instead of merely an hour.
Don't ask me to tell you what happened on 9/11.
All I know is that the official account of the
buildings' collapse is improbable.
Now we are being told another improbable tale.
Muslim terrorists in London and Pakistan were
caught plotting to commit mass murder by
smuggling bottles of explosive liquids on board
airliners in hand luggage. Baby formula, shampoo
and water bottles allegedly contained the tools
of suicide bombers.
How do we know about this plot? Well, the
police learned it from an "Islamic militant arrested
near the Afghan-Pakistan border several weeks
ago." And how did someone so far away know
what British-born people in London were plotting?
Do you really believe that Western and Israeli
intelligence services, which were too incompetent
to prevent the 9/11 attack, can uncover a London
plot by capturing a person on the Afghan border
in Pakistan? Why would "an Islamic militant" rat
on such a plot even if he knew of it?
More probable explanations of the "plot" are readily
available. According to the August 11 Wayne
Madsen Report, informed sources in the UK
report that "the Tony Blair government, under
siege by a Labor Party revolt, cleverly cooked
up a new 'terror' scare to avert the public's eyes
away from Blair's increasing political woes.
British law enforcement, neocon and intelligence
operatives in the US, Israel, and Britain, and Rupert
Murdoch's global media empire cooked up the
terrorist plot, liberally borrowing from the failed
1995 'Oplan Bjinka' plot by Pakistan - and
Philippines-based terrorist Ramzi Ahmad Yousef
to crash 11 trans-Pacific airliners bound from
Asia to the US."
There are other plausible explanations.
For example, our puppet in Pakistan decided
to arrest some people who were a threat to him.
With Bush's commitment to "building democracy
in the Middle East," our puppet can't arrest his
political enemies without cause, so he lays
the blame on a plot.
Any testimony against Muslim plotters by
"an Islamic militant" is certain to have been
bought and paid for.
Or consider this explanation. Under the
Nuremberg standard, Bush and Blair are war
criminals. Bush is so worried that he will be
held accountable that he has sent his attorney
general to consult with the Republican Congress
to work out legislation to protect Bush retroactively
from his violations of the Geneva Conventions.
Tony Blair is in more danger of finding himself
in the dock. Britain is signatory to a treaty that,
if justice is done, will place Blair before the
International Criminal Court in the Hague.
What better justification for the two war criminals'
illegal actions than the need to foil dastardly plots
by Muslims recruited in sting operations by
Western intelligence services? The more Bush
and Blair can convince their publics that terrorist
danger abounds, the less likely Bush and Blair
are ever to be held accountable for their crimes.
But surely, some readers might object, our
great moral leaders wouldn't do something
political like that!
They most certainly would. As Joshua Micah
Marshall wrote in the July 7 issue of Time magazine,
the suspicion is "quite reasonable" that "the Bush
Administration orchestrates its terror alerts
and arrests to goose the GOP's poll numbers."
Joshua Micah Marshall proves his conclusion
by examining the barrage of color-coded terror
alerts, none of which were real, and, yes,
it all fits with political needs.
And don't forget the plot unearthed in Miami
to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago. Described
by Vice President Cheney as a "very real threat,"
the plot turned out to be nothing more than a
few harmless whackos recruited by an FBI agent
sent out to organize a sting.
There was also the "foiled plot" to blow up the
Holland Tunnel and flood downtown New York
City with sea water. Thinking New Orleans,
the FBI invented this plot without realizing
that New York City is above sea level.
Of course, most Americans didn't realize it either.
For six years the Bush regime has been able
to count on the ignorant and naive American
public to believe whatever tale that is told them.
American gullibility has yet to fail the Bush regime.
The government has an endless number of
conspiracy theories, but only people who
question the government's conspiracies
are derided for "having a conspiracy theory."
The implication is even worse if we assume
that the explosive bottle plot is genuine.
It means that America and Britain by their
own aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan,
and by enabling Israel's war crimes in
Palestine and Lebanon, have created
such hatred that Muslims, who identify
with Bush's, Blair's, and Israel's victims,
are plotting retaliation.
But Bush is prepared. He has taught his
untutored public that "they hate us for our
freedom and democracy."
Gentle reader, wise up.
The entire world is laughing at you.
2006-08-17 14:49:01 UTC

Is there any evil and bankster extortion racket
for which Jack Foster of Kentucky (Abbot) will
not attempt to do his pathetic 'damage control'
bullshit? He spends 24/7 working to keep the
American and Canadian people in the fiction
world that is the income tax extortion racket
and the vile human butchery promoted by
George Wacky Bush and Dickhead Cheney.

See what this queer looks like, folks... Go to:


Post by Abbot
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?
Is there any pile of BS you won't buy in an attempt to justify the U.S.
and Canadian governments as the object of your small time lawlessness?
2006-08-17 15:26:28 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Is there any evil and bankster extortion racket
for which Jack Foster of Kentucky (Abbot) will
not attempt to do his pathetic 'damage control'
bullshit? He spends 24/7 working to keep the
American and Canadian people in the fiction
world that is the income tax extortion racket
and the vile human butchery promoted by
George Wacky Bush and Dickhead Cheney.
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?
Is there any pile of BS you won't buy in an attempt to justify the U.S.
and Canadian governments as the object of your small time lawlessness?
Abbot 2) I find it interesting that the same tin foil hatted loony tune
who thinks natural persons are really slave/crew members on a "make
believe ship" captained by Zionist lizard vipers is able to feign
sanity long enough to post the recognition by others that George Bush
sold the public a pig in a poke when he told them Iraq had WMDs and
ties to Al Qaeda.

A little more sanity wouldn't hurt ya', Eldon.
2006-08-17 15:00:03 UTC
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?
You seem to believe the government conspiracy story, which is the most
incredible conspiracy theory of all concerning 9/11. 19 men with
boxcutters being controlled by someone living in a cave in Afghanistan
taking over 4 commercial jetliners and fly around in American airspace
for better than an hour without being challenged by Air Force jets. Two
of those planes hit the WTC towers with resulting fires causing their
complete collapse in about 90 minutes or less time. Despite the fact
that no modern steel building has ever collapsed before or since as the
result of fire. The Towers also collapse at free fall speeds which
would indicate that the lower floors were providing no resistance at all
to the collapsing upper floors. This would have been possible only if
all floors collapsed at the same time. The majority of the massive
steel beams all fall apart in 24 ft. sections, which is just the right
size to be loaded on to trucks to haul them away. The thousands of
cubic yards of concrete within the buildings are pulverized to
microscopic dust particles as the buildings collapse. Which raises the
question, "Where was the weight coming from that caused the floors to
pancake all the way to the ground?" All other office equipment in the
towers was similarly pulverized. Close to 3 thousand people die in the
buildings but very few bodies are found. Do you suppose they were
pulverized into fine microscopic particle along with the concrete, etc?
Then, later in the afternoon, WTC building 7, which was never hit by a
plane but had several minor fires, totally collapses as if imploded and
the government commissioned panel is unable to explain the cause of its
collapse. The commission does investigate several steel beams from the
buildings where it discloses the facts that the ends of the beams appear
to have suffered from a high temperature attack with a resulting
sulfidation. They are then unable to explain where the sulfur came
from. I guess they had never heard of explosives.

Then we have Don Rumsfeld stating during a recorded interview that a
missile hit the Pentagon. Then the government can't produce a single
picture showing the plane hitting the Pentagon or its subsequent
wreckage. Yet we are suppose to believe that terrorists who couldn't
fly a light plane dove a jetliner thousands of feet while smoothly
making a 270 degree turn and bringing the massive plane right down to
where it was just skimming the ground while doing 400 plus miles an
hour. After all that only to strike a portion of the Pentagon that had
been reinforced against bomb attacks and was under construction with
very few people in the section. All the important people's offices were
on the opposite side of the Pentagon. Give us a break. Anybody who
believes the government version has got to be amongst the world's most
ignorant of fools or a willful government lackey. No one but a
pusillanimous, fawning sycophant would would lend his support to the
government's worthless nonsense.


The following link is to an Alex Jones (infowars.com) interview with BYU
Professor Steven Jones discussing his findings of thermate residues
within the once molten metal of the WTC Towers and building 7.
Other info can be found here.

More and more people are questioning the war in Iraq, our country's
leaders' desire to dominate the world, and Bush.

Read the following and see who signed them. These fools want to use the
military might of the United States to dominate the entire world. Do a
search on Pearl Harbor in the "Rebuilding" document and you will find
where they are looking for a new Pearl Harbor for a "catalyzing event"
in order to hurry their plans along. This was written about a year
before 9/11. This crap is coming right out of their mouths.

To learn more about the events of 9/11.

Post by Abbot
Is there any pile of BS you won't buy in an attempt to justify the U.S.
and Canadian governments as the object of your small time lawlessness?
Post by Vicegerent
"Gullible Americans have been duped by the 9/11 Hoax...
Wise up -- the world is laughing at you."
Who is Paul Craig Roberts?
· Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic
Policy under Ronald Reagan (awarded the Treasury
2006-08-17 15:24:34 UTC
Post by Tim
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?
You seem to believe the government conspiracy story, which is the most
incredible conspiracy theory of all concerning 9/11. 19 men with
boxcutters. . .
Abbot) Educate yourself . We know from the cell phone calls from the
planes exactly how the terrorist gained control of the planes.
Post by Tim
being controlled by someone living in a cave in Afghanistan
Abbot) "They" planned it as a "cell' with guidance from that "someone
living in a cave". The world has cell phones and mail service nowadays,
ya' know.
Post by Tim
taking over 4 commercial jetliners and fly around in American airspace
for better than an hour without being challenged by Air Force jets.
Two of those planes hit the WTC towers with resulting fires causing their
complete collapse in about 90 minutes or less time.
Despite the fact that no modern steel building has ever collapsed before or since as the
result of fire. The Towers also collapse at free fall speeds which
would indicate that the lower floors were providing no resistance at all
to the collapsing upper floors. This would have been possible only if all floors collapsed > at the same time.
Abbot) We can see on film that the floors didn't fall at the same time
or in free fall. The floors held each other up with unique "tube"
design of the Towers which offered less resistence than the traditional
beam construction.

Have you ever tried reading up on a subject before you have a
conspiracy theory shoved up your bum?
Post by Tim
The majority of the massive steel beams all fall apart in 24 ft. sections, which is just the > right size to be loaded on to trucks to haul them away.
Abbot) Oh, there's proof. . .one part of the building rubble fits
nicely in a truck.
Post by Tim
The thousands of cubic yards of concrete within the buildings are pulverized to
microscopic dust particles as the buildings collapse. Which raises the
question, "Where was the weight coming from that caused the floors to
pancake all the way to the ground?" All other office equipment in the
towers was similarly pulverized. Close to 3 thousand people die in the
buildings but very few bodies are found.
Abbot) You don't have your facts right. there were a great many bodies
and body parts found.

I grow tired of educating you.You are dismissed.
2006-08-17 16:13:07 UTC
As I said, "You are nothing more than a pusillanimous, fawning
sycophant." You can repeat the government lies all you want but the
truth is being spread around and being heeded by many. At this point,
half of Americans don't believe the official version and know that
something is terribly wrong with our government. What is coming because
of ignorant, servile fools such as you is not going to be fun. What the
government is doing is but a breeding ground for civil strife and civil war.


The following link is to an Alex Jones (infowars.com) interview with BYU
Professor Steven Jones discussing his findings of thermate residues
within the once molten metal of the WTC Towers and building 7.
Other info can be found here.

More and more people are questioning the war in Iraq, our country's
leaders' desire to dominate the world, and Bush.

Read the following and see who signed them. These fools want to use the
military might of the United States to dominate the entire world. Do a
search on Pearl Harbor in the "Rebuilding" document and you will find
where they are looking for a new Pearl Harbor for a "catalyzing event"
in order to hurry their plans along. This was written about a year
before 9/11. This crap is coming right out of their mouths.

To learn more about the events of 9/11.

Post by Abbot
Post by Tim
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?
You seem to believe the government conspiracy story, which is the most
incredible conspiracy theory of all concerning 9/11. 19 men with
boxcutters. . .
Abbot) Educate yourself . We know from the cell phone calls from the
planes exactly how the terrorist gained control of the planes.
Post by Tim
being controlled by someone living in a cave in Afghanistan
Abbot) "They" planned it as a "cell' with guidance from that "someone
living in a cave". The world has cell phones and mail service nowadays,
ya' know.
Post by Tim
taking over 4 commercial jetliners and fly around in American airspace
for better than an hour without being challenged by Air Force jets.
Two of those planes hit the WTC towers with resulting fires causing their
complete collapse in about 90 minutes or less time.
Despite the fact that no modern steel building has ever collapsed before or since as the
result of fire. The Towers also collapse at free fall speeds which
would indicate that the lower floors were providing no resistance at all
to the collapsing upper floors. This would have been possible only if all floors collapsed > at the same time.
Abbot) We can see on film that the floors didn't fall at the same time
or in free fall. The floors held each other up with unique "tube"
design of the Towers which offered less resistence than the traditional
beam construction.
Have you ever tried reading up on a subject before you have a
conspiracy theory shoved up your bum?
Post by Tim
The majority of the massive steel beams all fall apart in 24 ft. sections, which is just the > right size to be loaded on to trucks to haul them away.
Abbot) Oh, there's proof. . .one part of the building rubble fits
nicely in a truck.
Post by Tim
The thousands of cubic yards of concrete within the buildings are pulverized to
microscopic dust particles as the buildings collapse. Which raises the
question, "Where was the weight coming from that caused the floors to
pancake all the way to the ground?" All other office equipment in the
towers was similarly pulverized. Close to 3 thousand people die in the
buildings but very few bodies are found.
Abbot) You don't have your facts right. there were a great many bodies
and body parts found.
I grow tired of educating you.You are dismissed.
2006-08-17 16:34:52 UTC
Post by Tim
As I said, "You are nothing more than a pusillanimous, fawning
sycophant." You can repeat the government lies all you want but the
truth is being spread around and being heeded by many.
Abbot) Hardly. I don't believe a great deal of what Bush or his
government says. The difference being I don't buy every lame conspiracy
theory that comes down the pike.
Post by Tim
At this point, half of Americans don't believe the official version and know that
something is terribly wrong with our government.
Abbot) The argument by popularity. Hardly convincing. Half the folks on
this NG might think you are a fool.
Post by Tim
What is coming because of ignorant, servile fools such as you
Abbot) You just had the first several premises of your conspiracy
theory shot down so now you want to talk about Iraq.
Post by Tim
is not going to be fun. What the government is doing is but a breeding ground for civil strife and civil war.
Abbot) That was a twig, Chicken Little.
Post by Tim
The following link is to an Alex Jones (infowars.com) interview with BYU
Professor Steven Jones discussing his findings of thermate residues
within the once molten metal of the WTC Towers and building 7.
Other info can be found here.
Abbot) Let's go over this again, sonny. Your reference says:

"steel-frame high-rise buildings have never been brought down due to
fires either before or since 9/11, so how can fires have brought down
three in one day? How is this possible?"

S-L-O-W-L-Y now, Timmy. . .I have said it once already. . . . the
towers were not "steel-frame high-rise buildings"!
Post by Tim
More and more people are questioning the war in Iraq, our country's
leaders' desire to dominate the world, and Bush.
Abbot) Funny, changing the subject is George Bush's favorite trick.
Post by Tim
Read the following and see who signed them. These fools want to use the
military might of the United States to dominate the entire world. Do a
search on Pearl Harbor in the "Rebuilding" document and you will find
where they are looking for a new Pearl Harbor for a "catalyzing event"
in order to hurry their plans along. This was written about a year
before 9/11. This crap is coming right out of their mouths.
To learn more about the events of 9/11.
Post by Abbot
Post by Tim
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?
You seem to believe the government conspiracy story, which is the most
incredible conspiracy theory of all concerning 9/11. 19 men with
boxcutters. . .
Abbot) Educate yourself . We know from the cell phone calls from the
planes exactly how the terrorist gained control of the planes.
Post by Tim
being controlled by someone living in a cave in Afghanistan
Abbot) "They" planned it as a "cell' with guidance from that "someone
living in a cave". The world has cell phones and mail service nowadays,
ya' know.
Post by Tim
taking over 4 commercial jetliners and fly around in American airspace
for better than an hour without being challenged by Air Force jets.
Two of those planes hit the WTC towers with resulting fires causing their
complete collapse in about 90 minutes or less time.
Despite the fact that no modern steel building has ever collapsed before or since as the
result of fire. The Towers also collapse at free fall speeds which
would indicate that the lower floors were providing no resistance at all
to the collapsing upper floors. This would have been possible only if all floors collapsed > at the same time.
Abbot) We can see on film that the floors didn't fall at the same time
or in free fall. The floors held each other up with unique "tube"
design of the Towers which offered less resistence than the traditional
beam construction.
Have you ever tried reading up on a subject before you have a
conspiracy theory shoved up your bum?
Post by Tim
The majority of the massive steel beams all fall apart in 24 ft. sections, which is just the > right size to be loaded on to trucks to haul them away.
Abbot) Oh, there's proof. . .one part of the building rubble fits
nicely in a truck.
Post by Tim
The thousands of cubic yards of concrete within the buildings are pulverized to
microscopic dust particles as the buildings collapse. Which raises the
question, "Where was the weight coming from that caused the floors to
pancake all the way to the ground?" All other office equipment in the
towers was similarly pulverized. Close to 3 thousand people die in the
buildings but very few bodies are found.
Abbot) You don't have your facts right. there were a great many bodies
and body parts found.
I grow tired of educating you.You are dismissed.
2006-08-17 16:34:08 UTC
Post by Tim
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?
You seem to believe the government conspiracy story, which is the most
incredible conspiracy theory of all concerning 9/11. 19 men with
boxcutters being controlled by someone living in a cave in Afghanistan
taking over 4 commercial jetliners and fly around in American airspace
for better than an hour without being challenged by Air Force jets. Two
of those planes hit the WTC towers with resulting fires causing their
complete collapse in about 90 minutes or less time. Despite the fact
that no modern steel building has ever collapsed before or since as the
result of fire.
Of course no other 900 foot high buildings have been
hit by jumbo jets loaded with passengers and FUEL @
300± MPH - but you would not think about that.

Nor would you care to ponder the fact that Osama bin
Laden was a successful engineer before he was
recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood to form al Qa'eda.
Also he has the free use of a vacation villa outside
Tehran where he spends a month each year, guarded
by the Irani Revolutionary Guards

You would rather get your little conspiracist tail twisted
in to a knot and complain that the government would
not untie it.

You and Eldon the "detax" felon deserve each other.
2006-08-17 17:30:47 UTC
Post by l***@rogers.com
Post by Tim
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?
You seem to believe the government conspiracy story, which is the most
incredible conspiracy theory of all concerning 9/11. 19 men with
boxcutters being controlled by someone living in a cave in Afghanistan
taking over 4 commercial jetliners and fly around in American airspace
for better than an hour without being challenged by Air Force jets. Two
of those planes hit the WTC towers with resulting fires causing their
complete collapse in about 90 minutes or less time. Despite the fact
that no modern steel building has ever collapsed before or since as the
result of fire.
Of course no other 900 foot high buildings have been
300± MPH - but you would not think about that.
Your ignorance is showing. The planes did very little damage to the
structures of the buildings. There were people within one tower who
said they could barely tell that something had even struck the building
they were in. The building barely swayed. These buildings were made to
withstand 160 mph winds which exerts a number of times more force upon
the buildings than an airplane striking it could. The fires themselves
were oxygen starved which can be easily discerned by the black smoke.
The jet fuel itself burned up within the first 15 minutes or so and
never got hot enough to hurt the steel. In one of the gaping holes
where the airplanes struck, one can see several people around the holes
prior to collapse. If it were so hot, how could those people even be

These buildings were imploded from top down. Any person who will take
the time to look at the videos and photographs of the Towers collapses
can easily see the explosions taking place. The physicist Steven Jones
has even identified the explosives used in the buildings.
Post by l***@rogers.com
Nor would you care to ponder the fact that Osama bin
Laden was a successful engineer before he was
recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood to form al Qa'eda.
Also he has the free use of a vacation villa outside
Tehran where he spends a month each year, guarded
by the Irani Revolutionary Guards
Post by l***@rogers.com
You would rather get your little conspiracist tail twisted
in to a knot and complain that the government would
not untie it.
You need to wake up and pull your head out of that dark, smelly place
that is on your six.
Post by l***@rogers.com
You and Eldon the "detax" felon deserve each other.
I don't really know the man but at least it appears he is using the gray
matter between his ears for its intended purpose. Most of the rest of
you appear to left your brains in your toy boxes.
2006-08-17 17:41:03 UTC
Post by Tim
Post by l***@rogers.com
You and Eldon the "detax" felon deserve each other.
I don't really know the man but at least it appears he is using the gray
matter between his ears for its intended purpose. Most of the rest of
you appear to left your brains in your toy boxes.
His "thinking" forced him to flee USA and then got him
3 years in a Canadian prison.

You don't appear to even have a "toy box"
Dale Eastman
2006-08-17 18:38:52 UTC
Post by Tim
I don't really know the man but at least it appears he is using the gray
matter between his ears for its intended purpose. Most of the rest of
you appear to left your brains in your
mainstream media televisions.
2006-08-17 20:24:07 UTC
Post by Tim
Post by l***@rogers.com
Post by Tim
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?
You seem to believe the government conspiracy story, which is the most
incredible conspiracy theory of all concerning 9/11. 19 men with
boxcutters being controlled by someone living in a cave in Afghanistan
taking over 4 commercial jetliners and fly around in American airspace
for better than an hour without being challenged by Air Force jets. Two
of those planes hit the WTC towers with resulting fires causing their
complete collapse in about 90 minutes or less time. Despite the fact
that no modern steel building has ever collapsed before or since as the
result of fire.
Of course no other 900 foot high buildings have been
300± MPH - but you would not think about that.
Your ignorance is showing. The planes did very little damage to the
structures of the buildings.
Abbot) Slowly now, Mr. Can't Learn, the WTC were of a perimeter tube
design, not a tradition steel-frame high-rise as you still seem to
think. The perimeter tube design survived the aircraft impact, but the
ensuing fire led to failures in the floor joists between the columns on
the perimeter wall and core structure (a tradition steel-frame high
rise would have beams here in its construction). As the joists gave way
the outer box columns began to bow outward and the floors above them

If you look closely you can even see it on the film! As we see below
you have been duped into believing these are explosions.

As the floors collapsed the angle clips at the joists could not support
the weight of ten floors above crashing down. This started the domino
effect that caused the buildings to collapse within ten seconds,
hitting bottom with an estimated speed of 200 km per hour.

Not the eight seconds 300 km rate of a free fall as you claim.
Post by Tim
There were people within one tower who
said they could barely tell that something had even struck the building
they were in. The building barely swayed. These buildings were made to
withstand 160 mph winds which exerts a number of times more force upon
the buildings than an airplane striking it could. The fires themselves
were oxygen starved which can be easily discerned by the black smoke.
Abbot) Hardly, The WTC fire was a fuel-rich, diffuse flame hense the
black smoke. A fireplace flame is a diffuse flame burning in air, as
was the WTC fire.
Post by Tim
The jet fuel itself burned up within the first 15 minutes or so and
never got hot enough to hurt the steel.
Abbot) Structural steel begins to soften around 425°C and loses about
half of its strength at 650°C. The steel at the WTC experienced
temperatures above the 750-800°C range.

< In one of the gaping holes
Post by Tim
where the airplanes struck, one can see several people around the holes
prior to collapse. If it were so hot, how could those people even be
These buildings were imploded from top down. Any person who will take
the time to look at the videos and photographs of the Towers collapses
can easily see the explosions taking place.
The physicist Steven Jones has even identified the explosives used in the buildings.
Abbot) "The physicist" oh my. . .and what explosives were those?
Post by Tim
Post by l***@rogers.com
Nor would you care to ponder the fact that Osama bin
Laden was a successful engineer before he was
recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood to form al Qa'eda.
Also he has the free use of a vacation villa outside
Tehran where he spends a month each year, guarded
by the Irani Revolutionary Guards
Post by l***@rogers.com
You would rather get your little conspiracist tail twisted
in to a knot and complain that the government would
not untie it.
You need to wake up and pull your head out of that dark, smelly place
that is on your six.
Post by l***@rogers.com
You and Eldon the "detax" felon deserve each other.
I don't really know the man but at least it appears he is using the gray
matter between his ears for its intended purpose. Most of the rest of
you appear to left your brains in your toy boxes.
2006-08-17 20:49:52 UTC
Post by Tim
Your ignorance is showing.
Not as much as yours young fellow.
Post by Tim
The planes did very little damage to the structures of the
I gather that is your engineering background talking. Are you
perhaps just parroting something you heard/read? It is never a good
idea to use the words of others. They can often make you look like
an idiot.
Post by Tim
The building barely swayed.
These buildings were made to withstand 160 mph winds which exerts
a number of times more force upon the buildings than an airplane
striking it could.
Ever think that might be the reason they never swayed? I think you
lost your point there. When you debate, you ar not supposed to
disprove YOUR arguments.
Post by Tim
The fires themselves were oxygen starved which
can be easily discerned by the black smoke. The jet fuel itself
burned up within the first 15 minutes or so and never got hot
enough to hurt the steel.
Says who? Have you seen the information about the insulation being
knocked off of the metal beams and exposing them directly to the
Post by Tim
In one of the gaping holes where the airplanes struck, one can see
several people around the holes prior to collapse. If it were so
hot, how could those people even be there.
I guess you haven't heard the 911 tapes released and played on TV.
There is a woman there calling 911 and asking for help. She does
little else but complain about how hot is was getting. Miss that?
Thought so.
Post by Tim
These buildings were imploded from top down. Any person who will
take the time to look at the videos and photographs of the Towers
collapses can easily see the explosions taking place.
Think of it like this. One floor collapses onto the one below it
along with the weight of all of the floors above it. That is a HUGE
weight and the next floor down can't take it so it collapses also.
This continues until the building is down to the ground. What you
think are explosions are not. They are the air escaping from each
level as the level above compresses it. Have you ever dropped a
sheet of plywood on a dusty floor? Did you notice all of the air
that come out from under just a 4x8 piece of wood? What do you think
the blast from several hundred square feet would be?
Post by Tim
The physicist Steven Jones has even identified the explosives used
in the buildings.
Is he any realation to Alex Jones? Have you actually read his report
here: http://wtc7.net/articles/stevenjones_b7.html
Post by Tim
Much like you have no hard evidence for your claims.
Post by Tim
You need to wake up and pull your head out of that dark, smelly
place that is on your six.
You need to start thinking for yourself and STOP letting others do it
for you. When you grow up, you will see what I mean.
Post by Tim
Post by l***@rogers.com
You and Eldon the "detax" felon deserve each other.
I don't really know the man but at least it appears he is using
the gray matter between his ears for its intended purpose.
To lie and deceive? You are making yourself look worse by the
2006-08-17 23:04:49 UTC
Post by Nobody
I guess you haven't heard the 911 tapes released and played on TV.
There is a woman there calling 911 and asking for help. She does
little else but complain about how hot is was getting. Miss that?
Thought so.
As with the rest of your childish piddle, Nobody,
anyone with half a brain would realize that 'hot'
to a woman on a phone is not exactly 'hot' to
steel girders and beams.

Sheeesh.... What a putrid asshole you are.

2006-08-18 04:16:12 UTC
Post by Nobody
I guess you haven't heard the 911 tapes released and played on TV.
There is a woman there calling 911 and asking for help. She does
little else but complain about how hot is was getting. Miss that?
Thought so.
Nobody, anyone with half a brain would realize that 'hot' to a
woman on a phone is not exactly 'hot' to steel girders and beams.
What would you know about 'hot' women. Look what happened to the last
one you had. Did you get her cremated or something?

If you would have paid attention, you would have seen that I was
referring to Tim's comment about the people near the place where the
plane went in. Pretty tough to see that with your head so far up you
arse, isn't it?
2006-08-18 14:08:47 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
Post by Nobody
I guess you haven't heard the 911 tapes released and played on TV.
There is a woman there calling 911 and asking for help. She does
little else but complain about how hot is was getting. Miss that?
Thought so.
As with the rest of your childish piddle, Nobody,
anyone with half a brain would realize that 'hot'
to a woman on a phone is not exactly 'hot' to
steel girders and beams.
Sheeesh.... What a putrid asshole you are.
Abbot) Hot enough by your own admission, psychoboy, to likely make the
steel fail:

"And the black smoke would suggest that it burned even cooler than 800
C." - Eldon

"It is known that structural steel begins to soften around 425°C and
loses about half of its strength at 650°C" - A.E. Cote, ed., Fire
Protection Handbook 17th Edition (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection
Association, 1992), pp. 6-62 to 6-70.
Post by Vicegerent
2006-08-18 04:01:13 UTC

read the next three in order

Post by Nobody
Post by Tim
Your ignorance is showing.
Not as much as yours young fellow.
Post by Tim
The planes did very little damage to the structures of the
I gather that is your engineering background talking. Are you
perhaps just parroting something you heard/read? It is never a good
idea to use the words of others. They can often make you look like
an idiot.
Post by Tim
The building barely swayed.
These buildings were made to withstand 160 mph winds which exerts
a number of times more force upon the buildings than an airplane
striking it could.
Ever think that might be the reason they never swayed? I think you
lost your point there. When you debate, you ar not supposed to
disprove YOUR arguments.
Post by Tim
The fires themselves were oxygen starved which
can be easily discerned by the black smoke. The jet fuel itself
burned up within the first 15 minutes or so and never got hot
enough to hurt the steel.
Says who? Have you seen the information about the insulation being
knocked off of the metal beams and exposing them directly to the
Post by Tim
In one of the gaping holes where the airplanes struck, one can see
several people around the holes prior to collapse. If it were so
hot, how could those people even be there.
I guess you haven't heard the 911 tapes released and played on TV.
There is a woman there calling 911 and asking for help. She does
little else but complain about how hot is was getting. Miss that?
Thought so.
Post by Tim
These buildings were imploded from top down. Any person who will
take the time to look at the videos and photographs of the Towers
collapses can easily see the explosions taking place.
Think of it like this. One floor collapses onto the one below it
along with the weight of all of the floors above it. That is a HUGE
weight and the next floor down can't take it so it collapses also.
This continues until the building is down to the ground. What you
think are explosions are not. They are the air escaping from each
level as the level above compresses it. Have you ever dropped a
sheet of plywood on a dusty floor? Did you notice all of the air
that come out from under just a 4x8 piece of wood? What do you think
the blast from several hundred square feet would be?
Post by Tim
The physicist Steven Jones has even identified the explosives used
in the buildings.
Is he any realation to Alex Jones? Have you actually read his report
here: http://wtc7.net/articles/stevenjones_b7.html
Post by Tim
Much like you have no hard evidence for your claims.
Post by Tim
You need to wake up and pull your head out of that dark, smelly
place that is on your six.
You need to start thinking for yourself and STOP letting others do it
for you. When you grow up, you will see what I mean.
Post by Tim
Post by l***@rogers.com
You and Eldon the "detax" felon deserve each other.
I don't really know the man but at least it appears he is using
the gray matter between his ears for its intended purpose.
To lie and deceive? You are making yourself look worse by the
2006-08-18 04:18:29 UTC
Post by Tim
read the next three in order
20.pdf http://www.journalof911studies.com/
So, it appears that you are STILL not ready to do your own thinking and
talking. Will you ever stop using the words of others and THINK for
yourself. maybe they will teach you something when you go back to
school in September.
2006-08-18 05:32:24 UTC
Post by Nobody
Post by Tim
read the next three in order
20.pdf http://www.journalof911studies.com/
So, it appears that you are STILL not ready to do your own thinking and
talking. Will you ever stop using the words of others and THINK for
yourself. maybe they will teach you something when you go back to
school in September.
Been out of school many years now. Thankfully, I started thinking for
myself quite a number of years ago also. I also learned to read quite
well at a very tender age and have not given up the practice. When I
ran across the alternative 9/11 info about 9 months ago, I started
reading article after article, watched numerous videos, and listened to
numerous radio programs, etc. I ran across some things I didn't agree
with and some I tried to give a fair hearing to. I educated myself
where the 9/11 theories are concerned and I can believe my own eyes when
I watch the WTC buildings collapse. There is no mistaking that
explosives were used. Now when the talking heads on the boob tube start
trying to blow smoke in my face, I can readily see through their
fallacious arguments just as I can tell that you are an ignorant,
dimwitted fool who apparently believes every lie they tell because it is
certain you've never learned to think at all.

I can read at the below urls and see what Bush and those who surround
him have in store for us and the world. Anybody who wants to follow
these megalomaniacs are beyond insane. Wars, death, destruction,
torture, secret murders, , secret prisons, loss of our freedoms,
skyrocketing taxes along with inflation, etc., etc., etc., are in store
for us and and the rest of the world if we follow these would be fuehrers.

Read the following and see who signed them. These fools want to use the
military might of the United States to dominate the entire world. Do a
search on Pearl Harbor in the "Rebuilding" document and you will find
where they are looking for a new Pearl Harbor for a "catalyzing event"
in order to hurry their plans along. This was written about a year
before 9/11. This crap is coming right out of their mouths.

The day will soon be upon us when each American is going to have to make
a choice for or against freedom. I have already made mine. Those who
choose against freedom will not enjoy their old age.

Tim McCrory
2006-08-18 06:12:00 UTC
Post by Tim
Been out of school many years now. Thankfully, I started thinking for
myself quite a number of years ago also. I also learned to read quite
well at a very tender age and have not given up the practice.
What a hoot!

You claim to be able to read and think for yourself, yet you fall for every
crackpot idea on the net.

Despite all the factual evidence to the contrary you believe the income tax
is illegal using as your arguments every one of the most inane arguments
posited by every whacko who has gone to jail for spouting those same
inanities, like Larken Rose.

Despite real scientific evidence making a joke out of your beliefs about the
Twin Towers, and Bin Laden's own bragging about what his minions did, you
persist in
claiming the "evil Bush" did it.

Your writings here, long ago proved you are totally ignorant about the
Constitution, tax law as well as science and politics.

However, I will admit, you are not as dumb as "Dumb Fuck Geo" but hey, even
rock is brighter then he is.
2006-08-18 13:42:11 UTC
Post by default
Despite real scientific evidence making a joke out of your beliefs about the
Twin Towers, and Bin Laden's own bragging about what his minions did, you
persist in
claiming the "evil Bush" did it.

On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted the FBI Headquarters,
(202) 324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster did not
indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 9/11. The
Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity
for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s
Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned
on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard
evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”

Surprised by the ease in which this FBI spokesman made such an
astonishing statement, I asked, “How this was possible?” Tomb
continued, “Bin Laden has not been formally charged in connection to
9/11.” I asked, “How does that work?” Tomb continued, “The FBI gathers
evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it is turned over to the
Department of Justice. The Department of Justice than decides whether
it has enough evidence to present to a federal grand jury. In the case
of the 1998 United States Embassies being bombed, Bin Laden has been
formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not been formally
indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard
evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”
2006-08-18 13:03:28 UTC
Post by default
Post by Tim
Been out of school many years now. Thankfully, I started thinking for
myself quite a number of years ago also. I also learned to read quite
well at a very tender age and have not given up the practice.
What a hoot!
You claim to be able to read and think for yourself, yet you fall for every
crackpot idea on the net.
Despite all the factual evidence to the contrary you believe the income tax
is illegal using as your arguments every one of the most inane arguments
posited by every whacko who has gone to jail for spouting those same
inanities, like Larken Rose.
You ignorant people need to learn to read. Where does my website say
the income tax is illegal? Nowhere, that's where. What it does say is
that the majority of the Citizens of the several States are not liable
for the federal income tax. It is quite simple why too. The federal
income tax is not pursuant to Congress' constitutional powers at article
1, section 8, clause 1. My position on the income tax is not taken from
anybody else's positions. It is a new paradigm. I found a case from
the 1920's that gave me a whole new understanding of the income tax and
at the same time tied up all the little quirks of the tax laws that have
caused tax protesters problems for decades.
Post by default
Despite real scientific evidence making a joke out of your beliefs about the
Twin Towers, and Bin Laden's own bragging about what his minions did, you
persist in
claiming the "evil Bush" did it.
Bin Laden never bragged about the Twin Towers. The home video that
allegedly showed Bin Laden discussing the attack was faked. It was not
Bin Laden. One or more of the videos I watched in the past shows a
picture of the real Bin Laden next to the Bin Laden in the home video.
Not the same person.

Some reading here:
Post by default
Your writings here, long ago proved you are totally ignorant about the
Constitution, tax law as well as science and politics.
A long time ago, before I found the truth, I was wrong about the tax
system and will readily admit to having incorrect views on the it. I
have corrected those deficiencies.
Post by default
However, I will admit, you are not as dumb as "Dumb Fuck Geo" but hey, even
rock is brighter then he is.
However dumb I may be, I am a whole lot smarter than you.
2006-08-18 13:54:55 UTC
Tim wrote:

Post by Tim
Bin Laden never bragged about the Twin Towers. The home video that
allegedly showed Bin Laden discussing the attack was faked. It was not
Bin Laden. One or more of the videos I watched in the past shows a
picture of the real Bin Laden next to the Bin Laden in the home video.
Not the same person.
Abbot) I can help but picture Tim with a tin foil hat on his head!
2006-08-19 01:42:00 UTC
Post by Abbot
Abbot) I can help but picture Tim with a tin foil hat on his head!
Do you think he looks like any of these guys?

Loading Image...
Loading Image...

or perhaps more like this

2006-08-19 06:11:10 UTC
Post by Nobody
Post by Abbot
Abbot) I can help but picture Tim with a tin foil hat on his head!
Do you think he looks like any of these guys?
or perhaps more like this
None of the above. Those pictured look too intelligent to be DF Tim.

If Tim is who I think he is, he used to push the 826 argument until the
Courts slapped him down and made him put a disclaimer on his web site that
it was all BS. After that Lerken Rose took up the banner with Tim supporting
him (allegedly financially as well) until good ole Larken and his wife were
taken off to the hoosegow. Not until they scrambled to pay all those taxes
and penalties they owed, so that the judge with lessen the jail terms.

So now he has taken up a whole new BS position based on the 1920 Court Case,
that if it exists at all, will contradict his position.

Poor DR. DF Tim McCror!
2006-08-19 16:20:58 UTC
Post by default
Post by Nobody
Post by Abbot
Abbot) I can help but picture Tim with a tin foil hat on his
Do you think he looks like any of these guys?
or perhaps more like this
None of the above. Those pictured look too intelligent to be DF Tim.
If Tim is who I think he is, he used to push the 826 argument
until the Courts slapped him down and made him put a disclaimer on
his web site that it was all BS. After that Lerken Rose took up
the banner with Tim supporting him (allegedly financially as well)
until good ole Larken and his wife were taken off to the hoosegow.
Not until they scrambled to pay all those taxes and penalties they
owed, so that the judge with lessen the jail terms.
So now he has taken up a whole new BS position based on the 1920
Court Case, that if it exists at all, will contradict his
Poor DR. DF Tim McCror!
Interesting information, thanks. I guess once you are a kook, you
are a kook forever. That doesn't bode well for Eldon Warman and
2006-08-18 17:14:27 UTC
You ignorant people need to learn to read. Where does my website say the
income tax is illegal? Nowhere, that's where. What it does say is that
the majority of the Citizens of the several States are not liable for the
federal income tax.
You moronic boob! Since the income tax law affects all citizens and
residents of the United States (which includes all 50 states so that state
citizens and residents are US Citizens or residents) to say, as you
moronically say, "... the majority of Citizens of the several States are not
liable ... ." is the same as saying that the income tax is illegal.

Why? Because the law makes every single citizen or resident liable and you
say it doesn't. The law is applied to every single citizen and resident. IF
you are correct (fat chance) then the law is illegal since it is, in fact,
applied to all.
It is quite simple why too. The federal income tax is not pursuant to
Congress' constitutional powers at article 1, section 8, clause 1.
Aside from the fact you have just contradicted yourself (which you are
stupid to even notice), theSupreme Court, on more than one occasion has
stated very specifically, just the opposite of your ignorant comment.

And to help nurse your woefully weak reading abilitly. Article I, Section 8
does not restrict Congress' ability to tax as to type of tax. Congress is
only probited from taxing exports out of the US or to tax, in the form of
import or export taxes, any trade between the several states. The only other
restrictions in the Constitution do not restrict the type of tax Congress
may levy but imposes and procedural requirement only; i.e. direct taxes must
be apportioned and that taxes be uniform throughout the US.
My position on the income tax is not taken from anybody else's positions.
It is a new paradigm. I found a case from the 1920's that gave me a
whole new understanding of the income tax and at the same time tied up all
the little quirks of the tax laws that have caused tax protesters problems
for decades.
Moronic BS
Post by default
Despite real scientific evidence making a joke out of your beliefs about
the Twin Towers, and Bin Laden's own bragging about what his minions did,
you persist in
claiming the "evil Bush" did it.
Bin Laden never bragged about the Twin Towers. The home video that
allegedly showed Bin Laden discussing the attack was faked. It was not
Bin Laden. One or more of the videos I watched in the past shows a
picture of the real Bin Laden next to the Bin Laden in the home video. Not
the same person.
You are also blind, as well as stupid.
Post by default
Your writings here, long ago proved you are totally ignorant about the
Constitution, tax law as well as science and politics.
A long time ago, before I found the truth, I was wrong about the tax
system and will readily admit to having incorrect views on the it. I have
corrected those deficiencies.
Repetitive moronic BS! Youy have not corrected anything. You continue to
persist in your stupidity.
Post by default
However, I will admit, you are not as dumb as "Dumb Fuck Geo" but hey,
even rock is brighter then he is.
However dumb I may be, I am a whole lot smarter than you.
Come now. You cannot even see, recognize or understand your own
contradiction and you claim to be smarter?

Let me point it out to you again using your own words:
"You ignorant people need to learn to read. Where does my website say the
income tax is illegal? What it does say is that the majority of the Citizens
of the several States are not liable for the federal income tax.

"It is quite simple why too. The federal income tax is not pursuant to
Congress' constitutional powers at article 1, section 8, clause 1.

You stupid boob, if a law passed by Congress exceeds the powers enumerated
by the Constitution, than that law IS ILLEGAL BY DEFINITION.
So if , as you claim in your first sentence, that you do not say the income
tax is illegal, then to say Congress exceeded its Constitutional Authority
by enacting it, you are CONTRADICTING YOURSELF.

I take it back, you are starting to look as dumb as DF (for Dumb fuck) Geo.
2006-08-18 22:05:08 UTC
Post by default
You ignorant people need to learn to read. Where does my website say the
income tax is illegal? Nowhere, that's where. What it does say is that
the majority of the Citizens of the several States are not liable for the
federal income tax.
You moronic boob! Since the income tax law affects all citizens and
residents of the United States (which includes all 50 states so that state
citizens and residents are US Citizens or residents) to say, as you
moronically say, "... the majority of Citizens of the several States are not
liable ... ." is the same as saying that the income tax is illegal.
Why? Because the law makes every single citizen or resident liable and you
say it doesn't. The law is applied to every single citizen and resident. IF
you are correct (fat chance) then the law is illegal since it is, in fact,
applied to all.
Because I read and read and read, I was able to figure out the law.
Part of the answer is below. Most people upon reading these sections
will misinterpret who is liable. That is because they don't understand
and give common meanings to the terms used.

26 CFR § 1.1-1 Income tax on individuals.
(a) General rule. (1) Section 1 of the Code imposes an income tax on the
income of every individual who is a citizen or resident of the United
States [***].
(b) Citizens or residents of the United States liable to tax. In
general, all citizens of the United States, wherever resident, and all
resident alien individuals are liable to the income taxes imposed by the
Code whether the income is received from sources within or without the
United States. [***]
26 CFR § 1.1-1 Income tax on individuals.
(c) Who is a citizen. Every person born or naturalized in the United
States and subject to its jurisdiction is a citizen. [***]
Post by default
It is quite simple why too. The federal income tax is not pursuant to
Congress' constitutional powers at article 1, section 8, clause 1.
Aside from the fact you have just contradicted yourself (which you are
stupid to even notice), theSupreme Court, on more than one occasion has
stated very specifically, just the opposite of your ignorant comment.
Not so!
Post by default
And to help nurse your woefully weak reading abilitly. Article I, Section 8
does not restrict Congress' ability to tax as to type of tax. Congress is
only probited from taxing exports out of the US or to tax, in the form of
import or export taxes, any trade between the several states. The only other
restrictions in the Constitution do not restrict the type of tax Congress
may levy but imposes and procedural requirement only; i.e. direct taxes must
be apportioned and that taxes be uniform throughout the US.
As I said, not an article 1, section 8 tax.
Post by default
My position on the income tax is not taken from anybody else's positions.
It is a new paradigm. I found a case from the 1920's that gave me a
whole new understanding of the income tax and at the same time tied up all
the little quirks of the tax laws that have caused tax protesters problems
for decades.
Moronic BS
Post by default
Despite real scientific evidence making a joke out of your beliefs about
the Twin Towers, and Bin Laden's own bragging about what his minions did,
you persist in
claiming the "evil Bush" did it.
Bin Laden never bragged about the Twin Towers. The home video that
allegedly showed Bin Laden discussing the attack was faked. It was not
Bin Laden. One or more of the videos I watched in the past shows a
picture of the real Bin Laden next to the Bin Laden in the home video. Not
the same person.
You are also blind, as well as stupid.
Post by default
Your writings here, long ago proved you are totally ignorant about the
Constitution, tax law as well as science and politics.
A long time ago, before I found the truth, I was wrong about the tax
system and will readily admit to having incorrect views on the it. I have
corrected those deficiencies.
Repetitive moronic BS! Youy have not corrected anything. You continue to
persist in your stupidity.
Post by default
However, I will admit, you are not as dumb as "Dumb Fuck Geo" but hey,
even rock is brighter then he is.
However dumb I may be, I am a whole lot smarter than you.
Come now. You cannot even see, recognize or understand your own
contradiction and you claim to be smarter?
"You ignorant people need to learn to read. Where does my website say the
income tax is illegal? What it does say is that the majority of the Citizens
of the several States are not liable for the federal income tax.
"It is quite simple why too. The federal income tax is not pursuant to
Congress' constitutional powers at article 1, section 8, clause 1.
You stupid boob, if a law passed by Congress exceeds the powers enumerated
by the Constitution, than that law IS ILLEGAL BY DEFINITION.
So if , as you claim in your first sentence, that you do not say the income
tax is illegal, then to say Congress exceeded its Constitutional Authority
by enacting it, you are CONTRADICTING YOURSELF.
What Congress has done was perfectly within Congress' powers. You can
buy the book. It will explain it to you if you can read.
Post by default
I take it back, you are starting to look as dumb as DF (for Dumb fuck) Geo.
/s/ Timothy I. McCrory


"Tyranny has no enemy so formidable as the pen."
William Cobbett

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely
believe they are free."

"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose
its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or
money that it values more, it will lose that too."
Somerset Maugham

"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression.
In both instances there is a twilight when everything remains
seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all
must be most aware of change in the air - however slight -
lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
2006-08-19 05:59:26 UTC
Because I read and read and read, I was able to figure out the law. Part
of the answer is below. Most people upon reading these sections will
misinterpret who is liable. That is because they don't understand and
give common meanings to the terms used.
But EVERY COURT DECISION, at every court level, IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY of the
UNITED STATES, especially sionce 1913, says you are full of SHIT!
26 CFR § 1.1-1 Income tax on individuals.
(a) General rule. (1) Section 1 of the Code imposes an income tax on the
income of every individual who is a citizen or resident of the United
States [***].
(b) Citizens or residents of the United States liable to tax. In general,
all citizens of the United States, wherever resident, and all resident
alien individuals are liable to the income taxes imposed by the Code
whether the income is received from sources within or without the United
States. [***]
26 CFR § 1.1-1 Income tax on individuals.
(c) Who is a citizen. Every person born or naturalized in the United
States and subject to its jurisdiction is a citizen. [***]
Which proves you are a moron since its says EXACTLY WHAT ISAID IT SAYS and
contradicts your moronic gibberish
Post by default
It is quite simple why too. The federal income tax is not pursuant to
Congress' constitutional powers at article 1, section 8, clause 1.
Aside from the fact you have just contradicted yourself (which you are
stupid to even notice), theSupreme Court, on more than one occasion has
stated very specifically, just the opposite of your ignorant comment.
Not so!
Post by default
And to help nurse your woefully weak reading abilitly. Article I, Section
8 does not restrict Congress' ability to tax as to type of tax. Congress
is only probited from taxing exports out of the US or to tax, in the form
of import or export taxes, any trade between the several states. The only
other restrictions in the Constitution do not restrict the type of tax
Congress may levy but imposes and procedural requirement only; i.e.
direct taxes must be apportioned and that taxes be uniform throughout the
As I said, not an article 1, section 8 tax.
What in Article I , Section 8 prohibits Congress from levying an income tax?

Please quote that part of Article I, SEction 8 that does so!
Post by default
My position on the income tax is not taken from anybody else's
It is a new paradigm. I found a case from the 1920's that gave me a
whole new understanding of the income tax and at the same time tied up
all the little quirks of the tax laws that have caused tax protesters
problems for decades.
Moronic BS
"You ignorant people need to learn to read. Where does my website say
the income tax is illegal? What it does say is that the majority of the
Citizens of the several States are not liable for the federal income tax.
There is no Court Case, at any level, in 1920, before or since that
supports your idiotic statement.
Post by default
"It is quite simple why too. The federal income tax is not pursuant to
Congress' constitutional powers at article 1, section 8, clause 1.
You stupid boob, if a law passed by Congress exceeds the powers
enumerated by the Constitution, than that law IS ILLEGAL BY DEFINITION.
So if , as you claim in your first sentence, that you do not say the
income tax is illegal, then to say Congress exceeded its Constitutional
Authority by enacting it, you are CONTRADICTING YOURSELF.
What Congress has done was perfectly within Congress' powers. You can buy
the book. It will explain it to you if you can read.
And you just contradicted yourself again DF. If it is within Congress'
powers, than IT IS LEGAL and every citizen or resident of the US is liable
for the tax.
Post by default
I take it back, you are starting to look as dumb as DF (for Dumb Fuck)
I will modify this statement. To be accurate it must read, "... you are as
dumb as DF Geo."
Dale Eastman
2006-08-18 06:27:53 UTC
Post by Tim
Tim McCrory
Here's another link.
Anybody answering this post consents to having their replies posted on
my website.
(Not that I need your consent since you post to public domain.)
2006-08-19 01:37:41 UTC
Post by Tim
Been out of school many years now.
Good for you. I doesn't seem like it.
Post by Tim
Thankfully, I started thinking for myself quite a number of years
ago also.
Good for you. Again, it doesn't seem like it.
Post by Tim
I also learned to read quite well at a very tender age and have not
given up the practice.
Excellent. Why didn't you bone up on your comprehension skills at
the same time?
Post by Tim
When I ran across the alternative 9/11 info about 9
months ago, I started reading article after article, watched
numerous videos, and listened to numerous radio programs, etc. I
ran across some things I didn't agree with and some I tried to
give a fair hearing to. I educated myself where the 9/11 theories
are concerned and I can believe my own eyes when I watch the WTC
buildings collapse.
Did you ever look at the explanations that didn't include explosives?
Did you give them the same weight as the conspiracy theorists? NOt
likely. That is the usual response of the youth now days.
Post by Tim
There is no mistaking that explosives were used.
Is that so.
Post by Tim
Now when the talking heads on the boob tube start trying to
blow smoke in my face, I can readily see through their fallacious
arguments just as I can tell that you are an ignorant, dimwitted
fool who apparently believes every lie they tell because it is
certain you've never learned to think at all.
Brainwashing causes a similar effect as you are describing. Unlike
you, I think quite well on my own. I don't rely on the opinions of
others to direct me. When you grow up, perhaps you will do the same.
Post by Tim
I can read at the below urls and see what Bush and those who
surround him have in store for us and the world.
Is that so. Have you ever looked at fathers.ca? That is a site by
another well known kook named Mark hansel. Read a few of his
messages and see others in the crowd you have joined.
Post by Tim
Anybody who wants to follow these megalomaniacs are beyond
Many say that about your type.
Post by Tim
Wars, death, destruction, torture, secret murders, secret prisons,
loss of our freedoms, skyrocketing taxes along with inflation,
Skyrocketing taxes and inflation? Do you ever look at the business
news or do you just spend your time reading articles from conspiracy
theorists? Exactly what freedoms have YOU lost?
Post by Tim
world if we follow these would be fuehrers.
Son, your use of the word fueher is simply rhetoric on your part.
You have NO idea what that really means. You weren't even kicking
the slats out of your crib when that was an issue. BTW, fuhrer
simply means leader unless you want to invoke Godwin's Law already.
Post by Tim
Read the following and see who signed them. These fools want to
use the military might of the United States to dominate the entire
You live in Oklahoma, I don't. America already dominates the world
in some areas. Did you mean global domination like in the moveis.
Post by Tim
Do a search on Pearl Harbor in the "Rebuilding" document
and you will find where they are looking for a new Pearl Harbor
for a "catalyzing event" in order to hurry their plans along.
Not on any mainstream site. There is plenty of that on the anarchist
sites. Your trouble is that you don't seem to be able to tell the
difference. Don't feel bad, you are not alone.
Post by Tim
The day will soon be upon us when each American is going to have
to make a choice for or against freedom. I have already made
And just what would that be? You are going to move out of your
parents' home?
Post by Tim
Tim McCrory
You are a liar. You pay tax just like the rest. Nice attempt at
getting attention from the other detaxers in this group though.
2006-08-18 05:51:28 UTC
Post by Nobody
Post by Tim
read the next three in order
20.pdf http://www.journalof911studies.com/
So, it appears that you are STILL not ready to do your own thinking and
talking. Will you ever stop using the words of others and THINK for
yourself. maybe they will teach you something when you go back to
school in September.
I might add that ignorant fools who don't read are no better off than
those who can't read. Thankfully, I have neither problem. Though it
appears that you choose to be willfully ignorant. What a stupid fool!
2006-08-19 01:47:02 UTC
Post by Tim
I might add that ignorant fools who don't read are no better off
than those who can't read.
That is certainly the trith. The point is that just 'reading' isn't
enouigh. If you are unable to discern the difference between truth and
fact, you might just as well read coloring books.
Post by Tim
Thankfully, I have neither problem.
That is your story. Try to stick with it.
Post by Tim
Though it appears that you choose to be willfully ignorant. What
a stupid fool!
This is a common misconception by present day youth. You 'think' you
know everything. When I was a kid, I thought the same thing.
Fortunately, I grew up and saw the light. If you are lucky, you might
also do that. Time will tell.

Let me ask you this. Do your parents agree with your perceptions?
2006-08-18 02:22:08 UTC
Post by Tim
Your ignorance is showing. The planes did very little damage to the
structures of the buildings. There were people within one tower who
said they could barely tell that something had even struck the building
they were in. The building barely swayed. These buildings were made to
withstand 160 mph winds which exerts a number of times more force upon
the buildings than an airplane striking it could.
I think your physics is a bit off.


Approx mass of plane = 100,000kg
Approx speed = 400km/hr = 400,000m/3600s ~= 100m/s

Kinetic energy = 1/2mv^2 = (10^4/2)kg x (100m/s)^2 = 500,000,000 Joules

TNT has about 4 x 10^6 J/kg

So the impact of the plane would be equivalent to about
(500,000,000J)/(4 x 10^6J/kg) = 125kg (about 275 pounds) of TNT.

Not including the chemical energy of the fuel.
2006-08-17 23:33:52 UTC
I suppose arrogant, ignorant fools really cannot be 'duped',
What would be the point? And, Last-Post emphasizes
the fact that such is the case. So, I will not bother
changing back to the original thread subject.
Post by l***@rogers.com
Of course no other 900 foot high buildings have been
300± MPH - but you would not think about that.
According to the videos, a majority of the fuel burned
outside the buildings, and kerosene burns in normal
atmosphere at 800 C, a couple of thousand degrees
below the melting point of steel. And the black smoke
would suggest that it burned even cooler than 800 C.

Other buildings HAVE been hit by aircraft, and have not
been knocked down, and certaily knocked down exactly
like an implosive demolition as ther two were. And, how
come WTC Building 7 just happened to be demolished
by demolition charges the same day, and that building
was very much still occupied - with a floor devoted to
the GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action) suit evidence to
be used to expose the US Government's unlawful
suppression of the gold prices.
Post by l***@rogers.com
Nor would you care to ponder the fact that Osama bin
Laden was a successful engineer before he was
recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood to form al Qa'eda.
Bull Shit! 'al CIA-da' is a terrorist (American and Israeli)
organization created during the Afghanistan occupation
by the USSR, and used since to villify Moslems. Only
a stupid arrogant American would believe otherwise.

And, no 'engineer' has the ability to nullify the laws
of gravity and physics - both of which would have been
needed if the WTC was destroyed by the methods
reported by GW Bush and company.
Post by l***@rogers.com
Also he has the free use of a vacation villa outside
Tehran where he spends a month each year, guarded
by the Irani Revolutionary Guards
Again, absolute BULLSHIT! This dupe died several
years ago from kidney failure. Of course, if he could
do the impossible number on the WTC, he likely also
has the power to self-resurrect. (He does look a lot
like some pictures of Jesus I have seen...)
Post by l***@rogers.com
You would rather get your little conspiracist tail twisted
in to a knot and complain that the government would
not untie it.
You and Eldon the "detax" felon deserve each other.
Eldon a "detax" felon? Hmmm.. I think Eldon would
gladly wear that monicker. But, as far as I know, Eldon
never spent any time in jail for "detax", as someone
lyingly reported on this thread.

2006-08-18 13:14:44 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
I suppose arrogant, ignorant fools really cannot be 'duped',
What would be the point? And, Last-Post emphasizes
the fact that such is the case. So, I will not bother
changing back to the original thread subject.
Abbot) LOL!!! As we will see Eldon is the ignorant one here.
Post by Vicegerent
Post by l***@rogers.com
Of course no other 900 foot high buildings have been
300± MPH - but you would not think about that.
According to the videos, a majority of the fuel burned
outside the buildings, and kerosene burns in normal
atmosphere at 800 C, a couple of thousand degrees
below the melting point of steel. And the black smoke
would suggest that it burned even cooler than 800 C.
Abbot) Who says paranoid schizophrenia doesn't affect mental

The question isn't whether the angle clips and floor joists that
failed were melted. The question is whether there was enough heat to
make them fail. Our resident loony has just admitted that the
temperature was at a level that would significantly weaken the steel
clips and joists.
Post by Vicegerent
Other buildings HAVE been hit by aircraft, and have not
been knocked down,
Abbot) And did any of those have the unique perimeter tube design of
the WTC?

Wanna bet psychoboy won't answer?
Post by Vicegerent
and certaily knocked down exactly
like an implosive demolition as ther two were. And, how
come WTC Building 7 just happened to be demolished
by demolition charges the same day, and that building
was very much still occupied - with a floor devoted to
the GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action) suit evidence to
be used to expose the US Government's unlawful
suppression of the gold prices.
Post by l***@rogers.com
Nor would you care to ponder the fact that Osama bin
Laden was a successful engineer before he was
recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood to form al Qa'eda.
Bull Shit! 'al CIA-da' is a terrorist (American and Israeli)
organization created during the Afghanistan occupation
by the USSR, and used since to villify Moslems. Only
a stupid arrogant American would believe otherwise.
And, no 'engineer' has the ability to nullify the laws
of gravity and physics - both of which would have been
needed if the WTC was destroyed by the methods
reported by GW Bush and company.
Post by l***@rogers.com
Also he has the free use of a vacation villa outside
Tehran where he spends a month each year, guarded
by the Irani Revolutionary Guards
Again, absolute BULLSHIT! This dupe died several
years ago from kidney failure. Of course, if he could
do the impossible number on the WTC, he likely also
has the power to self-resurrect. (He does look a lot
like some pictures of Jesus I have seen...)
Post by l***@rogers.com
You would rather get your little conspiracist tail twisted
in to a knot and complain that the government would
not untie it.
You and Eldon the "detax" felon deserve each other.
Eldon a "detax" felon? Hmmm.. I think Eldon would
gladly wear that monicker. But, as far as I know, Eldon
never spent any time in jail for "detax", as someone
lyingly reported on this thread.
Abbot) Hardly an honest response. You are Eldon. You have been waxed by
the IRS. And your latest method
Post by Vicegerent
2006-08-18 13:31:26 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
I suppose arrogant, ignorant fools really cannot be 'duped',
What would be the point? And, Last-Post emphasizes
the fact that such is the case. So, I will not bother
changing back to the original thread subject.
Abbot) LOL!!! As we will see Eldon is the ignorant one here.
Post by Vicegerent
Post by l***@rogers.com
Of course no other 900 foot high buildings have been
300± MPH - but you would not think about that.
According to the videos, a majority of the fuel burned
outside the buildings, and kerosene burns in normal
atmosphere at 800 C, a couple of thousand degrees
below the melting point of steel. And the black smoke
would suggest that it burned even cooler than 800 C.
Abbot) Who says paranoid schizophrenia doesn't affect mental function.

The question isn't whether the angle clips and floor joists that failed
were melted. The question is whether there was enough heat to make them
fail. Our resident loony has just admitted that the temperature was at
a level that would significantly weaken the steel clips and joists.
Post by Vicegerent
Other buildings HAVE been hit by aircraft, and have not
been knocked down, and certaily knocked down exactly
like an implosive demolition as ther two were.
Abbot) And did any of those have the unique perimeter tube design of
the WTC?

Wanna bet psychoboy won't answer?
Post by Vicegerent
And, how come WTC Building 7 just happened to be demolished
by demolition charges the same day,
Abbot) Yes why was the WTC Building 7 demolished by demolition charges
the same day?

Wanna bet psychoboy won't answer?
Post by Vicegerent
and that building was very much still occupied - with a floor devoted to
the GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action) suit evidence to
be used to expose the US Government's unlawful
suppression of the gold prices.
Post by l***@rogers.com
Nor would you care to ponder the fact that Osama bin
Laden was a successful engineer before he was
recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood to form al Qa'eda.
Bull Shit! 'al CIA-da' is a terrorist (American and Israeli)
organization created during the Afghanistan occupation
by the USSR, and used since to villify Moslems. Only
a stupid arrogant American would believe otherwise.
And, no 'engineer' has the ability to nullify the laws
of gravity and physics - both of which would have been
needed if the WTC was destroyed by the methods
reported by GW Bush and company.
Post by l***@rogers.com
Also he has the free use of a vacation villa outside
Tehran where he spends a month each year, guarded
by the Irani Revolutionary Guards
Again, absolute BULLSHIT! This dupe died several
years ago from kidney failure. Of course, if he could
do the impossible number on the WTC, he likely also
has the power to self-resurrect. (He does look a lot
like some pictures of Jesus I have seen...)
Post by l***@rogers.com
You would rather get your little conspiracist tail twisted
in to a knot and complain that the government would
not untie it.
You and Eldon the "detax" felon deserve each other.
Eldon a "detax" felon? Hmmm.. I think Eldon would
gladly wear that monicker. But, as far as I know, Eldon
never spent any time in jail for "detax", as someone
lyingly reported on this thread.
Abbot) Hardly an honest response. You are Eldon. You were solidly buut
waxed by the IRS. And your latest "method" has proved to be a failure
(as were the previous ones) resulting in disastrous consequences for
the poor fools using it, whom you have conveniently failed to
Post by Vicegerent
Col. Horace J Blitzenburger
2006-08-19 10:57:59 UTC
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?
Is there any pile of BS you won't buy in an attempt to justify the U.S.
and Canadian governments as the object of your small time lawlessness?
Crazy, ain't it! Next he'll be saying the Earth is fat.
2006-08-19 16:22:00 UTC
Post by Col. Horace J Blitzenburger
Post by Abbot
Abbot) Tell us Eldon, are there any conspiracy theories you don't
swallow hook line and sinker?
Is there any pile of BS you won't buy in an attempt to justify
the U.S. and Canadian governments as the object of your small
time lawlessness?
Crazy, ain't it! Next he'll be saying the Earth is fat.
What, you mean it isn't ;-)
2006-08-20 14:36:11 UTC
Doesn't just take Paul Roberts to show that
Americans are arrogantly and ignorantly stupid
as a people - the damage control goons thoroughly
prove that on this thread - or, are they just your
standard Israeli/Zionist agents mouthing off?

Key Reagan advisor Hon. Paul Roberts:

"Gullible Americans have been duped by the 9/11 Hoax...
Wise up -- the world is laughing at you."

Who is Paul Craig Roberts?
· Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic
Policy under Ronald Reagan (awarded the Treasury
Department's Meritorious Service Award for "his
outstanding contributions to the formulation of United
States economic policy.")
· Senior Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution,
Stanford University, and Research Fellow at the
Independent Institute.
· Former editor and columnist for The Wall Street
Journal and columnist for Business Week and the
Scripps Howard News Service
· Held the William E. Simon Chair in Political
Economy at the Center for Strategic and International
Studies (1982 -1993)
· Distinguished Fellow at the Cato Institute from
1993 to 1996
· Olin Fellow at the Institute for Political Economy
· Nationally syndicated columnist for Investor's
Business Daily
· Winner of the 1992 Warren Brookes Award for
Excellence in Journalism
· Ranked "One of the top seven journalists" by
the Forbes Media Guide (1993)
· Author of, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, and
Marx's Theory of Exchange, Alienation and Crisis

Dr. Roberts was educated at the Georgia Institute of
Technology (B.S.), the University of Virginia (Ph.D.),
the University of California at Berkeley and Oxford
University where he was a member of Merton College.

He is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who
in the World, The Dictionary of International Biography,
Outstanding People of the Twentieth Century,
and 1000 Leaders of World Influence.

Could anyone in their right mind consider this man a
crackpot "conspiracy theorist"?
By Paul Craig Roberts
Information Clearing House

I was in China when a July Harris Poll reported that
50 percent of Americans still believe that Iraq had
weapons of mass destruction when Bush invaded
that country, and that 64 percent of Americans still
believe that Saddam Hussein had strong links with
Al Qaeda.

The Chinese leaders and intellectuals with whom I
was meeting were incredulous. How could a
majority of the population in an allegedly free
country with an allegedly free press be so totally

The only answer I could give the Chinese is that
Americans would have been the perfect population
for Mao and the Gang of Four, because Americans
believe anything their government tells them.

Americans never check any facts. Who do you
know, for example, who has even read the Report
of the 9/11 Commission, much less checked the
alleged facts reported in that document. I can
answer for you. You don't know anyone who
has read the report or checked the facts.

The two co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission
Report, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, have
just released a new book, "Without Precedent:
The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission." Kean
and Hamilton reveal that the commission
suppressed the fact that Muslim ire toward the
US is due to US support for Israel's persecution
and dispossession of the Palestinians, not to
our "freedom and democracy" as Bush
propagandistically claims.

Kean and Hamilton also reveal that the US
military committed perjury and lied about its
failure to intercept the hijacked airliners. The
commission even debated referring the
military's lies to the Justice Department for
criminal investigation. Why should we assume
that these admissions are the only coverups
and lies in the 9/11 Commission Report?

How do you know that 9/11 was a Muslim
terrorist plot? How do you know that THREE
World Trade Center buildings collapsed because
TWO were hit by airliners? You only "know"
because the government gave you the
explanation of what you saw on TV.
(Did you even know that three WTC
buildings collapsed?)

I still remember the enlightenment I experienced
as a student in Russian Studies when I learned
that the Czarist secret police would set off bombs
and then blame those whom they wanted to arrest.

When Hitler seized dictatorial power in 1933, he
told the Germans that his new powers were made
necessary by a communist terrorist attack on the
Reichstag. When Hitler started World War II by
invading Poland, he told the Germans that Poland
had crossed the frontier and attacked Germany.

Governments lie all the time--especially
governments staffed by neoconservatives whose
intellectual godfather, Leo Strauss, taught them that
it is permissible to deceive the public in order to
achieve their agenda.

Some readers will write to me to say that they
saw a TV documentary or read a magazine article
verifying the government's explanation of 9/11.
But, of course, these Americans did not check
the facts either--and neither did the people who
made the documentary and wrote the magazine

Scientists and engineers, such as Clemson
University Professor of Engineering Dr. Judy
Woods and BYU Professor of Physics
Dr. Steven Jones, have raised compelling
questions about the official account of the
collapse of the three WTC buildings.

The basic problem for the government's account
is that the buildings are known to have fallen at
freefall speed, a fact that is inconsistent with
the government's "pancaking" theory in which
debris from above collapsed the floors below.

If the buildings actually "pancaked," then each
floor below would have offered resistance to the
floors above, and the elapsed time would have
been much longer. These experts have also
calculated that the buildings did not have
sufficient gravitational energy to accommodate
the government's theory of the collapse.

It is certainly a known and non-controversial fact
among physicists and engineers that the only
way buildings can collapse at freefall speed
into their own footprints is by engineered demolition.
Explosives are used to remove the support of
floors below before the debris from above arrives.
Otherwise, resistance is encountered and the
time required for fall increases.

Engineered demolition also explains the
symmetrical collapse of the buildings into their
own foot prints. As it is otherwise improbable
for every point in floors below to weaken
uniformly, "pancaking" would result in
asymmetrical collapse as some elements
of the floor would give sooner than others.

Scientific evidence is a tough thing for the
American public to handle, and the government
knows it. The government can rely on people
dismissing things that they cannot understand
as "conspiracy theory." But if you are inclined
to try to make up your own mind, you can find
Dr. Jones' and Dr. Woods' papers, which have
been formally presented to their peers at
scientific meetings, on line at

Experts have also pointed out that the buildings'
massive steel skeletons comprised a massive
heat sink that wicked away the heat from the
limited, short-lived fires, thus preventing a heat
buildup. Experts also point out that the short-lived,
scattered, low-intensity fires could barely reach
half the melting point of steel even if they burned
all day instead of merely an hour.

Don't ask me to tell you what happened on 9/11.
All I know is that the official account of the
buildings' collapse is improbable.

Now we are being told another improbable tale.
Muslim terrorists in London and Pakistan were
caught plotting to commit mass murder by
smuggling bottles of explosive liquids on board
airliners in hand luggage. Baby formula, shampoo
and water bottles allegedly contained the tools
of suicide bombers.

How do we know about this plot? Well, the
police learned it from an "Islamic militant arrested
near the Afghan-Pakistan border several weeks
ago." And how did someone so far away know
what British-born people in London were plotting?

Do you really believe that Western and Israeli
intelligence services, which were too incompetent
to prevent the 9/11 attack, can uncover a London
plot by capturing a person on the Afghan border
in Pakistan? Why would "an Islamic militant" rat
on such a plot even if he knew of it?

More probable explanations of the "plot" are readily
available. According to the August 11 Wayne
Madsen Report, informed sources in the UK
report that "the Tony Blair government, under
siege by a Labor Party revolt, cleverly cooked
up a new 'terror' scare to avert the public's eyes
away from Blair's increasing political woes.

British law enforcement, neocon and intelligence
operatives in the US, Israel, and Britain, and Rupert
Murdoch's global media empire cooked up the
terrorist plot, liberally borrowing from the failed
1995 'Oplan Bjinka' plot by Pakistan - and
Philippines-based terrorist Ramzi Ahmad Yousef
to crash 11 trans-Pacific airliners bound from
Asia to the US."

There are other plausible explanations.
For example, our puppet in Pakistan decided
to arrest some people who were a threat to him.
With Bush's commitment to "building democracy
in the Middle East," our puppet can't arrest his
political enemies without cause, so he lays
the blame on a plot.

Any testimony against Muslim plotters by
"an Islamic militant" is certain to have been
bought and paid for.

Or consider this explanation. Under the
Nuremberg standard, Bush and Blair are war
criminals. Bush is so worried that he will be
held accountable that he has sent his attorney
general to consult with the Republican Congress
to work out legislation to protect Bush retroactively
from his violations of the Geneva Conventions.

Tony Blair is in more danger of finding himself
in the dock. Britain is signatory to a treaty that,
if justice is done, will place Blair before the
International Criminal Court in the Hague.

What better justification for the two war criminals'
illegal actions than the need to foil dastardly plots
by Muslims recruited in sting operations by
Western intelligence services? The more Bush
and Blair can convince their publics that terrorist
danger abounds, the less likely Bush and Blair
are ever to be held accountable for their crimes.

But surely, some readers might object, our
great moral leaders wouldn't do something
political like that!

They most certainly would. As Joshua Micah
Marshall wrote in the July 7 issue of Time magazine,
the suspicion is "quite reasonable" that "the Bush
Administration orchestrates its terror alerts
and arrests to goose the GOP's poll numbers."

Joshua Micah Marshall proves his conclusion
by examining the barrage of color-coded terror
alerts, none of which were real, and, yes,
it all fits with political needs.

And don't forget the plot unearthed in Miami
to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago. Described
by Vice President Cheney as a "very real threat,"
the plot turned out to be nothing more than a
few harmless whackos recruited by an FBI agent
sent out to organize a sting.

There was also the "foiled plot" to blow up the
Holland Tunnel and flood downtown New York
City with sea water. Thinking New Orleans,
the FBI invented this plot without realizing
that New York City is above sea level.
Of course, most Americans didn't realize it either.

For six years the Bush regime has been able
to count on the ignorant and naive American
public to believe whatever tale that is told them.
American gullibility has yet to fail the Bush regime.

The government has an endless number of
conspiracy theories, but only people who
question the government's conspiracies
are derided for "having a conspiracy theory."

The implication is even worse if we assume
that the explosive bottle plot is genuine.
It means that America and Britain by their
own aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan,
and by enabling Israel's war crimes in
Palestine and Lebanon, have created
such hatred that Muslims, who identify
with Bush's, Blair's, and Israel's victims,
are plotting retaliation.

But Bush is prepared. He has taught his
untutored public that "they hate us for our
freedom and democracy."

Gentle reader, wise up.
The entire world is laughing at you.

Posted by:
